Automobile site - Behind the wheel

Automobile site - Behind the wheel

» Chapter II. History of the company's development

Chapter II. History of the company's development

ProektStroy Group LLC traces its history back to 1996, when a division of TransexGazproekt LLC was created on the basis of GazNIIproekt CJSC and Samaratransgaz LLC, which specialized in carrying out survey and design work on the design of gas facilities.

In 2000, a decision was made to expand the scope of the enterprise’s activities in the field of design and move away from narrow specialization. LLC "TransexGazproekt" completely became the property of LLC "Samaratransgaz" and LLC "ProektStroy" was organized, which, along with projects for gas facilities, began to carry out projects for public, industrial, residential buildings, and utility networks. Our own material and technical base was formed and the latest survey equipment was purchased.

In 2003, the production capacity of one organization became insufficient for the volume of design work being performed. In order to optimize the production process, ProektStroy Group LLC was organized as a leading organization that was supposed to combine several developing commercial areas: research, design, engineering, commercial digital printing. The entire design process was reorganized, modern computer design, planning and document management tools were introduced, and new engineering equipment was purchased.

Since 2003, the main areas of activity of the group of companies have been distributed as follows:

  • LLC "ProektStroy" - engineering surveys.
  • ProektStroy Group LLC - design work, commercial digital printing, formation of a new direction: customer-developer, engineering services.

In 2005, the new direction was separated into a separate structure - StroyEngineering LLC, which served as a customer-developer. A number of projects were implemented to make economic calculations and justify investments, which in turn in 2008 were to be translated into the construction of 4 car showrooms and a large exhibition business center in the village of Krasny Pakhar, Samara. However, the global financial crisis prevented the implementation of the plans, investors sold their assets, and construction was frozen. At the end of 2010, due to the introduction of mechanisms for regulating the construction industry on the basis of SROs and low demand for the services of the customer-developer, it was decided to liquidate StroyEngineering LLC as an independent structure. Since 2010, engineering services have been provided by ProektStroy Group LLC.

Currently, ProektStroy Group LLC has managed to overcome the consequences of the crisis and has retained its material and technical base, the main backbone of the creative team. And despite the decreased volume of work and the difficulties associated with the transition period to restore the country’s economy, he is optimistic about the future and does not intend to stop there. The organization plans to further modernize design production based on modern automation equipment, optimize production, reduce production costs and move to a new high-quality level of design.


The development of economic and social relations, the expansion of networks and enterprises and the increase in their size, the emergence of new connections between enterprises and industries, the increase in flows and volumes of information - all this has led to a sharp complication of management tasks.

The increasing complexity of the tasks being solved in the field of management has, in turn, led to a change in the nature of management processes.

A modern leader must be able to make decisions in situations characterized by numerous factors and mutual connections. Therefore, management problems required new methods of solution.

The use of computers significantly increases the efficiency of management, but this requires active human participation in the management process. It is he who makes the final decision based on an assessment of various design options, taking into account the additional data at his disposal.

Production and technological practice is an organic part of the educational process and has the goal of consolidating and deepening the knowledge acquired in the process of theoretical activity, introducing the student to socially useful work and linking the acquired theoretical knowledge with real production conditions.

Industrial technological practice should be carried out at basic enterprises (organizations) under the guidance of experienced specialists.

During industrial technological practice, student interns work according to the regime established for a given enterprise and are subject to the internal regulations of this organization.

Purpose production and technological practice is the study by students of a real enterprise and working conditions on it, obtaining applied skills in the development and maintenance of programs, studying information flows and document management, methods of storing and processing information, collecting materials for a report and preliminary selection of a likely topic for a diploma project.

In addition, during their internship, student interns must also take an active part in the social life of the enterprise.

Brief history of the development of the enterprise.

Kazelectromash LLP was founded in Semipalatinsk in 1991. as an enterprise whose main activity is performing a wide range of electrical installation work, from installation and commissioning of transformer substations to the construction of overhead and cable power lines.

