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» Celtic cross - meaning. Celtic radiant cross meaning What does a Celtic cross look like

Celtic cross - meaning. Celtic radiant cross meaning What does a Celtic cross look like

The Celtic cross is a tattoo that evokes conflicting feelings among representatives of different cultures. Some people see love for God in such a drawing, but for others the tattoo looks too aggressive and indicates intolerance and a person’s belonging to certain subcultures. Let's look at common misconceptions and figure out the true meaning of a tattoo in the form of a Celtic cross.

History of the symbol

The Celtic cross is a tattoo that takes its meaning from the symbols of Celtic Christians. However, historians believe that there is an even more ancient, pagan history of this sign. For the first time, drawings and sculptures in the form of a Celtic cross with a circle around the central part were found among the Irish around the 7th-8th centuries.

A myth has survived to this day, according to which the symbol appeared on one of the Irish islands thanks to St. Patrick - that was the name of the first Christian preacher and a very respected educator of the country. In this cross, the preacher combined important symbols of paganism and Christianity. The cross itself acted as a sign of the Christian faith, and the sun embodied the most important pagan god, as well as the infinity of life, its cyclical nature. The sun was also the center of all living things; it kept the mystery of birth and rebirth. The combination of symbols can be interpreted in another way: not the union of two religions, but the dawn of Christianity. Because of this myth, the Celtic cross can also be called a solar cross.

By the end of the twentieth century, the symbol ceased to have an exclusively positive meaning, as it became the emblem of neo-fascists. Nowadays, the Celtic cross is also used in the symbolism of nationalists and skinheads.

Celtic cross tattoo meaning

The symbolism of the Celtic cross is expressed not only in the combination of two signs, but also in the fact that it seems to consist of interwoven threads. These threads symbolize life itself, the strong connection of all living things with each other, as well as the cyclical nature of the world.
The cross is always drawn against the background of a circle, which means the sun. In addition to the interpretation described above, there is another: the cross is not only death, but also birth, because in the world everything goes in a circle and repeats itself. In a purely Christian interpretation, the circle symbolizes the “Sun of Faith,” that is, absolute faith in one God, His unobscured Lordship.

The meaning of a Celtic cross tattoo is also related to the shape of the image. The four parts of the cross mean the four cardinal directions, the elements of nature or the seasons, as well as the general exceptional significance of this number.
The symbol itself means endless spiritual development, the desire to expand one’s knowledge. The cross also symbolizes the unity and indestructibility of the union between earthly and heavenly forces. The center of the drawing is the point where not only these forces intersect, but also the natural and the supernatural.
In some cases, the Celtic cross design looks like a complex knot in which no end or beginning can be found. This also symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and the fact that everything in this world is interconnected and is formed from a single main “thread”.

For modern Druids, a tattoo in the form of a Celtic cross means fertility and male sexual power, so this design on the body can often be found among adult and successful men. In the Christian religion, the cross is perceived as a sign of the infinity of peace and love for God.
If we move away from the religious meaning and remember the origins of the symbolism of the sign, then it can symbolize the inner harmony of a person, which he already has or which he wants to achieve. It is believed that such a tattoo will help to establish the relationship between external and internal energies.

Where do you get a Celtic cross tattoo?

The main places for applying such a pattern are:

  • Shoulder - men usually specifically select a sketch based on the size of their biceps;
  • Forearm (mainly in girls);
  • Side ribs;
  • Recently, it has become popular to place crosses, including Celtic ones, on the legs: the back of the shin or the front of the thigh;
  • In large compositions, a cross is printed on the back, chest or stomach.

Color scheme for the symbol

The ideal option for a Celtic cross tattoo is black or dark gray. This solution corresponds to long-standing traditions and allows us to better convey the essence of the drawing. Celtic style tattoos also allow the use of other dark tones: burgundy, brown or dark green. One of the original options: make the cross itself black, but decorate it with a colored ornament, or depict the cross as a plexus of rose branches. In this case, the tattoo will also mean the difficulties of life (due to the thorns in the picture).

Features of choosing a tattoo for a guy and a girl

From the photo of a tattoo with a Celtic cross, you can see that most often this image is chosen by mature, accomplished men. Perhaps this is due to the coming to true faith or simply to the rather strict appearance of the drawing.
Girls can be asked to make a decoration for the cross - a geometric ornate pattern or a floral ornament. Such a tattoo will mean not only true faith or the cyclical nature of life, but also elegance, tenderness and sophistication.
We recommend that men take a responsible approach to choosing a place for a sketch. Despite the popularity of this option, we do not recommend getting a cross on your calves, since to some extent this can be interpreted as disrespect for faith and disregard for traditions.

Tattoo styles

The only style option is Celtic (Celtic tattoo style). The peculiarity of this technique is in the image itself, which must necessarily consist of an intricate pattern, as well as in the predominance of dark shades. The weave of the threads is important. In ancient times, each turn had its own meaning and it was impossible to violate the established rules of drawing a cross. Therefore, when choosing a design, we recommend that you rely on old books and contact only an experienced tattoo artist.

Combination with additional elements

From the photo of tattoos with a Celtic cross, it is noticeable that in most cases it is tattooed independently, without any small elements. If you want a more complex design, you can combine a tattoo with a four-leaf clover, bird wings or Celtic script - old and important symbols of the Celts. They will enhance the meaning of the tattoo and its impact on your life, and will also make the design more intense.
Less commonly, you can find other original combinations, for example, a combination of a metal cross, a circle and a rose located around the circumference. The Celtic cross is decorated with fabric or a diamond is placed in its center.

This tattoo goes well with such designs as braided, angel, crown. You can entwine the cross with barbed wire or depict it against a background of fiery flames.

Prison meaning

In prison culture, the symbol is rare. According to some sources, it symbolizes that life will become death in any case. However, another interpretation is more common, when this tattoo is used to identify prisoners who committed a crime for political reasons - Nazis, neo-fascists, etc.

What is the meaning of a Celtic cross tattoo today?

