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» Tell fortunes for the king of the crusade what will happen. Love fortune telling for the king

Tell fortunes for the king of the crusade what will happen. Love fortune telling for the king

Using playing cards for the king is one of the most famous and popular fortune telling today. Such fortune telling is especially popular during the New Year holidays and Christmas week. This is love fortune telling and is popular among girls. There are several types of fortune telling about the king. It can be performed on a variety of card decks.

Layout "Communication"

Has your chosen one started to move away from you? This fortune telling will help you find out what your chosen one is thinking about, what is going on with him now?

Fortune telling occurs when they tell fortunes about kings of different suits of cards. Depending on the situation. For diamonds, hearts, spades and crosses. A layout of this kind will tell you about your feelings for your chosen one, about his feelings for you. And, naturally, about what will happen between you later.

Fortune telling is carried out like this. A deck of cards is taken and the cards are shuffled. To tell fortunes from the deck you need to pull out the one you need. King of Diamonds pulled out if your chosen young man does not have a wife and is young and also good-looking.

Those fortunetelling about middle-aged or married need to choose king of hearts. Do you love an old man, an older man, or a man who already had a wife, but divorced her? Then feel free to take it king of clubs. Well, and finally king of spades. It is chosen if the chosen one is old or his wife has died.

The king is placed on the table. The deck is shuffled again. Your actions should continue to be like this. Listen to your inner voice and intuition and draw eight cards from the deck. We open the cards. The first and second are placed to the left of the king. The third and fourth ones go on top. We place the fifth and sixth cards to the right of the king. And we place the last two cards at the bottom.

The layout is ready. Each card will tell you something:

  • First the card will tell about the past.
  • Second will warn about a specific event that indicates the sphere of influence of the chosen one, will show what he is doing and what he is doing.
  • Third the card speaks of the present.
  • Fourth will indicate what you do together.
  • Fifth the card will tell you about the future, how the chosen one will influence him.
  • Sixth the card will tell you whether this future will be common to you.
  • Seventh the card will tell you about the man’s feelings towards you, answer the question - “What does he think about you?”
  • Eighth about how you feel about him and what you think about.

Simple fortune telling for the king

This fortune telling can be done on playing cards of any type; the deck will answer what is in your loved one’s heart and how you should behave with him. There is no need to learn to guess, everything is extremely simple, anyone can figure it out. All you need is a deck of 36 playing cards and your imagination. The deck of cards is in your hands for a short time. At the same time, you should imagine the face of your loved one.

Shuffle the cards and in your thoughts ask the question: “What awaits me with this person?” Start with the very first card (the one at the top above the others), start laying them out, turning them over as you do so. When you turn over the cards, say: six, seven, eight, nine, jack, queen, king, ace. Those cards that match your spoken words are put aside. Thus, you need to go through the entire deck of cards.

Let's assume such a moment. Not a single card came out at the same time as what you said. This will mean that the future with your loved one is uncertain, or it will not exist at all.

Card designation


  • Six. A date awaits you.
  • Seven. You will have a good and pleasant time in the company of your chosen one.
  • Eight. Satisfaction from communication. Perhaps even of a scrupulous nature with hints of intimacy.
  • Nine. He confesses to you that he loves you very much.
  • Ten. The man of your dreams will ask you to marry him.
  • Jack. An uninvited guest will interrupt your date.
  • Lady. He has one or a favorite.
  • King. A new lover, the person you are wondering about. Because of it, you can forget the one you love now.
  • Ace. Letter of love.


  • Six. An enjoyable trip with your loved one.
  • Seven. You have a rival.
  • Eight. Hateful feelings.
  • Nine. There may be an obstacle on the way to your loved one.
  • Ten. Expect a gift, a gift.
  • Jack. A person you completely trust.
  • Lady. You yourself will cheat on him.
  • King. A lover who will be rejected.
  • Ace. You will remain friends.


  • Six. The date will fail, and the trip will be useless and unnecessary.
  • Seven. Flirting and sympathy.
  • Eight. Tears await you. You will cry.
  • Nine. Negative consequences of the past.
  • Ten. Deception and false hopes.
  • Jack. An enemy who cares about you.
  • Lady. You will be his faithful girlfriend.
  • King. Rival. He will ruin your relationship.
  • Ace. Sad news, a disaster that destroys everything.