Over the years of work in the field of electric power industry, the electrical installation departments of Kazelectromash LLP have installed more than one hundred kilometers of cable lines, more than one hundred kilometers of overhead power lines, tens of kilometers of outdoor lighting lines have been put into operation, the engineering and technical personnel of the enterprise have carried out the construction and further maintenance of more than 50 transformer substations.

A new milestone in the history of the enterprise's development was 1993, when a technological line for the production of cable and wire products was purchased and installed, based on the use of drawing aluminum (copper) wire rod to the required cross-section and coating the finished wire with insulating plastic using the extrusion method. All installed equipment is modern, easy to operate and set up, and has proven itself well among similar types of equipment. In 1994, as a result of the installation of cigar-type twisting machines, the range of products was supplemented with non-insulated wires of grades A, AS, PS. The achievement of today was the commissioning of a wire enameling line.

In recent years, Kazelektromash LLP has turned into a modern enterprise for the production of cable and wire products, equipped with first-class equipment, which currently produces installation wires of the APPV brand with 2 and 3 core sections from 1.5 to 4 mm2, power cables of the AVVG, VVG brands with sections from 2.5 to 35 mm2, uninsulated wires of the AS, A and PS grades, enameled wires.

Currently, Kazelectromash LLP has the production and technical capabilities to independently carry out electrical installation work anywhere in Kazakhstan. A wide range of products, short lead times for orders, affordable prices and a flexible system of discounts have allowed the company to gain a strong foothold in the industry market and acquire regular partners.

The director of Kazelektromash LLP, Raspopin Vitaly Leonidovich, sees the immediate prospects for the development of the enterprise in increasing production volumes by expanding the sales market and acquiring new partners, both in Kazakhstan and abroad, as well as in the development of new types of products, the introduction of modern types of packaging.

2. The structure of the enterprise in graphical form. Interrelation of departments

Department functions:

1. Founder - founder, organizer, participating in the formation of property and having assumed obligations in accordance with the constituent documents, finances the activities of the enterprise, receives a percentage of the profits generated, makes financial and property contributions to the capital of the company, and acquires property.

2. Director – monitors the progress of the assigned tasks.

3. An accountant is a specialist who maintains trade and accounting books according to accounting rules, controls the income and expenses of the enterprise and pays wages to employees.

4. Employees – the rights and obligations of a person who has entered into an employment relationship with the conclusion of an employment contract. A person who has entered into an employment contract has the right, in accordance with Article 2 of the Labor Code: to working conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements; for compensation for damage caused by injury in connection with work; to equal remuneration for equal work without any discrimination and not less than the minimum amount established by law; for rest, ensured by the establishment of maximum working hours, shortened working hours for a number of professions and jobs, the provision of weekly days off, holidays, as well as paid annual leave; to unite in trade unions; for social security by age, in case of loss of ability to work and in other cases established by law; to judicial protection of their labor rights. The employee, as a party to the employment contract, is not only endowed with rights, but also assumes the fulfillment of responsibilities. The employee is obliged to: conscientiously perform job duties; observe labor discipline; treat the organization’s property with care; comply with established labor standards. These responsibilities are specified in laws that apply to certain categories of employees, in other regulations, as well as in the employment contract. If an employee assumes the responsibility to combine professions or perform related operations, then the employment contract provides a list of these works and their volumes.

11.11.14 10.4K

Even 20 years ago it was still difficult to imagine that computers would become so firmly entrenched in the everyday life of every person.

Work, relax, communicate - all this can be done using a device with Internet access. And being on the World Wide Web and not knowing what Google is is the same as living in Paris and missing the Eiffel Tower.

Advanced search technologies and a huge number of useful services have made this company the true king of the Internet.

Who do you need to be to conquer the world? For some, this will require an army of well-trained soldiers, and for others, beauty. But nowadays more and more people are gaining recognition and respect for their intelligence.

Many biographies of famous personalities contain descriptions of ordinary guys who started creating in their own garage. All they had initially were brains with bright ideas.

