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» Riddles about modern cartoons for children. Riddles about cartoon and fairy tale characters

Riddles about modern cartoons for children. Riddles about cartoon and fairy tale characters

Came from a tulip flower,
Spent the winter in a mouse hole,
The swallow saved her
She took me to the land of the elves.

I didn't learn the poems
I loved one jam,
He could fly above the rooftops,
And the baby loved him.

A good girl is walking through the forest,
But the girl doesn’t know that danger awaits.
Behind the bushes glows a pair of feisty eyes -
The girl will meet someone scary now.
Who will ask the girl about her path?
Who will deceive grandma to enter the house?

I landed in the Looking Glass,
I wandered through Wonderland,
And now the Cheshire cat
Waiting for that girl in a fairy tale.

Where is your ball gown?
Where is the glass slipper?
- Sorry, I was in a hurry,
My name is…
(Not the Scarecrow, but Cinderella)

Had a conversation with the mirror
Queen before lunch
And it was true
She was praised for her beauty.
But the princess became more beautiful
All the beauties are even better...
And then this princess
The stepmother died from the light.
Everyone knows what happened.
He can guess the story right away.
(Fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs")

He was born in Italy
He was proud of his family.
He's not just a bow boy,
He is a reliable, loyal friend.

Who accidentally froze
Little sister?
Who dressed the houses and the castle
In a snow coat?
(Elsa, Princess of Arendelle)

Whom did Anna and Elsa make?
When did they play late at night?
And who came to life after a year,
So that you never melt?
(Snowman Olaf)

Quickly remember the fairy tale:
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Queen of the Snow
My heart froze
But the girl is tender
She didn’t leave the boy.
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food and bed.
She was going to help a friend.
What is his girlfriend's name?

A riddle for you about the princess:
She needed a crib
With hundreds of brand new mattresses.
I tell you without embellishment.
kind, good
Princess on...
(...a pea)

He went up to the honey
And he managed to sing:
“I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud,
I'm not a bear at all."
(Winnie the Pooh)

wandering artists,
They are agile and fast.
Their talents are known:
Singers and musicians.
Cat, rooster, donkey, dog

Today, on this page we have posted for you the answers for all levels of the game Riddles about cartoons. The game on the Android platform has gained quite good popularity and now a lot of people play it. Since the theme of the game is related to cartoons, this game is mainly played by an audience of children. Children enjoy solving riddles in the game levels and progressing further. Despite the fact that the game does not have as many levels as we would like, it is still quite difficult to play it without knowing cartoons well enough. At some levels, each player may encounter problems in passing. If you don’t know the answer to a particular level of the game Cartoon Riddles, then you have come to the right place and on this page you will get the answer to the level that is difficult for you. As we have already said, Cartoon Riddles is distributed on Android devices, and if the game appears in the AppStore on iPhone and iPad, then the answers should also be suitable.

If you are looking for answers for another game and the answers on this page do not suit you, then go to .

And now we will tell you about the answers themselves for the game Riddles about cartoons. Game levels are questions that the player needs to answer. This is a kind of cartoon quiz. In order not to be attached only to the level number, we decided to make a table in which, in addition to the answer and level number, there will also be the original question. We think this will help you find the answer to the Cartoon Riddle level faster.

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Riddles about cartoons ANSWERS

Level Mystery Answers
1 Fat boy. One of the main characters in the cartoon "South Park". →Show words
2 What skin color is the cartoon character Shrek? →Show words
3 The main characters of which full-length cartoon are clown fish - father and son? →Show words
4 Wall-E's Beloved →Show words
5 Toy cowboy from the cartoon "Toy Story". →Show words
6 What did Carlson call “the best anti-fever remedy in the world”? →Show words
7 A cartoon about the long journey of a bakery product to the consumer. →Show words
8 What is the name of the most famous polar bear? →Show words
9 What was the name of the beloved of the main character of the cartoon “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”? →Show words
10 In the cartoon, this epic hero is looking for gold stolen from Rostov by Tugarin the Serpent. Name the hero. →Show words
11 Thumbelina's blind groom. →Show words
12 Wild pig from the cartoon "The Lion King". →Show words
13 A cat who wears boots and a hat. Shrek's friend. →Show words
14 This giraffe was in love with Gloria, a character from the cartoon Madagascar. →Show words
15 Lizard is a cowboy. →Show words
16 What was the name of the earthlings' spaceship in the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet". →Show words
17 Favorite village of Matroskin the cat. →Show words
18 A cartoon in which the main characters are a hare and a wolf. →Show words
19 A cartoon in which the characters moved around in a house on balloons. →Show words
20 The storyline of this cartoon depicts the rivalry between a cat and a mouse. →Show words
21 A boy who grew up in a wolf pack. →Show words
22 Sweet tooth who lives on the roof. →Show words
23 Cartoon character, one of the symbols of the Walt Disney company. →Show words
24 Cartoon character, elephant with big ears. →Show words
25 Chipmunks rushing to the rescue. →Show words
26 I found myself in a strange forest, the Wonderful Forest of Wonderland. I'm here with the rabbit. Do you know what my name is? →Show words
27 Their teacher is the rat Splinter, their enemy is Shredder. →

I'm from the royal ball
Once I ran away
And the glass slipper
Accidentally lost it.

What kind of mouse is this?
Not afraid of cats at all?
And come to your aid
Ready at any moment!
Mickey Mouse

She lives in a palace
And tears are shed all the time.
Oh, how the Tsar Father wants
Crying to end!
Princess Nesmeyana

He scared the jackdaws and the crows,
Now he sits on the throne.
The ruler is wise, kind, sweet,
Well, what's his name?

All the girls and boys
We managed to fall in love with him.
He is the hero of a funny book,
Behind him is a propeller.
He flies over Stockholm
High, but not to Mars.
And the baby recognizes him.
Who is this? Cunning

Taking for reinforcements
A jar of jam
Takes flight
Helicopter man.

Although he was steadfast and brave,
But he did not survive the fire.
The youngest son of a tablespoon,
He stood on a strong leg.
Not iron, not glass,
There was a little soldier

I wanted to refresh myself with honey -
And I decided to pretend to be a cloud,
I flew up to the bees on a balloon,
But I couldn’t eat the honey.
Winnie the Pooh

There is a hut in the forest,
An old woman lives in a hut.
Do not enter the hut:
The old lady will eat you!
Baba Yaga

I dress very fashionably
I'll beat anyone up
I answer all questions:
“Leave me alone, brothers, I don’t know!”

The boy grew up in a wolf pack,
He considers himself a wolf
He is friends with the bear and the panther,
He is reputed to be dexterous and brave.

I met a gray wolf in the forest
And she showed him my grandmother’s house.
Trouble happened;
The wolf was a deceiver
And he swallowed the poor grandmother.
Little Red Riding Hood

I rode around the world for a long time:
I looked everywhere for a bride.
Helped me find a beauty
I get a wild wind-breeze
Prince Elisha

Well why, oh why
Such bad luck?
My tail is missing
lovely tail
On my birthday!

The older sister persuaded the brother
“Don’t drink dirty water from a puddle!”
But the boy did not listen,
And he turned into...
Baby goat

Riddles about cartoon characters for adults and children on the site