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» Dodamo zlici kisa what language. The meaning of emoticons, written symbols, their decoding, designation and types of emoticons

Dodamo zlici kisa what language. The meaning of emoticons, written symbols, their decoding, designation and types of emoticons

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Not so long ago, we discussed in some detail the topic of using emoticons on the VKontakte social network. The main codes of Emoji emoticons were also given there (about a thousand - for all occasions). If you have not yet read that publication, I strongly recommend that you do so:

What do text emoticons made up of symbols mean?

Let's continue to study the meanings of the most common options writing certain emoticons using ordinary (non-fancy) symbols. Ready? Well, then let's go.

Initially they became widespread, i.e. lying on their side (see the above examples of laughing and sad faces). Let's see what other combinations you might encounter on the Internet and what they mean (how to decipher them).

Indication of emotions by emoticon symbols

  1. Joy or smile 🙂 is most often depicted using the symbols: :) or :-) or =)
  2. Uncontrollable laughter 😀 (equivalent to the expression: :-D or :D or)))) (under-smile used mainly in RuNet)
  3. Another designation for laughter, but more like mockery 😆 (equivalent): XD or xD or >:-D (schadenfreude)
  4. Laughter to tears, i.e. what does the “tears of joy” emoticon mean 😂: :"-) or:"-D
  5. Insidious grin 😏: ):-> or ]:->
  6. A sad or sorrowful emoticon 🙁 has text meanings: :-(or =(or:(
  7. Symbolic designation of a very sad smiley 😩: :-C or:C or (((((again, a variant of the under-smiley)
  8. Mild displeasure, confusion or puzzlement 😕: :-/ or:-\
  9. Strong anger 😡: D-:
  10. Text designation of the neutral attitude emoticon 😐: :-| either: -I or._. or -_-
  11. The symbolic meaning of the admiration emoticon 😃: *O* or *_* or **
  12. Decoding the emotion of surprise 😵: :-() either:- or: -0 or: O or O: either o_O or oO or o.O
  13. Options for what an emoticon of great surprise or bewilderment can mean 😯: 8-O
    either =-O or:-
  14. Disappointment 😞: ​​:-e
  15. Fury 😠: :-E or:E or:-t
  16. Confusion 😖: :-[ or %0
  17. Sullenness: :-*
  18. Sadness: :-<

Meaning of text emoticons emotional actions or gestures

  1. What does a winking smiley mean in text-symbolic form 😉: ;-) or;)
  2. Sad joke: ;-(
  3. Happy joke: ;-)
  4. Options for designating a crying emoticon 😥 or 😭: :_(or:~(or:"(or:*(
  5. Joyful crying (means “tears of joy” emoticon 😂): :~-
  6. Sad cry 😭: :~-(
  7. Angry cry: :-@
  8. Kiss in text notation 😚 or 😙 or 😗: :-* or:-()
  9. Hugs: ()
  10. To show your tongue (means to tease) 😛 or 😜: :-P or:-p or:-Ъ
  11. Mouth shut (means shh) 😶: :-X
  12. It makes me sick to my stomach (denoting nausea): :-!
  13. Drunk or embarrassed (meaning either “I’m drunk” or “you’re drunk”): :*)
  14. You are a deer: E:-) or 3:-)
  15. You're a clown: *:O)
  16. Heart 💓:<3
  17. Text designation of the “rose flower” emoticon 🌹: @)->-- or @)~>~~ or @-"-,"-,---
  18. Carnation: *->->--
  19. Old joke (meaning button accordion): [:|||:] or [:]/\/\/\[:] or [:]|||[:]
  20. Krezi (means “you’ve gone crazy”): /:-(or /:-]
  21. Fifth point: (_!_)

What do horizontal (Japanese) symbolic emoticons mean?

Initially, it so happened that most of the text emoticons that were invented and became widespread had to be deciphered as if “tilting the head to the side.” However, this is not entirely convenient, you will agree. Therefore, over time, their analogues began to appear (also typed from symbols), which did not require virtually or actually tilting the head to the side, because the image created by the symbols was located horizontally.