The history of Google began with precisely these young people who were ready to work hard to bring their plans to life:

The path from zero to billions

There is a deep domestic trace in the formation and development of Google. The talented mathematician Sergei Brin, who emigrated to the United States at the age of five, was at the very beginning of the company and still manages it today:

To understand the amazing transformation from “nothing” to a giant at the forefront of modern technology, it is necessary to note the most important stages in the development of Google.
  • 1995 Sergey Brin volunteered to give a tour of Stanford University to students, one of whom was Larry Page. The student and the “tour guide” immediately began to argue about everything in the world, which became the basis for further strong friendship and the same cooperation;
  • 1996 Development of a search system, the operation of which was based on PageRank technology, the essence of which is the ranking of sites depending on the link juice obtained using backlinks. This technology was a real revolution, since previously the main criterion for search engines was the number of keywords on a resource page;
  • 1997 Google has found its name. It’s simply impossible to imagine how much information there is on the World Wide Web, so Sergey and Larry decided to choose as the name the number that is closest to “ it's impossible to imagine how much" A googol is a hundred zeros added to one. The spelling of the word was slightly corrected for euphony;
  • August 1998. The only question Andy Bechtolsteim (one of the founders of Sun) was: " In whose name should the check be written??. One hundred thousand dollars went to the account of the not yet born Google Inc;
  • September 1998. The company moves to its first office - a garage. There are already 3 employees on staff.
  • February 1999. The company already has 8 people and rents an office in Palo Alto.
  • September 1999. Moving to our own building located in Mountain View.
  • year 2000. Google signs an agreement with Yahoo, becoming the main provider of information search services and the largest search engine in the world.
  • year 2001. The company expanded its influence in South America. The search engine's index includes 3 billion documents.
  • 2002 A new office opens in Sydney.
  • 2003 Google buys Pyra Labs, whose best-known technology was Blogger.
  • 2004 The main office is moving to a new building, the number of employees has increased to 800 people. Google goes public for the first time, offering its shares on NASDAQ. Larry Page and Sergey Brin become billionaires.

Subsequently, things went better and better for Google, and today it is no longer possible to imagine using the Internet without the popular services that the company has developed.

Services we can't live without

Throughout its existence, Google wasted no time. The company has developed a huge number of useful services, the most popular of which should at least be listed:

  • Google+ is a social network launched in 2011. A distinctive feature is the Google Circles system:
  • Google Docs is a service that allows you to create text documents, tables and presentations. Data can be saved in cloud storage;
  • Google Drive is a virtual drive on which you can store up to 15 GB of your own information and access it from anywhere in the world:
  • AdSense – contextual advertising that is automatically placed according to the topic of the page;
  • Analytics is a tool for developers and SEO optimizers. Provides detailed statistics on the operation of a web resource:
  • Gmail – email;
  • Maps – geographic maps with which you can easily calculate the route to your destination:
  • News – news generated from the headlines of the most popular publications in the world. The composition of categories is displayed according to user preferences;
  • Play – game application store;
  • Picasa is a service that allows you to work with images.

Your personal browser

One of the company's outstanding achievements was the creation of the Google Chrome browser, which immediately proved to be competitive in a market where, it would seem, there could be no competition.

Many people don’t know how to write a company history. Which side to approach the future text from, what should it contain and what to focus on. Therefore, new stories about dynamically developing companies and creative teams of international professionals are constantly appearing on the Internet.

I would like to ask a question to the owners of such sites - Do you yourself believe in what is written? I think no.

Moreover, the problem lies elsewhere. The whole text looks like self-praise. The company exalts itself, shakes off the dust from its pedestal and hangs fake medals. This discourages and does not in any way encourage people to work with such an organization.

Remember that all people are selfish. We focus primarily on ourselves and loved ones. Therefore, you need to write a text about the company with an emphasis on the reader. Difficult? Certainly!

Address the problems of your target audience

Look at large international companies. They almost always begin the story with a description of how their creator or team of specialists came up with an impressive idea. Whether it’s a very tasty drink or diapers, it doesn’t matter, the presentation is important.