  • Six. You will be on the road together, but you will not know happiness.
  • Seven. You'll have a big fight.
  • Eight. An unpleasant conversation will end in tears.
  • Nine. You won't be friends. Beloved ones too.
  • Ten. Fierce enemies.
  • Jack. You've got a liar.
  • Lady. Evil or rival.
  • King. A rival who will ruin plans and relationships.
  • Ace. Trouble, sad news.

These fortune telling often come true. We live in a world of information, which is energy, and we ourselves do not notice the magic happening around us. Guess, and you will learn a lot of new, unusual, interesting things about yourself and your loved ones.

Fortune telling about the king is a magical prediction that has several options depending on whether you want to tell fortunes about one young man or several at the same time.

When you want to know what a guy thinks about a girl, how he treats her and what prospects they may have in the future, many representatives of the fair half of humanity remember magical rituals.

Various fortune tellings are performed at almost any time of the day and help to find out the answers to a variety of questions, including love ones.


Before you begin the process of fortune-telling, you should find out what the rituals for the king are. Depending on how many guys you want to perform the ritual on, there are the following rituals:

Fortune telling about the king is a ritual for one guy. It is carried out when you have a lover who reciprocates your feelings or whose feelings you do not yet know. The main rule is that you can only guess for one young man.

A ritual for four kings - magic for several guys at once. As a rule, the ritual is performed on three young people at once who the fortune-telling girl likes. The fourth is a stranger. Naturally, you can wish for a man on all four cards, but it will be more effective to leave one as a stranger, giving the cards the opportunity to predict a new acquaintance for you.

Ritual for a young man

This ritual will require a standard deck of cards, which was previously used only for magic. Remember that the deck you played with is not suitable. Having chosen from the deck any king that in some way resembles a lover (this may be on an intuitive level), placing your palm on it, you should say the guy’s name out loud. Now you can start fortune telling, having first removed the remaining kings.

Having shuffled the cards well, you need to draw seven random ones, which will tell you everything.

First, left - what connected you in the past;
The second is the guy’s thoughts in the past;
The third is feelings for the fortuneteller;
The fourth is the guy's present;
Fifth - his thoughts about the girl;
Sixth – the future;
Seventh, right – dreams.

Now you can see the values:


Six – date, meeting;
Seven – love, good relationships;
Eight - pleasant memories;
Nine – reciprocity, reciprocal feelings;
Ten - boredom, melancholy, sadness;
Jack - help from a friend in love affairs;
The lady is a rival;
Ace - wedding.


Six - minor problems that will soon be resolved;
Seven – gift, surprise;
Eight – thoughts about a loved one;
Nine - pleasant worries, preparation for the holiday;

Jack - small things that will bring you closer together;
Lady - help from a friend or relative;
Ace - quarrel, disagreement.


Six – money problems;
Seven - not to be together;
Eight – love;
Nine – problematic relationships;
Ten – reciprocal feelings;
Jack – ambiguous attitude;
Lady - fidelity;
Ace - a gift, a present, a surprise.


Six – sadness, separation;
Seven – vivid impressions;
Eight - a pleasant meeting;
Nine - some problems;
Ten - a happy future;
Jack - short-term romance;
Lady - in love with another;
Ace – birth of a child.

As you can see, with such a simple ritual you can learn a lot about the young man and what awaits you in the future. Please note that it is not recommended to guess, since the veracity of the ritual will be significantly reduced.

Rite for four men

If several men occupy an important place in your life, with some of whom you could easily have a relationship, then this ritual is suitable. For each of the four kings you need to wish for a man. It is best to leave one of them as a stranger, because this is how magic will indicate a new, pleasant acquaintance.

Having wished for a guy for each of them, they need to be placed face down. Now the remaining cards are shuffled and pushed towards themselves with the little finger of the right hand, this part is removed down. Next, the cards are laid out one at a time under each of the kings. Those of them that are repeated, that is, in a row, will be your meaning for this man. You can get sixes, sevens, and so on... of any stripe.