Let's consider, what do the most common horizontal text emoticons mean?:

  1. (joy) is usually indicated: (^_^) or (^____^) or (n_n) or (^ ^) or \(^_^)/
  2. in symbols denoted as: (<_>) or (v_v)
  3. The following symbols mean different things: (o_o) or (0_0) or (O_o) or (o_O) or (V_v) (unpleasant surprise) or (@_@) (meaning “You can be stunned”)
  4. Emoticon meaning: (*_*) or (*o*) or (*O*)
  5. I'm sick: (-_-;) or (-_-;)~
  6. Sleeping: (- . -) Zzz. or (-_-) Zzz. or (u_u)
  7. Confusion: ^_^" or *^_^* or (-_-") or (-_-v)
  8. Anger and rage: (-_-#) or (-_-¤) or (-_-+) or (>__
  9. What does fatigue mean: (>_
  10. Jealousy: 8 (>_
  11. Distrust: (>>) or (>_>) or (<_>
  12. Indifference: -__- or =__=
  13. This emoticon text expression means: (?_?) or ^o^;>
  14. Value close to: (;_;) or (T_T) or (TT.TT) or (ToT) or Q__Q
  15. What does winking mean: (^_~) or (^_-)
  16. Kiss: ^)(^ either (^)...(^) or (^)(^^)
  17. High five (means friend): =X= or (^_^)(^_^)
  18. Carrot Love: (^3^) or (*^) 3 (*^^*)
  19. Apology: m (._.) m
  20. Greedy emoticon: ($_$)

Naturally, on many blogs and forums it has long been possible to add emoticons in the form of pictures (from ready-made sets), but many still continue to use text emoticons, because they have already gotten their hands on this and there is no need to find the right one in the catalog picture.

If you want to know what this or that set of characters that is a text emoticon means, write about it in the comments. Maybe the whole world will figure it out...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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ki sa, kitties, wives (decomposition fam.). An affectionate designation for a cat (from the call: kitty-kitty).


kitty, kitties, wives (Persian.) (region). A purse or bag secured with a drawstring. “Taking out a flask of wine and a large pie with cabbage from the kitty, he sat down.” Zagoskin.

Bible Dictionary to the Russian Canonical Bible


k'isa (Deut. 25:13) - bag, purse.

Turkisms in Russian


1) and outdated and region (southern, western) leather or cloth bag, tightened with cords; wallet. Ross. Cellarius, 1771, 205 kitty; Dahl, 2, 110; Persian. kisa (Ushakov, 2, 1359; Sl. Acad., 1956, 5, 965). Vasmer erects the words. kitty in this meaning. to ar. kis wallet (2, 239). "From the Persian kisa pocket, pouch, wallet, pouch, from where further tur., az., turyum." (Dmitriev, 1958, 26). Radlov kisa (kazan = Persian) a leather bag from tailors, in which they put an iron, scissors, etc.; qasa (Kazakh, Turkish) = kasa 1. a leather bag worn on the belt, in which gunpowder and cartridges are carried; 2. (tourist) money wallet; the amount of 500 piastres 2, 1385); kasa (Crimean, Turkish-Persian) bag, wallet, pouch, case for watch and comb (2, 1159); kgza (drum) = i;gea pocket (2, 1389). Wed also Kyrgyzstan. Kise, Uzbek kissa in the same meaning.

2) and decomposition kisayka (Almaty) a cup without a handle. Radlov kasa (Chag.-Pers.) cup (2, 1159); kesa (Kyrgyzstan) = kasa cup (2, 1160); kasa (cauldron, from Persian) stone cup, clay pot (2, 348); keza (Kyrgyz = Ar.) cup (2, 1.171); casa (tur.-lere.) large cup... (for broth, sorbet); chSh casa porcelain cup (2, 1537). Wed Uzbek braid large cup (in the shape of a bowl), bowl (Uzb.-Russian sl., 1959, 219).

An emoticon is a set of symbols, or icon, that is a visual representation of a facial expression or body position to convey a mood, attitude, or emotion, originally used in email and text messages. The most famous is the smiling face emoji, i.e. smile - :-) .

There is no clear and reliable evidence about who invented the emoticon. Of course, you can point to ancient excavations, finds of various inscriptions on rocks, etc., but these will only be guesses from each of us.

Of course, to say for sure that the emoticon is a modern invention is a little wrong. The use of emoticons can be traced back to the 19th century. Examples of their use can be found in a copy of the American magazine "Puck" from 1881, see example:

Yes, there are a lot of such examples in history, but it is generally accepted that a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, Scott Fahlman, was responsible for the first digital type of emoticon. He suggested distinguishing serious messages from frivolous ones by using emoticons :-) and :-(. This was all the way back on September 19, 1982. This is especially useful when the sentiment of your message can be misinterpreted.