Many deeply religious people are justifiably afraid of getting a tattoo of a Celtic cross. This is logical, because for such a tattoo, most likely, you will have to “answer” to representatives of some subcultures or even prison guards. To prevent this from happening, we recommend getting a tattoo on the shoulder (then it has only a religious interpretation) or on other parts of the body where it can be easily hidden under clothing. Remember that the most important thing is your belief in the positive meaning of the tattoo and its impact on your life.

The most popular symbol of Celtic culture can rightfully be considered the Celtic cross. Even those who do not know the meaning of the word “Celtic” know about it. Oddly enough, tattoo parlors became the main popularizers of the Celtic cross among the masses.

And so, the Celtic cross is a cross with equal rays, enclosed in a circle. The rays may protrude slightly beyond the circle. Quite often, a Celtic ornament is located along the cross and circle, but this is not necessary. The main feature is the form. Although this form of the cross is inherent in many ancient peoples, including the Slavs, the cross in a circle is firmly established in the minds of people as Celtic.

Origin of the Celtic Cross
The origin of the Celtic cross is a question for which there is no clear answer yet. Celticologists debate and put forward various versions, none of which has 100% clear evidence.

However, we cannot dispute the fact, including historians, that the cross in a circle is a well-known Indo-European symbol, which appeared in Europe in the Neolithic era along with the usual cross and swastika. It is traditionally believed that among ancient peoples it was a solar symbol.

The first Christians made the Celtic cross famous and popular. However, there is no complete certainty that the cross came to the Celts with the first missionaries. And in this regard, celtologists consider four versions of the origin of the Celtic cross.

The first version is that among the pagan Celts this symbol was of great importance, and may even have been a kind of symbol of faith or some other Druid symbol that expressed a certain god or idea. Christian missionaries, seeing that this symbol fit well into their religion, picked up the most significant symbol for the Celts, giving it their own interpretation. Thus, they allowed the pagans not to break their foundations and explained to them their own symbol from their point of view.

Unfortunately, there is no historical or archaeological confirmation of the popularity and significance of the cross in the circle among the Celtic pagans. But, for example, among the ancient Slavs, where the symbol of faith was a serpentine, which does not lend itself well to Christian interpretation, the missionaries had to come to terms with and create a kind of symbiosis of the serpentine and the cross (on the front side of the pendant there is a cross, on the back there is a serpentine). Otherwise, the new symbol would not have taken root among the ancient people. So the version that among the Celts the cross in a circle was a significant pagan symbol seems very likely.

The second version - the cross in a circle was known to the Celts, but did not play any ritual significance for their faith. It was simply a well-known symbol that fit well into Christian graphics, and the missionaries popularized it as their own sign.

Both of these versions agree that the cross in a circle was known to the pagans, and Christian missionaries successfully used pagan symbolism to make the transition to another faith less painful. In principle, this approach is characteristic of Christianity and seems the most likely.

The third version of the origin of the Celtic cross says that before the Christians in Ireland there was no cross in the circle at all. This version is set out in the legend of St. Patrick, who supposedly, having discovered a pagan temple where a circle was depicted on a stone (symbolizing the moon or sun), drew a cross inside the circle, thereby creating a new sign that unites his philosophy and ancient faith. Thus, Saint Patrick made it clear that solar symbolism is the symbolism of Christ. And although the cross in a circle was known in Europe, including Ireland, long before St. Patrick, this version successfully took root among the people. The Celtic cross is even called St. Patrick's cross.

And the fourth version, very common among celtologists, elevates the Celtic cross to the Coptic cross, and through it to the Ankh, the Egyptian cross. This version looks quite plausible if you study the graphic designs of these crosses. And the fact of the appearance of the Coptic cross before the Christianization of the Celtic cross is historically confirmed. According to this version, the cross in a circle was brought to Ireland by missionaries. The meaning of this symbol for the Celts in this version is not considered at all, but its presence before the advent of Christianity is not denied.

To sum up all these versions, we can dwell on several indisputable facts. First, the cross in a circle was known among the Celts and other peoples long before the appearance of Christians. Secondly, the Celtic church chose this cross as its symbol and thereby created such popularity and prevalence for it.

Meaning of the Celtic Cross
For Christians, this question is simple: the circle means Eternity, the cross means sacrifice and love.

With pagan meanings, everything is more complicated, because they were all invented by modern people, whose worldview is very far from ancient paganism. Therefore, these interpretations are one more stupid than the other. These are the vices of man in a circle, and the cardinal directions, and the elements, and certain human virtues, four gods under the rule of the Great Mother, and the like... However, no matter how sophisticated the modern mind is in the search for meaning, the fact remains a fact, we do not know for sure , as the ancient Celts interpreted this symbol.

Historians suggest that, being a solar symbol, the cross, like the Sun itself, symbolizes fertility, abundance, protection, a symbol of the right path and spiritual growth, a symbol of life as such.

The Celtic cross fits perfectly into Celtic ornamental graphics. The incomparable illustrations of the Book of Kells confirm this. This and other books contain magnificent designs, intricate patterns and crosses woven into them.

The Cross of St. Columb or the Celtic cross is depicted as an equal-beam cross with a circle located at the top. The history of the appearance of this symbol goes back to pre-Christian times. Although today most researchers assume that it is a symbol of early Celtic Christianity.
Celtic cross denotes the unity of air and earth, water and sun, which is why it is often called"Solar cross".

The history of the Celtic cross

This sign was first depicted in Ireland around 7 century and for many centuries, with the help of monks, they were actively installed throughout the country. About sixty have survived to this day. Celtic crosses, which to this day are considered a symbol of Christianity in Ireland.
Now it is no longer possible to say with complete certainty when the Celtic cross actually appeared. After all, archaeologists often find similar crosses in their excavations; some of the finds are estimated to be older than 5000 years.

Such crosses were used to mark the boundaries of the property of a monastery, cathedral or church. There is an opinion that such crosses were used as tombstones, but this is erroneous.
However, from the middle 19 19th century, the Irish who moved to foreign lands began to use Celtic crosses as a burial place, thus expressing pride in their people and showing everyone their origin. From that time on, the name appeared Celtic cross or " Irish Cross", as it is often called, since these crosses were the main part of Celtic art.