It is usually said that a person did something for himself and appreciated the result. And then I thought that I needed to make the lives of those around me better. And further text is served with sauce "we work for you". The technique works flawlessly.

Try to cover the most important questions. Surely your consumers have doubts, for example, long waits for orders or long queues. Rest assured that this will not happen to them. Just don’t lie, otherwise you will achieve a negative marketing effect.

This technique is used almost everywhere. Especially when you order. Everything revolves around the problems of the target audience.

How to get into the problems of your target audience

A good idea is to allocate a separate block to cover the problems of the target audience.

For example, let's say you deliver pizza. The main problem of the target audience is the quality of dishes and speed of delivery. Play this out in a text about the company:

« In 2007 we expanded the hot shop. We installed new equipment from company N and began baking up to 100 pizzas per hour. No loss of quality.

To ensure that you always receive hot food, we have changed our approach to delivery. We select couriers more carefully, carry out monthly vehicle maintenance, and have installed navigators that show traffic jams. The courier will reach you in 1 hour, even in snowfall and the apocalypse. Or you'll get free pizza».

Do you see? We raised the problems of the target audience, showed what we did to solve them and what results this led to. It is both a story and an advertisement. Try to use this technique in a block about the growth and development of the company.

Engage in dialogue with clients

Since you need to tell the company's story and not miss the marketing effect, try to immediately enter into a dialogue with the client. Raise important questions and answer them immediately. You can communicate with the visitor personally, that is, greet him and positively invite him to dive into the history of the company. The technique is effective and suitable for almost any company.

How to enter into dialogue with the reader

Use appeals to your target audience appropriately. In the spirit of “we did something for you.” For example, " We have updated our taxi fleet to improve travel comfort. Now executive class cars with air conditioning and a minibar will come to you. Ride comfortably».

Talk to the reader in other blocks. For example, talking about the very idea of ​​​​creating a company. " In 2001, we analyzed the real estate market and realized that there were few honest realtors on it. And we realized - it’s time to solve this problem so that you can buy a quality apartment without any pitfalls».

Are you feeling the rhetoric? We address the client directly. We show him the benefits or tell him a personal story. This is cooler than a dry listing of facts and achievements.

Give a development story that solves customer problems

You can talk about key milestones. For example, opening a new branch or introducing advanced technology. The important thing here is to connect the event to customer problems.

For example, your target audience wanted fewer queues. And you solved this by introducing a system of electronic coupons. That is, show that your task is to solve customer problems, and not just generate profit.

Keep your target audience at the center and try to interest her in working with you. Proceed as if. But more careful, more secretive.

How to show a history of development with solving customer problems

Keep the reader at the center of attention, even if you list the company's milestones.

Start by sketching out your main milestones on paper. In 2001, we bought new machines, in 2004 we expanded the plant by 2 more workshops, and in 2008 we introduced technology to improve product quality. Write whatever comes to mind.

Then clean up the story of any parts that are not helpful to the reader. For example, there is no interest in the next shareholders meeting or corporate holiday. This is a topic for a press release or news.

Take the remaining facts and twist them towards the reader. For example:

  • We bought new machines from company Y and increased product quality by 21%. Now your washing machine will last 2 years longer! Save on technology wisely.
  • We built 2 new workshops and entered foreign markets. The cost of all products fell by 15% and retained the same quality. You will have money left over for nice little things and useful accessories.
  • We have introduced new window soundproofing technology. The apartment will become 40% quieter - even the loudest alarm will not interfere with your rest.

Take an important event, see what it led to, apply it to the interests of clients and write. This way you will get to the heart of your target audience.

Show professionalism

Since it is impossible without important events and successful transactions, this can confirm your professionalism. Post diplomas, interesting examples of work, or just famous clients. Ideal if you worked with large companies known to everyone.

Don't slip into formalism. Try to present such an important topic with a positive attitude and show that they trust you for a reason.