However, emoticons did not become so popular, but revealed their potential 14 years later, thanks to a Frenchman who lived in London - Nicolas Laufrani. The idea arose even earlier, from Nicolas’s father, Franklin Laufrani. It was he who, as a journalist for the French newspaper France Soir, published an article on January 1, 1972, under the heading “Take time to smile!”, where he used emoticons to highlight his article. Later he patented it as a trademark and created the production of some products using the smiley. Then a company was created under the brand name Smiley, where father Franklin Loufrani became president, and son Nicolas Loufrani became general director.

It was Nicolas who noticed the popularity of ASCII emoticons, which were widely used on mobile phones, and began developing directly animated emoticons that would correspond to ASCII emoticons consisting of simple characters, i.e. what we now use and are accustomed to calling - smiley. He created a catalog of emoticons, which he divided into categories “Emotions”, “Holidays”, “Food”, etc. And in 1997, this catalog was registered with the US Copyright Office.

Around the same time in Japan, Shigetaka Kurita began designing emoticons for I-mode. But unfortunately, the widespread use of this project never happened. Maybe because in 2001, Laufrani's creations were licensed by Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, and other mobile phone manufacturers, who later began offering them to their users. After that, the world was simply overwhelmed with various interpretations of emoticons and emoticons.

The following variations with smaliks and emoticons became the appearance stickers in 2011. They were created by the leading Internet company from Korea - Naver. The company has developed a messaging platform called - Line. A similar messaging application like WhatsApp. LINE was developed in the months following the 2011 Japanese tsunami. Initially, LIne was created to find friends and relatives during and after natural disasters and in the first year, the number of users grew to 50 million. Afterwards, with the publication of games and stickers, there were already more than 400 million, which later became one one of the most popular apps in Japan, particularly among teenagers.

Emoticons, emoticons and stickers today, after more than 30 years, they have definitely begun to occupy a place in people’s everyday conversations and correspondence. According to research conducted in the United States, it was found that 74 percent of people in the United States regularly use stickers and emoticons in their online communications, sending an average of 96 emoticons or stickers per day. The reason for this explosion in use Emoji is that the creative characters developed by various companies help to express our feelings, help to add humor, sadness, happiness, etc.

The emoticons in the tables will be gradually replenished, so go to the site and look for the meaning of the desired emoticons.

The positive meaning of the number 2 completely coincides with the canonical list of universal human virtues. This is kindness, peacefulness, generosity, correctness and tact, based on intuition, insight and understanding of the human soul. Add here romanticism, artistry of nature and an exceptional sense of beauty, and you get a true “crown of creation.” One can only regret that this indicator in all numbers of the numerological core is an almost impossible phenomenon, and people in whose character the positive qualities have completely supplanted everything negative do not exist.

Negative qualities

“Two” as one of the Main Numbers is an “axis of symmetry”, a point of balance that ensures a state of peace in your inner world. Any violation of this state is perceived by you as a direct threat to life and well-being. And it provokes you to take actions, the main goal of which is to restore order and harmony in the world around you.

Name numbers

The most obvious negative qualities of the “two” include a tendency to be dependent and conciliatory, depressive, and indecisive. A passive life position can become the reason for unjustified compliance in fundamental issues. And this will inevitably lead to losses in all spheres of life, and, as a result, dissatisfaction with oneself, embitterment and alienation. When interpreting the meaning of number 2, one should clearly see the line separating diplomacy and the desire for peaceful coexistence from pliability and timidity.

Birth date numbers

“Two” in the numbers of the date of birth - the Life Path Number and the Birthday Number - are inexhaustible opportunities for fruitful cooperation and conflict-free coexistence with almost any person or group of people. And this is perhaps the most important thing in the life of each of us. If you are protected by the number two, then fate will again and again provide you with chances to become someone’s best friend and confidant, someone’s irreplaceable “right” hand. And since people with leadership ambitions are much more common than reliable “followers,” someone will always need you.

Impact on the profession

The number 2 in numerology is a great chance for self-realization in a variety of professional activities. By nature, you are a “collector,” which means nothing will stop you from collecting and accumulating liquid knowledge and skills that will become the basis for achieving professional heights. But even if you didn’t have this ability, you would still be in demand as a negotiator, an excellent companion, or simply a reliable assistant who never forgets about his responsibilities.

Impact on personal life

What does the number 2 mean in personal terms? “Two” always has a positive effect on the successful choice of a soul mate. Of course, the presence of this indicator is not a 100% guarantee of a happy marriage. However, you have a lot of qualities that increase this likelihood. You are non-conflict, reasonable and responsive. You may get angry with your partner over some little thing, but this will never become a reason for you to “start a war.” Knowing perfectly well about the positive and negative qualities of his character, you will no longer change your opinion about him, which means you will be able to preserve your feelings.