In our time, the mystery of origin Celtic cross very ambiguous and hidden in the fog of the unknown. It is shrouded in many rumors and legends about the true meaning of this symbol. Now this sign is a lost ethnic heritage of Scottish, Irish and Welsh culture.

Although the Celtic cross is very closely intertwined with the Christian religion, many researchers claim that it is a real pagan symbol dating back to the dawn of time.
This is quite simple to explain, because when Saint Patrick decided to replace all pagan temples in Ireland with Christian temples; he decides to use symbols familiar to every Irish citizen, slightly changing their interpretation. Christian cross with the sign of the moon in the form of a circle, which symbolizes eternal life.

Celtic culture, with its diversity and richness of images and symbols, has made a huge contribution to the history of tattoo art. The Celtic tattoo style has become one of the most beautiful, popular and preferred tattoo styles. This is one of the few ancient and modern cultures that was able to convey the primary, true essence and meaning of tattoos.

There are many ancient Celtic symbols for tattoos (for example, tattoo Celtic patterns), one of them, and perhaps the most striking and famous, is the Celtic cross.

The meaning of the Celtic cross tattoo takes its historical basis and meaning from the origins of Celtic Christianity. But an even more ancient pagan prehistory is also known. Images and stone sculptures of the Celtic cross with a circle around the center appeared and began to be used in Ireland before the beginning of the eighth century.

To this day, the myth is known that the Celtic cross appeared on the Irish island thanks to St. Patrick, the first Christian preacher and educator of Ireland. In the symbol of such a cross, St. Patrick combined two heterogeneous images: the cross - the generally accepted symbol of Christianity and the sun - the embodiment of the most revered pagan deity. Therefore, Celtic crosses are often called "solar crosses". For the Celts, the sun symbolizes infinity, continuity and cyclicality of life; it is considered the main spiritual source, a fiery center with the properties of birth and rebirth.

There is another purely Christian interpretation, which means by the circle the “Sun of Faith” - the undimmed light of faith in the Lord.

The four sides of the cross often symbolize the union of the four elements of nature or the four cardinal directions.

The Celtic cross symbolizes constant spiritual development and expansion of consciousness. The cross is a single indestructible union of heavenly and earthly forces. The center of the cross is the point of intersection of these forces, the intersection of the natural and the supernatural. Sometimes the Celtic cross is depicted as a knot of complex work that never begins and never ends, that is, woven from one single thread of life.

At the end of the twentieth century, the Celtic cross became the emblem of a political movement - neo-fascism. And in modern times, nationalists and skinheads use it in their symbolism.

In the art of tattooing there are not so many symbols such as the Celtic cross; such a tattoo combines a huge ancient symbolic meaning and incredible Gothic style and the beauty of the image. On the body, such a tattoo looks beautiful and ergonomic.

The history of the symbol goes back to ancient times and is shrouded in many legends. This is a unique symbol, the meaning of which is based on the beliefs of Christianity and Hinduism.

The meaning of the talisman lies in the following aspects:

  • It looks like a cross surrounded by a circle. A symbol of the structure of the world and the relationship of all processes occurring in it
  • Represents wisdom and unity, helps to achieve harmony and prosperity in all areas of life
  • And the circle is the personification of the connection between the past and the future. This means that everything experienced in the past will certainly affect your present.

The Celtic cross is a symbol of all things, the relationship between feminine and masculine energy. Therefore, it contains such qualities as masculinity and aggressiveness, but also creativity, creation, femininity and gentleness.

The ancient Slavs gave the Celtic cross their own special meaning:

  • This is the personification of the power of the Higher powers, the wisdom of the Gods, which was transmitted from the rulers of the Universe to the priests
  • The cross protected from all kinds of troubles and negativity, gave confidence in the future and in loved ones
  • Warriors applied it to their uniforms to become fearless in battle and to be invulnerable to enemy weapons.
  • It also symbolized strong family relationships, bestowed mutual understanding, prosperity, harmony and happiness. Helped make life stable, taught to soberly assess every situation
  • The cross personifies the connection of the past with the present and future, therefore it was often used in magical rituals
  • Helps develop intuition and psychic skills. It is believed that it can give a person supernatural abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis

The cross is an assistant to creative people. Gives inspiration, develops talents, helps to reveal incredible creative abilities. Protects against all kinds of negativity coming from the outside world.

The Celtic cross, a photo of which you can see below, is used to make a variety of amulets and talismans.

If you decide that this symbol suits you, it is important to adhere to some rules so that the amulet brings only benefits. They are as follows:

  1. Pay attention to the material from which the talisman is made. It must be wood, copper or silver. The tree is endowed with a special, warm energy that attracts positivity into your life. And metals are excellent conductors of energy information embedded in magical symbols
  2. It’s ideal if you don’t buy a talisman, but make it yourself. During the manufacturing process, the item will be filled not only with magical power, but also with your own energy. As a result, an individual adjustment will occur to your characteristics and personality traits, and the talisman will immediately “recognize” you as the owner
  3. It is advisable to wear the amulet on your body constantly. Therefore, try to opt for jewelry with a Celtic cross. It can be a pendant, bracelet or ring
  4. Regardless of what the amulet will be, this item must have a round shape
  5. Listen to the feelings of your soul when you start wearing the amulet. You should be comfortable. If unpleasant sensations, feelings of anxiety, or excitement appear, then it is better to stop wearing the talisman. This means you chose it incorrectly
  6. Remember that an amulet is not just an inanimate object, it is a piece of your own soul. Therefore, it is useful to sometimes conduct mental dialogues with him, ask for protection and help in all endeavors. This will ensure an excellent energetic connection.

Important: Do not give the amulet to anyone. Take care of it so as not to lose or break it. Care and constant use are the key to ensuring that the Celtic cross will work as correctly as possible.