If this does not happen, then the cards on this day will not give you an accurate answer. Below you can see the meanings of the repeating cards.

Sixes - you are suitable, but much depends on chance;
Sevens - date;
Eights - short-term romance;
Nines - love;
Tens – good prospects;
Jacks - relationship with his friend or buddy;
Ladies - there is another girl;
Aces - wedding.

Please note that the cards are laid out only once in this ritual. There is no need to repeat, even if nothing falls out.

Fortune telling by 4 kings online is a ritual that many girls performed in childhood. If you are now popular among men and don’t know which of your suitors to choose, then use a simple ritual that can be done online for free or.

The alignment of four kings was carried out by our ancestors if they were not sure with which partner they would have a bright future. Four cards are involved in the ritual. Each of them symbolizes a specific man.

You can use fewer kings if the number of suitors is different. After the person identifies which of the pictures each man belongs to, then you can begin the ceremony.

You will get the answer to the most important question:

How does he treat me... and what future awaits me with him?

Be sure that you will receive a definite answer. It won't be blurry or hazy.

It is important to concentrate before performing the ritual. It is best to imagine in front of you the people for whom the alignment is being carried out. At the time of the ceremony, you should not be sick or angry.

You can make a schedule only if you tune in to positive emotions and a good result. Only in this case will the answer be truthful, and the cards will reveal all the secrets of the relationship.

In contact with

Men are mysterious creatures, and it is often impossible to figure out what a particular individual feels without maps. Over many centuries of using cards for this purpose, more than one fortune-telling for the dear king and queen has been invented. Let's look at some of the simplest and most popular layouts.

Fortune telling about the king using the “Communication” cards

This layout for the king will allow you to find out what connects you with your loved one; fortune telling will tell you what his attitude towards your feelings is, and what will happen between you.

Take the deck, shuffle it and draw out the king to be dealt with. Fortune telling for the king of diamonds is done if your chosen one is young and unmarried, but if you are fortune telling for a married or middle-aged man, then you should choose the king of hearts. The king of clubs (cross) in fortune telling is used if you are thinking of a divorced or elderly man, and the king of spades denotes a widower or an old man.

Place the chosen king on the table and shuffle the deck again. Listening to yourself, draw 8 cards at random from the deck. When opening them, place 1 and 2 cards to the left of the king, 3 and 4 on top, 5 and 6 on the right, and 7 and 8 on the bottom.

The first card will indicate the influence of your loved one on your past, the second - what specific event fell into the sphere of his influence. The third card will show what connects you now, and the fourth will show your joint affairs. The fifth card speaks about the influence of your lover on the future, and the sixth will tell you whether you will have it in common. The seventh card contains information about how a man perceives your feelings, and the eighth card contains information about how.

Fortune telling with cards for queen and king

Choose a pair from the deck to guess on. An unmarried girl and a young man are the king and queen of hearts; for those burdened with marriage, cards of the club suit are chosen. When you wish for a man, repeat his name to yourself several times. Next, shuffle the selected 2 cards and place them face down in front of you. Now shuffle the remaining cards, skim several times with your left hand towards the heart and take out any card. Place it face down between the first two cards. Now lay out the open cards in pairs from the top of the deck. If there are cards of the same value in one column, then they must be put aside in the direction in which they fell. And in their place put a card from the adjacent column. In this way, you need to “drive” the entire deck three times, shuffling the cards before each new layout.

After this, you can begin to interpret. A card located between the queen and king signifies the obstacles facing the couple. The cards that flank the king and queen symbolize the feelings they are experiencing or events that will happen soon.

  1. Sixes mean that the solution to problems will be related to the road, and a long separation from home is possible.
  2. Sevens - a long-awaited and warm meeting.
  3. Eights are a time for a heart-to-heart conversation, you both need it.
  4. Nines are problems with problems, but you still need to take care of yourself. Don’t forget about this, and soon the tactic will give you a pleasant bonus in the form of a romantic meeting or.
  5. Tens – mutual interest.
  6. Jacks – with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, find time to relax.
  7. Ladies are a new passion for a man, a rival for a woman.
  8. The king is a new hobby for a woman, and a rival for a man.
  9. Ace - be attentive to the people around you, perhaps the love of your life is nearby.