How to show professionalism and expertise

There are several options here:

  • Post the diplomas and sign them. Tell us in a few words why you received them, what was done for this. Maybe you learned something while participating in the next competition?
  • Show big clients. Tell them what you did for them. Show photos of the project and describe the results you achieved. Briefly, leave a full analysis for the case. The main thing is to remember the signed NDAs so as not to blurt out too much.
  • Show us your coolest project. Is there something unreal, large and expensive in the bins? Show it. Make a separate block in the spirit of “in 2010, we built a complex spherical house in the region.” Next, briefly tell us about the uniqueness of the project and what you learned. Translate the text into the reader's world by adding how your new skills will help future clients.

Give the company a face

Most companies prefer to hide behind faceless images. As a result, people get the impression that they will be working with a room manager. Such an invisible person does not cause emotional feedback.

Therefore, a good solution would be to post photos of important employees. Or even a short video presentation of the company. This will humanize the organization in the eyes of the visitor, giving additional trust.

Here you can add principles, ideas and ideals. Show that you work not only for profit. In addition to it, there is some kind of mission, aspirations and social responsibility.

It is worth noting that I myself do not always follow this point. You can see this on the site, where I appear in the image of a Lemur copywriter.

How to properly give a face to a company

  1. Make a stand with your branding. Or take a photo against a background of a single-color canvas, and then replace it with branding.
  2. Take a photo of each employee. First you will have to work with those who doubt their appearance. Support them, include them in the process of preparing and processing photos. The more interested a person is, the less nervous he is.
  3. Post photos on the website. Sign: who it is, what it does, how it helps clients.

Remember: you cannot use stock photos. All these images of Harolds smiling forcefully reduce the credibility of the site. Any person who has been on the Internet for more than a month will immediately burn fake photos.

Hook the client

It is not enough to simply write all the necessary information in the company history. You also need to retain the client by constantly reminding him of yourself. And this can be achieved without running after every visitor.

Just place a newsletter subscription form at the end or a call to join a group on social networks. In exchange, you can promise a free book, small bonuses, or simply regular sending of interesting and important information.

The result is obvious. The client is hooked and constantly thinks about your company. Therefore, when he needs the appropriate services, the right brand will immediately pop up in his brain.

How to lure a client into a sales funnel

  1. Make the shapes noticeable without being annoying.
  2. Make it easy to subscribe. Minimum fields to fill out and action in one click.
  3. Work with the audience. Set up a welcome message. Let the client see that you have your finger on the pulse right away.
  4. Send out interesting information regularly. Send out a newsletter once every one or two weeks. No spam. Let the user feel comfortable and trust you.

Remember how the Big Three SMM specialists do this. Beeline regularly teases MTS and vice versa. They all look for controversial or interesting user posts and respond to them. Such tweets and posts on social networks regularly appear on major entertainment resources. And this means virality and conversion growth.


Writing a company history is a very interesting and non-trivial task. You need to balance between information content and narrative elements. Each organization has to choose its own “ingredient ratio”.

I'd say sometimes it's easier to compose . But every company has something to tell. It is important to dig into the available information, split the owners and convey the essence to the reader.

Based on the above, you can try to create a convincing text yourself. Play with formats, include new items or remove old ones. The result may be interesting.

Or just contact Lemur Copywriter. I will write you an interesting text about the company that will attract users.

history of the companyApple(Apple) started in a garage, like many other American startups. Its founders are two friends: and Steve Wozniak.

Friends started collecting computers and selling them. After selling several dozen of them, they formalized their business by creating a company Apple Computer, Inc. It happened April 1, 1976.

Until 2007, the company bore its original name. Since 2007 "Computer" was removed, as the company began to work not only in the field of computers and software, but also in household appliances.

"First personal"

The advantage of a computer from Apple was that he was actually the “first personal” for real. Bigger brother « Altair" could only handle the simplest functions. Jobs and Wozniak managed to create a more advanced machine.

Apple II

After its initial success, Apple quickly began to gain popularity. Released in 1977 AppleII has become truly widespread. At first it was released with an 8-bit operating system, and a little later - with a 16-bit operating system.