Watch the video about the mysterious meaning of the ancient amulet:

Many people seek to consolidate the magic of the amulet by imprinting its image on their own body. But not everyone understands the danger of misusing an ancient magical symbol.

The catch is this: a Celtic cross as a tattoo will only help you if you have good intentions. If you strive to acquire strength and power with the help of magic in order to direct them to harm others, you will find yourself a deeply unhappy person.

Depending on its location on the body, a Celtic cross tattoo has the following meanings:

  • Back - will provide protection from dark forces
  • Breasts - will help cleanse yourself of negative energy
  • Head - helps to achieve harmony and enlightenment. But it should absolutely not be used by people who are hot-tempered and aggressive: this is fraught with mental disorders.
  • Neck - develops the creative qualities of nature
  • The right shoulder or hand - helps to comprehend wisdom, gain the experience of ancestors, find your calling, understand purpose, identify true values ​​for yourself
  • Left shoulder or hand - bestows magical abilities, helps to establish a connection with the other world, creates a powerful energy barrier
  • Below the belt - the power of the ancient sign is lost, such a tattoo will just be a decoration for the body, but has no magical properties

It is very important that the tattoo has an absolutely even, symmetrical shape. Therefore, you need to turn to professionals - tattooists who have many positive reviews and are masters of their craft.

The Celtic cross is an ancient symbol known throughout the world. For many centuries, people endowed this sign with magical powers and believed that it was able to bestow wisdom and protect from harm.

Just like Thor's hammer and most other talismans that came to us from antiquity, the Celtic cross (in particular, its origin and properties) is entangled in legends. This amulet is unique in its kind, as it is a combination of Christian and Indo-European culture. It represents a cross enclosed in a circle. And this is the main symbol of the structure of the world and life. The Celtic cross at the moment is a symbol of wisdom, unity, harmony, prosperity. Its very form speaks of a looped life and a tight connection of the past with the present and future.

The image of the cross is sometimes incorrectly considered a purely Christian symbol. This image, like many others, was adopted by Christians. You can find similar images in almost every corner of the globe. Even on the majestic statues of Buddha you can see this sign, which once again indicates that this is not an original Christian symbol, since the teachings of Buddha are 6 centuries older than Christianity.

In ancient times, the Celtic cross was very important to people. He symbolized everything that exists. The cross itself is an alliance of the masculine (straight line) and feminine (horizontal line) principles. If an additional vertical line was added to it, then it symbolized masculinity, aggressiveness and creativity. If the line stood diagonally, then it symbolized femininity and softness.

In Rus', the meaning of the famous symbol did not differ much from the generally accepted one. He was a symbol of supreme power, the connection of priests with the gods. This is an ancient solar pagan sign, and its use in Christianity only shows that Christians did not disdain pagan symbols.

In Rus' it was believed that this sign was able to protect from troubles and give confidence in one’s loved ones. If warriors wore it, then they could be confident in their power and fearlessness. It was a symbol of strong family relationships and good relationships with other people. In addition, the Celtic cross amulet was a sign of boundless wisdom (which calms ardor and makes it possible to sensibly assess the situation) and stability.

Since the Celtic cross amulet is a sign that can connect together the past, the future and the past, it was also used in witchcraft rituals. It was believed that this particular amulet would help its owner foresee the future, develop telepathy and telekinesis. If you are a creative person, then you should definitely arm yourself with this symbol, since it is a reliable companion for all creative people. In addition, it was believed that this particular symbol protects its owner from troubles and any negative influence.

If you decide to buy a Celtic talisman, then pay attention to what it is made of, and also to the Celtic patterns. A talisman made of silver, copper, or wood is suitable. If it is made of any other metal, then it will be a simple decoration and not a talisman. It’s better if you can make it yourself. Then, in the process of work, he will absorb a lot of your energy and immediately recognize you as the owner. But if you don’t have the opportunity to make a talisman with your own hands, then be responsible when choosing an amulet.

The Celtic cross can be a separate pendant worn on the chest, or inscribed on an amulet of any shape. In order to enhance the magical properties of the sign, you can choose a round base. This symbol of the sun will perfectly complement the main meanings of the cross.

Don't force yourself to wear jewelry. If you bought an amulet that you do not like, it will not be able to become your helper and protector. But just as long as you wear it, your own energy will fight with the energy of the amulet. The talisman is not worn all the time. At first, it is necessary for him to be with his owner as long as possible, and a tight connection is created between them. Then you can take it off from time to time, but only you can decide how many hours a day the amulet will be on you.

It must be worn during complex rituals, ceremonies related to predicting the future and communicating with the dead. You need to treat the amulet not as a simple decoration, but as an animate object. Therefore, you need to talk to him regularly so that he listens and understands you. If you have a good connection with the amulet, then you can ask it to protect not only you, but also the house in which you and your loved ones live.

Today, many people want not only to wear amulets with images of ancient symbols, but also to imprint them on themselves. This is quite dangerous, in fact, because most people do not know what this or that symbol originally means, and what consequences may occur after its application.

It’s worth saying right away that if you get a tattoo of a Celtic cross, you will not become unhappy, since the sign itself does not carry negative energy. The catch is different. A tattoo will not have any power, will not endow you with any qualities, will not bring wisdom, luck and victory if you get this sign only for the purpose of gaining power.

The Celtic cross is very fair, and if you intend to use it to cause damage to other people, to intimidate and frighten them, then it simply will not work if it is on your body (the same applies to the amulet). If you are getting a tattoo because for you it is a symbol of enlightenment, and first of all your goal is to gain knowledge and wisdom, then the cross will willingly help you in all your endeavors and protect you from any negative influence. It is also important where exactly the tattoo is located:

  • on the back - protection from Evil forces;
  • on the chest - cleanses the heart and soul of a person;
  • on the head - bestows enlightenment (not recommended for very aggressive natures, since a very hot-tempered person with such a sign on the head can go crazy);
  • on the neck - you will become very successful in creativity and discover the talent to see the future;
  • on the right shoulder (or arm) - you will be able to know the true value of life, and all the secrets of the world may be revealed to you;
  • on the left shoulder (arm) - a strong connection with the other world, a strong energy barrier;
  • the image below the waist does not convey any information.