Fortune telling for the king

Shuffle the cards and place them face down on piles, their number should match the number of letters in your lover's name. Having laid out all the cards, take the first pile and place the cards from it on the remaining ones. Then take the pile that contained the last card. Do this until there is 1 stack left. Now lay out the open cards one at a time, removing identical pairs of cards to the side. After this, look at the interpretation of the cards dealt to you.

These are only the simplest fortune-telling for the king, the basics, so to speak; in fact, there are a great many layouts, but most of them should be started when you have become familiar with the symbolic language of the cards.

Experienced fortune tellers recognize love fortune telling on cards for the king as one of the most reliable and popular, since the symbol of the Lord is the embodiment of the desired betrothed of any single female representative.

By fortune telling the King, a girl can find out about the feelings that her lover has for her, who he thinks she is, what she means to him and, in general, whether she means anything. All fortune telling of this nature is quite simple and does not require special knowledge or preparation. However, 100% reliable information cannot be guaranteed. Any magic only predicts, a person makes a wish, but the Lord God disposes. Although much still depends on ourselves, our words and actions. And if you need a push for decisive action and it could be fortune telling, then let's get down to one of them.

Fortune telling on a playing deck

For this fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 units, new, never played. Shuffle, take it towards you with your left hand, guess the suit of the betrothed, then lay out the cards one at a time on the table, saying:

  • On the first - “King of Hearts (Spades, Diamonds, Clubs)”;
  • On the second - “tell me, dear”;
  • On the third - “do you love me?”;
  • Fourth - “I love you”;
  • Fifth – “with all my heart”;
  • On the sixth - “with all my soul”;
  • On the seventh - “but there is someone better than you.”

If the laid out cards do not contain the one that represents the beloved, continue the layout further, accompanying it with the same words. If the hidden king appears on the phrases “tell me, dear” or “do you love me,” this will mean that the object of your adoration does not yet understand what he feels for you. And if a young man comes up with the phrase “Such and such (hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs) king,” this will be evidence that he loves you.

How to tell fortunes about the object of love

Take a queen and a king from the deck. Use red suits if you are unmarried, cross suits for married ones. When choosing a man’s symbol in the deck, mentally repeat the name of your loved one several times.

Shuffle the stack thoroughly, place it face down on the table, remove it from above with your left hand towards you, placing the removed decks underneath.

Now, from the top of the deck, take cards one at a time and place them face down on the king and queen one by one. Cards of the same value that end up on top of each other are removed and placed next to the pile in which they ended up, while the last one from the opposite pile is transferred to the pile from which the last two were taken.

The layout is repeated three times, while the deck is constantly shuffled. At the end of the fortune telling, the closed king and queen are turned over and are subject to detailed analysis in conjunction with the cards that are next to them.

Fortune telling with cards is an ancient means of obtaining answers to important questions.

The cards that lie near the Man are his feelings for the fortune-telling woman, as well as events that will happen in his life in the very near future. Cards related to Woman are also interpreted. At the beginning of the fortune telling, a card was placed between the Man and the Woman, which is a symbol of an obstacle that prevents them from meeting in the designated way.

Fortune telling for a lover

This fortune telling, like any other, for example, for 4 kings, is based on the relationship between a Woman and a Man. A regular playing deck of 36 units is taken, and the King and Queen of the corresponding suits are taken out of it. They are placed on the table, the deck is shuffled, shifted with the left hand, and the removed cards are placed at the bottom of the deck.

Afterwards, you need to remove one card at a time and lay them out clockwise on 4 sides of the King and Queen, they all talk about the feelings that the lover has for the fortuneteller, and also reveal events from the future.

Interpretation of cards:

  • Ace - love.
  • The king is a friend.
  • The lady is a rival.
  • Jack - troubles.
  • Ten – interest.
  • Nine - kiss.
  • Eight - conversation.
  • Seven - meeting.
  • Six is ​​the road.