Late 70s - early 80sXX century Apple II and their modifications were the most common personal computers (PCs) in the world. More than 5 million Apple II computers have been sold worldwide.

Entering the NASDAQ stock exchange

In 1980, one of the largest in the history of the stock market (precisely for that period) took place with the initial IPO of Apple Computer Inc. began selling its shares. The company's shares are traded on one of the world's largest exchanges - NASDAQ.

A difficult stage in Apple's development

In the spring of 1981, Steve Wozniak was involved in a plane crash and was forced to retire for a while. In addition, there were problems with sales "Apple III". All this led to Jobs simply being forced to fire about 40 Apple employees.

Journalists and all media have already condemned the businessApple "to death" The company's history was about to end...

New company president

In early 1983, Steve Jobs invited him to the position of president of Apple. John Scully, who at that time held a similar position in "PepsiCo". Jobs had a hard time managing the company's affairs on his own.

As a founder, Jobs felt deeply about the company's failures. He perceived them as his own, so misunderstandings and various tensions began to arise between him and Scully.

First Macintosh

In 1984, Apple first introduced a new 32-bit computer Macintosh. This was a real breakthrough in the history of the company. It was thanks to Mackintosh that the company mainly made profits in the future.

For two decades, the company produced Macintosh computers based on Motoro processors.lla, equipped with a proprietary operating system. This platform is released only under the Apple brand without any licenses to third parties.

Crucial moment

In 1985 2 important events happened in the history of Apple:

  1. US President Ronald Reagan presented the company's founders with medals for their powerful technological breakthrough.
  2. Steve Jobs, who disagreed with the company's board of directors, left his post.

Long fall

After the departure of the founder and spiritual leader the company continued its decline. Despite the fact that various measures were taken to release products other than PCs, they did not receive further development.

By 1997, Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy - its debts amounted to almost 2 billion dollars.

The Return of Steve Jobs

Perhaps the history of Apple would have ended at the turn of the millennium if it had not been for the return of the company's founder, Steve Jobs, to the post of leader.

In 1997 he returned, and by the end of 1998 the company began to show the first small profit, removing the stigma of being “bankrupt.” This was a real success for Apple and Jobs.

Into the new millennium with new technologies

On the threshold of the third millennium, the revolution in the world of new technologies was in full swing. Steve Jobs “caught the wave” and began to take Apple to new product markets:

  • In 2001, the company introduced an audio player iPod, which quickly gained popularity.
  • In 2003 the company opened iTunes Store- a popular online supermarket of digital audio, video and gaming content.
  • And in 2007 it entered the market of mobile phones with touchscreen iPhone smartphone.

New heights

Having noticeably squeezed out competitors and taken a strong place in the market, Apple continued and continues its development, which, however, decreased in 2016.

In 2010 it was released to the market iPad tablet computer.

The release and sale of products such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad, which were in high demand around the world, improved Apple's financial position, bringing greater profits to the company.

Important milestones in the history of Apple development in recent years

  • In August 2011, Apple became the first the most expensive company world in terms of market capitalization, surpassing the oil company ExxonMobil, before the end of the year they changed places more than once, but since January 2012, Apple managed to gain a permanent foothold in first place.
  • On September 21, 2012, Apple shares reached their maximum during trading - $705,07 per share, capitalization amounted to $662.09 billion.
  • In 2013, Apple was the first corporation to begin mass production of 64-bit ARM architecture chips, releasing the 64-bit Apple A7 dual-core microprocessor.
  • In 2014, the corporation introduced its first personal, wearable device - Apple Watch. On November 13, 2014, Apple again broke its record on the stock market - its capitalization was $663.43 billion.

In 2016 at the annual conference WWDC-2016 Apple Corporation announced that the brand's devices will operate on the principle of end-to-end encryption: information will be encoded on the device that transmits it and decoded by the receiving gadget.
This is planned to be used when making voice calls, as well as on the new messenger.