Be very careful about how the sign will look. It must be absolutely symmetrical on both sides. This is the only way it will retain its magical properties. If the sides are unequal and go beyond the boundaries of the drawn circle, then it will have a different meaning. It will become a grave cross, which will indicate that its owner agrees to submit to the will of heaven and is ready to accept his death when necessary. In this way, a person will not attract quick death to himself, but will show his readiness to leave for another world as soon as possible and will renounce any spiritual experience that he may acquire during life.

Please note that the Celtic cross must be enclosed in a regular circle. It should not be depicted in the form of “Scandinavian script”. Otherwise, the sign will not carry any magical power.

The Celtic cross amulet is a powerful talisman, capable of granting its owner knowledge and protection, but, like any other amulet, it requires reverent treatment and respect. Be careful when choosing a talisman. It's best if he chooses you himself.

Do you want reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed on from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defenses that work towards your excellence. Visit our website about choosing amulets, amulets and talismans.

The harmony of a magical amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

Symbols of Celtic culture are one of the most beautiful and popular tattoo styles. All kinds of knots, crosses, images of animals on various parts of the human body are not only decoration, but also carry a deep philosophical meaning.

In the modern world, Celtic symbolism is often called Irish. But this is not entirely true. The Celts are a people of the Indo-European group who appeared in Europe approximately 2 thousand years BC. e. Historical facts testify to their desire for complete independence, which led to the fact that the tribes had to retreat under pressure from the peoples of the Ancient Mediterranean. The area where in the 2nd century BC. e. The ancient Celts settled in the territories of modern England, Ireland and Scotland. It is with these regions that the world consciousness connects a unique symbolic culture. It developed into what we call the “Celtic tattoo.”

All Celtic tattoos symbolize the continuity and cyclical nature of life. They are woven from spirals and loops, without having a beginning or an end. Not every symbol of the ancient people was used to “imprint” on the skin, but only the main ones.

  1. The Celtic knot is a plexus of lines with clearly defined symmetry. The meaning of such a tattoo is to symbolize the eternal cycle of life. A knot can be either a separate pattern or part of a complex composition. There are love knots, symbolizing the unity of loving hearts, as well as triple weaves. The latter among the Celts embodied the Triune Goddess, a combination of feminine principles: the Virgin, the Mother and the Crone. Christianity later introduced the triple knot as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.
  2. The Celtic cross is a tattoo whose origins are attributed to both paganism and Christianity. The tradition of the latter claims that the symbol appeared in Ireland thanks to St. Patrick, who connected the cross and the “sun of faith” - the undimmed light of faith in God. Pagans considered the Celtic cross tattoo to be a combination of the elements (water, fire, wind and earth) or the four cardinal directions.
  3. Celtic tree - an image in the form of stylized branches or arms outstretched to the sky. It symbolizes the Universal Axis and the connection between worlds, where the roots are hell, the trunk is the human present, and the branches are the future or heavenly existence. Often a cross or Celtic sun is located at the roots of the tree.

Popular patterns also include the shamrock, the sun (circle), animals (boars, wolves, foxes, deer), people, mythical creatures, and various combinations of these symbols.

Tattoos of various variations of this sign make up approximately 75% of all Celtic-themed designs. However, there is no consensus on what the Celtic cross tattoo means. Depending on the situation and preferences of the owner, it can symbolize:

  • Christian religiosity.
  • Divine love for man.
  • Fertility and prosperity.
  • Hope and faith in the path of truth.
  • Sun.
  • Memory of the dead.

The connection of the sign with Christianity and paganism, life and death makes the cross one of the most popular ornaments. In a modern tattoo, it is combined with flowers, leaves, runes, letters in Gothic form, wings and other symbols.

There are 2 types of Irish crosses, each of which is popular in tattoo art:

  1. Celtic cross with equal arms inscribed in a perfect circle. The ends of the rays may protrude slightly beyond the circle, and the place where they connect does not have a closing circle. It was in this form that the symbol was depicted on human skin, metal and stone in pre-Christian times.
  2. St. Patrick's cross with an elongated lower part. With the spread of Christianity among the Celts, the sign changed and became more consistent with the traditional cross, but retained the pagan symbol - the circle.

The Celtic cross tattoo in both variations contains endless knots located in rays, characteristic of the ethnic group, which makes the symbol one of the most recognizable in the world.

When applying a tattoo, you can use any color scheme. Traditionally, the Celtic cross tattoo is applied with black or green ink. But there is no ban on the use of other tones, and often craftsmen use a brighter color both for the main design and for additional elements (wings, flowers, phrases).

The pagan sign is considered a universal tattoo, equally suitable for men and women. In practice, men often prefer Celtic crosses as tattoos on the shoulder and back, always choosing a large, complex image. Women, on the contrary, choose smaller tattoo sizes and hidden places for their application - the inside of the forearms, wrists, ankles and the base of the neck.

There has been no strict example of a symbol for a long time. When creating a tattoo, any type of weaving and shape can be used. However, the Celtic cross tattoo, sketches of which are created by a tattoo artist, remains a sacred symbol.

Celtic cross is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world, yet its meaning is hidden in the darkness of ignorance. From time to time, restless seekers of truth try to clarify this mystical issue. We will try to summarize their findings.

Thus, a researcher of ancient architecture, Crichton Edward McGregor Miller, a bright mind, suggested that the “Celtic cross” only lacks a plumb line to serve as a universal measuring instrument for design.

With its help, Miller argues, it is possible to carry out mathematical calculations, conduct astronomical observations and geodetic work. Similar devices are found in the burial chambers of pharaohs, placed there so that the pharaoh could use them to navigate the afterlife. Crichton Miller presented all his evidence in a book called “The Golden Thread of Times.”

It is foolish, however, to assume that the Celts erected monuments to the measuring device everywhere. It is the modern crushing humanity that can only worship the tools of labor of the ancient masters, because they have nothing to dream about creating something as grand and perfect as the structures of antiquity.

No, The “Celtic cross” is a sacred symbol and, like most such symbols, has a cosmological and philosophical meaning.

Astronomical interpretation of the Celtic cross

The four rays of the cross are the points of the equinoxes and solstices, the four “corners of the sky” through which the Sun passes in its movement.

From December 22 to 25, the Sun stops its visible movement to the south and “freezes” in the area of ​​the Southern Cross constellation for three days. Metaphorically, we can say that it dies on the cross and is resurrected, and in accordance with this, the cross is a symbol of dying, resurrection, reincarnation and eternal life. The basis of the pagan worldview is trust in the process of life and the processes in nature. Everything that happens in it is timely, inevitable and correct. And this flawless perfection is mesmerizing. And the solar cross, as a symbol of this cyclicity, is always and everywhere appropriate.

Not only the Celts - all ancient peoples were sensitive to religious rites and holidays - participating in them meant becoming part of the mysteries of transformations in nature.

By performing magical rituals, the magician becomes like a demiurge. Therefore, in the design of probably all altars in the world without exception, there is the idea of ​​a microcosm - a reduced model of the universe. The altar is oriented according to the cardinal points, sometimes taking into account the constellations. On its four sides there are objects symbolizing the elements associated with them. Thus, it is believed that the West belongs to Water, therefore a bowl of water is placed at the western edge of the altar. The south is associated with Fire, and therefore a candle is lit from the south side. The East represents Air, so an incense burner with incense sticks or a feather is placed on the eastern side of the altar. The North represents the Earth; on the altar it is represented by a handful of earth (or ice in northern magic). The center of the altar is the intersection of elemental energies - the place of creation, where the magician, having secured the blessing of the gods, performs his rituals.

From the specific design of the altars we can conclude that solar cross (aka Celtic) is also a symbol of the union of the celestial circle and the quadrangular earth oriented to the cardinal points. In the Chinese religious and philosophical tradition, the sky is round, the earth is square, and from their interaction all the “ten thousand things” are born.

In the northern magical tradition, the Earth (Mitgard, the World of People, the World of Incarnation) lies at the crossroads of eight Other Worlds. And where, under the mutual influence of these Worlds, everything that exists is born, lives and dies. This idea is reflected in the structure of the world tree Yggdrasil.

In the European occult tradition, the cross is considered a symbol of the interaction of heaven and earth, man and woman, the four elements, and the focus of the intersection of vertical and horizontal beams is a new birth. It is no coincidence that Celtic, Tuareg, Rosicrucian, Coptic, and Egyptian crosses are so similar. The symbolism of the cross is everywhere associated with a spiritual quest for the sake of knowing the secrets and achieving immortality - “The Search for the Holy Grail”.

Those familiar with northern magic know about the twelve-pointed cross called “agishjalm” - “helmet of horror.” In appearance, it is a cross, at each end divided into three rays. His image was applied to shields and helmets for protective purposes. In the northern tradition, combat magic was widely used: in those days, a rare military conflict was accomplished without witchcraft. The “Helmet of Horror” protected against magical attacks.

Of course, this cross was not considered Celtic, but with the Celts everything was absolutely the same. Saint Patrick, preparing for battle with the pagans, came up with a prayer known as the “Breastplate of Saint Patrick”: “... God, protect us from the magic of women, warriors and blacksmiths...”. Therefore, all crosses, among other things, are understood as a talisman against magical attacks and evil spirits.

Today it is known that the oldest “Celtic crosses” are located in Ireland and are about 12 thousand years old. Many others found in Europe, Asia and America are at least 5 thousand.

Ancient crosses were flat and undecorated. The Picts, having settled in Ireland, brought the tradition of stone carving. They decorated the Celtic cross with ornate patterns.

The version with an elongated lower ray appeared thanks to St. Columbus, the first Christian missionary of Irish origin, who founded a Christian community on the island of Iona (Hebrides) in 563 AD. Saint Patrick appreciated the PR move that helps “sell” an alien creed to the Celtic pagans. Promoting Christianity on the Emerald Isle, he argued that there was almost no difference between the Christian and the Celtic cross. With this compromise, between the 7th and 12th centuries AD, Patrick and his followers covered all of Ireland, Britain and some lands beyond their borders with their crosses. Since then, crosses have been decorated not only with patterns, but also with Christian symbols, such as fish and chrism.

Chrisma is a monogram of the name of Christ, which consists of two initial Greek letters of the name (Greek ΧΡΙΣΤΌΣ) - Χ (chi) and Ρ (rho), crossed with each other

Nowadays, the Celtic cross has found a new life thanks to the subculture and tattoo parlors, which are working for an ever-increasing demand. Nowadays Crosses are in the TOP of the most popular motives for tattoos.

Tolkienists And adepts of Wiccan magic wear the Celtic cross in the form of pendants, embroidery and body designs to maintain a connection with the ancient pagan source from which they draw inspiration.

We can say that in their case, the Solar Cross most fully plays out the theme of resurrection and eternal life: “The sun of paganism, the Celtic sun was long considered dead, but the time has come and it has risen.”

The second subculture that has appropriated the image of the Celtic cross is the skinheads from the White Power organization. But their posturing has nothing to do with the symbolism of the solar cross: spiritual quest, immortality, secret sciences and combat magic.

Goths, “children of cemeteries,” wear Celtic crosses mixed with Egyptian ankhs. The reason for this was the tradition of Irish emigrants in the mid-19th century to decorate the graves of deceased relatives with the cross of St. Columb/Patrick. It soon became mainstream in countries where there were many immigrants from Ireland: the USA, Australia, New Zealand. American Goths, wandering around cemeteries, decided that the Celtic cross fit organically into their image.

Thanks to Western horror films and pictures, in the post-Soviet space there was a tendency to associate the Celtic cross with cemeteries and “devilry.”

The most wonderful thing about the story of the Celtic Cross is that, as its symbolism suggests, it has been reborn in the spirit of the New Time and will light the path of the children of the new era.

The strongest Slavic amulet, the Slavic cross, combines the faith of pagans and Christians. Combines the power of pagan gods and the greatness of the one God. The amulet is difficult to interpret and carries a deep meaning. There are many varieties. It is closely combined with other symbols, somewhat changing its karmic meaning. In general, the Slavic cross is a symbol of the clan, connects the owner of the amulet with the ancestors, and protects from negative energy effects.

When buying this or that talisman with the image of a cross, it would not hurt to understand its symbolism and meaning. The inept use of a strong amulet can harm not only its owner, but also the next generations of his blood.

It means clan unity, the protection of ancestors, and is a symbol of heavenly power. The second name is Ancestor or Swastika. A powerful Slavic amulet, the action of which is aimed at protecting the family. To a greater extent, this does not mean physical opposition from enemies and ill-wishers, but spiritual one.

The heavenly cross helps to resist temptations, strengthens faith, spiritual unity, does not allow one to stray from the path of the righteous, and also protects from negative energy influences from the outside. The heavenly cross amulet is suitable for anyone who experiences mental suffering. It strengthens the will, gives confidence, and support from Higher powers.

The talisman contains the wisdom of generations, so it is useful for everyone to wear. The amulet has a good effect on children, protecting them from wrong actions and energy influence from the outside.

Celtic amulets unite the beliefs of pagans and Christians. It combines the symbol of Christianity - the cross itself, and the symbolism of the highest pagan gods - the sun. The Celtic cross amulet was created in the era of the emergence of Christianity, as a compromise between the two faiths. Because of this, it carries complex karmic meaning.

The Celtic cross is a symbol of wisdom, harmony, prosperity, unity. Connects the events of the past with the future, the feminine and the masculine. In Rus', the symbol personified power, dominance over everyone, power, as well as the protection of higher powers. Church ministers emphasized their power over earthly inhabitants; warriors who wore a Celtic cross on their chests believed in its ability to protect from death.

The Celtic cross amulet is able to connect the past, present, and future. It is often used in witchcraft rituals. It is believed that this particular amulet will help develop intuition, the gift of foresight, and enhance extrasensory abilities.

The amulet of the ancient Templars belonged to representatives of the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ or the Temple. At one time, the order was blessed by the Pope to fight opponents of Christianity. Holders of the Templar Cross were distinguished by their ruthlessness, bloodthirstiness, and cruelty. Of all the existing symbols, the Templar cross is the most mysterious.

Historians are still puzzling over the history of the origin of this attribute. According to one version, this symbol means the strongest faith in pagan deities. But Christians skillfully turned the beliefs of the pagans into service to the Christian faith, and marked the most devoted ones with the Templar cross.

Currently, the amulet is used by Christians, Catholics, and atheists. This is a powerful defense against external forces, control over the situation, dominance over others. Used in rituals, it provides protection from damage, the evil eye, and other energy influences.

Slavic amulets associated with the cross connect the past, future, and present. They bring together the power of all the elements - water, earth, air, fire. They combine the feminine essence and the masculine principle. The meaning of each amulet with a cross depends on the symbols that are depicted with it. It is necessary to find out the influence of an amulet on a person’s fate before it is placed around the neck.

Crosses as Slavic amulets always mean protection, but they influence a person’s fate and emotional state in different ways.

The meaning of the Templar Cross Amulet is associated with unquestioning adherence to faith. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it is positive or negative. The amulet is used mostly by sectarians and adherents of non-standard faiths. They seem to be repeating the path of the knights of the Crusades. The Templar cross on the chest imparts fearlessness, cruelty, and confidence. A powerful weapon against evil forces when using magic. The talisman has masculine energy and is more suitable for the stronger sex.

The meaning of the Celtic cross, which is depicted in a circle, gives its owner confidence in the protection of higher powers. This magical attribute helps to cope with uncertainty, protects against enemies, and protects against magical effects. A powerful amulet is used in situations where protection from otherworldly forces is needed. The Celtic amulet signifies a connection with the Divine; the Celtic cross provides protection and patronage of the Almighty.

The Slavic heavenly cross is used by both men and women. Often worn by children. This is one of the most powerful amulets for family well-being and protection from negative energy influences. It means the support of the Almighty and the help of past generations.

The heavenly cross talisman can be worn constantly. Or wear it during periods of mental suffering, when the internal balance is disturbed, and there is no confidence in one’s abilities. We need support from higher powers. It is recommended to wear a cross as a body amulet during frequent or protracted illnesses. Such a talisman as a pectoral cross can be additionally consecrated in a church, charged with energy, or carried out a ritual on your own to enhance its abilities.

It is not recommended to wear talismans in the form of a Celtic cross or Templars on yourself at all times. They are worn in special cases when a person experiences fear, is subjected to energy attacks from the outside, or loses strength.

The symbol should not be used by children. Women are allowed in severe cases. But you can hang a talisman in your house at the entrance or above a mirror to provide powerful protection.

The cross amulet serves as protection against negative influences and gradually absorbs energy. It also takes away negative energy from the person himself, giving him strength in return. Over time, the energy of the talisman weakens. An amulet in the form of a cross, any protective amulet needs to be cleaned.

For the cleansing ritual, holy or running water, fire from a church wax candle, and salt, preferably Thursday salt, are used. Charms with a cross are made of wood, stone, and metal. Based on this, a cleaning option is selected. Metallic ones made of silver and gold can be cleaned in any way. The tree is sprinkled with salt or placed over a fire.

For the ritual of cleaning a silver or gold talisman, you will need holy water or spring water. Throw 3 pinches of salt into the bowl and leave for a day. Take it out of the water and move it over the flame of a wax candle. In this case, it is not necessary to read the words of the conspiracy. The symbol is so strong that it does not need additional nourishment. The energy lies in the image itself.

You can also clean the amulet in the church, taking it with you. Another option is to put it in water and go to church on the days when the priest blesses the water. The talisman will be cleansed and recharged with new energy.

As for the Templar faith, cleaning the cross will require a ritual with candles, holy water, and spells. The time is chosen after sunset. You need to start cleaning after an energy attack, regardless of how much time has passed since the last ritual.

The Slavic pectoral cross makes you feel safe and gives you confidence in the support of higher powers. It should be worn by people whose profession involves risk to their own or others’ lives - military personnel, doctors, firefighters, police officers, etc.

The Celtic cross is the most popular symbol of Celtic culture. Many people choose tattoos with the image of this cross.

Often, the described products have a Celtic ornament. The symbol has equal rays and is enclosed in a circle.

There is no exact answer to the question of the time of origin of the Celtic cross, but there are many theories. The most common are 4 theories of origin.

According to the first version, Christian missionaries noticed the Celtic symbol and gave it their own meaning, since it fit well into their religion.

Thus, they did not break the pagan way of life of the Celts. From that time on, this symbol began to be called the Celtic cross.

The second version says that the symbol was familiar to the Celts, but at the same time, they did not attach any ritual significance to it.

According to the third version, in Ireland, before the arrival of missionaries, the sign of the Celtic cross did not exist at all. According to this theory, St. Patrick discovered a pagan sanctuary and saw that there was a circle depicted on the stone. He drew a cross on it, combining ancient symbols.

That is why you can hear that many call the symbol the cross of St. Patrick. This story most often comes to mind when this symbol is mentioned.

A common theory is that the Celtic cross was an image that appeared thanks to the Coptic cross, which takes its origin from the Ankh (Egyptian symbol). This version is quite plausible, since when studying the graphic designs of these symbols, the similarity is noticeable.

To summarize, it can be argued that the cross in a circle was known to the Celts even before the Christians came.

Until the 18th century, the cross was a symbol that united 4 elements. But, after the arrival of Christian missionaries, the meaning changed.

It was taken as the basis for a new symbol, which signified the transition from paganism to Christianity. Some scientists believe that the cross appeared precisely during this period and did not exist before. There is also an opinion that the circle is a symbol of the pagan lunar goddess.

Tarot cards can also be laid out in the Celtic Cross position. In this layout, the map speaks about different aspects of a person’s life, depending on where it is located.

For example, you can pay attention to the element located on the left. This card allows you to learn about a person’s past.

An equal-angled cross with a circle is now perceived rather as a symbol of certain political views and does not carry a sacred meaning. It is worth noting that in the mid-19th century there was a surge in the popularity of the symbol and Irish crosses were used as tombstones.

For many people, the Celtic cross, for many centuries, has been a symbol of Christianity and is not associated with paganism.

The Celtic cross, whose meaning can be interpreted in different ways, is often used as a talisman.

It is believed that a talisman in the form of a Celtic cross helps solve the problems of the person who wears it. When it is said that it helps to make the right decision, it means that when making a difficult choice, it is easier for a person to decide on a specific option. That is why it was believed that this symbol gives wisdom to the person who wears it.

According to another opinion, this talisman helps a person find his purpose in life and do everything he has in mind.

In addition, many people wear an amulet in the form of a Celtic cross in order to find a loved one. In this case, the amulet acts like a magnet and helps attract a certain person to the owner. It is believed that after the wedding, the talisman helps preserve the feelings of people in marriage.

Also, a talisman, according to some beliefs, is necessary in order to protect against harm. This means that all the evil that is directed towards the person who has the amulet will not be able to harm him.

At the same time, it helps protect against the evil eye and damage. That is why warriors wore such amulets, believing that they could protect against death.

Some people wear the Celtic cross because they believe it attracts good luck. At the same time, they believe that it also affects people who are nearby in various situations in the same way.

When choosing a specific talisman, it is worth considering what symbols are depicted on it. The Celts decorated crosses with geometric figures, each of which depicted a specific god.

The amulet is made only from wood, silver or copper. Other materials and other materials are not suitable, as talismans made from them will not have magical powers.

That is why, before choosing a symbol, it is important to know what material the amulet is made of and what symbols are printed on it.

If you choose other metals for the amulet, it will not have the described properties.

Tattoos that depict pagan symbols and talismans are becoming increasingly popular. That is why many people choose the Celtic cross as a tattoo.

People who believe in the power of this symbol argue that such tattoos must be applied carefully, since the image can also carry negative energy.

It is believed that a tattoo depicting the cross of St. Columbus does not carry negative energy.

The part of the body on which the image is applied also matters:

  • a tattoo with a Celtic cross on the chest is created to cleanse a person’s soul from negative energy;
  • if the image is applied to the back, it symbolizes protection from damage and any similar influences;
  • a tattoo on the head helps to understand one’s own path, but it is important to take into account that such a tattoo should not be worn on the head by people with an unstable psyche, especially when the person is hot-tempered;
  • a tattoo on the neck helps to discover the talent of clairvoyance, intuition also develops and other talents are discovered;
  • a tattoo on the right hand is applied by people who want to understand their purpose; the image also helps open the path to true knowledge;
  • a tattoo below waist level is applied only to decorate the body;

If the image is applied to the left hand, it is considered to be a source of energy. At the same time, a tattoo helps to strengthen connections with other worlds. That is why it is chosen by people who are in any way connected with magic.

Typically, a tattoo with the image of a Celtic cross is chosen by accomplished men who give it a special meaning and believe in its power. That is why, before applying a tattoo, you should take into account important notes about what the symbol should be.

On girls, an ornate pattern or a floral pattern in the form of a cross looks good. This image will mean not only true faith, but also tenderness and sophistication.

The Celtic cross is often used by nationalists and skinheads, and in prisons such a symbol represents a life that will ultimately end in violent death.

Thus, this tattoo is used by people who live, aware that they are constantly in danger.

Despite its ancient roots, the image can be interpreted in different ways, but in places of detention its meaning is not one of the most pleasant.

As already mentioned, the symbol can be applied with a negative meaning. But this happens when it is used by people in a certain field of activity.

Examples include members of nationalist organizations and criminals.

But, if the image is chosen for good purposes and is chosen correctly, it brings the owner only what he desires.