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» Sergey Galitsky is building a road in Krasnodar at his own expense. Galician holidays Poems about the Kazan highway from Alexander Roy

Sergey Galitsky is building a road in Krasnodar at his own expense. Galician holidays Poems about the Kazan highway from Alexander Roy

The material was published by the printed publication "Business Newspaper. South"

09.06.2016 06:05

In Krasnodar, near the new stadium of FC Krasnodar, a road is being built, which is being carried out at the personal expense of Sergei Galitsky. The total cost of construction is 265 million rubles. The Krasnodar businessman has already invested 65 million rubles in this project

June 8th started asphalting of the road section from the Tikhoretsky Ring to General Troshev Street. The length of the road section will be 1300 meters. The project provides for the organization of a pedestrian sidewalk. Modern energy-efficient lamps will provide illumination of the roadway. In addition, work is underway to improve the surrounding area: the oak grove located next to the road will be landscaped. Moreover, according to the project, more than 200 trees were cut down, but the builders managed to preserve the green zone, reports the press service of the Magnit company.

This road will significantly improve the infrastructure of the surrounding areas and facilitate access to the new stadium,” notes Pyotr Vladimirovich Kutsenko, General Director of Investstroy LLC. - Fans who will come to the matches will have the opportunity, without congesting existing streets, to freely get to the parking area, and from there through the park - directly to the FC Krasnodar stadium. The modern parking lot has a capacity of 2 thousand places; in the future it is planned to create another 3 thousand places. In addition, more than 20 thousand residents of the East Kruglikovsky district of the regional capital, as well as the village of Plodorodny, will be provided with a well-maintained road, which will also help relieve existing transport hubs for servicing the stadium’s transport infrastructure.

During During the construction of the road, difficulties arose with a large section located next to the roadway, which belongs to one of the waste collection plants. Because of this, we had to incur additional costs and even adjust the project. Currently, together with the administration of the city of Krasnodar, the issue of allocating another territory to the enterprise has been resolved. The organization must transfer its work in the near future.

Road construction started two months ago. During this period, a railway crossing was erected from Tikhoretskaya Street to the Interregional Central Repository of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in Krasnodar, a number of communications were moved from the road area: 6 gas and 10 electric lines, sewer channels from the Prigorodny village, 3 telephone cables. Additional strengthening of sewer channels has been carried out. Completion of work is scheduled for the end of July 2016.

Construction of a new stadium of FC Krasnodar began in 2013. The sports facility will be able to accommodate about 33 thousand spectators. The stadium's technical capabilities will allow it to host matches of any tournament under the auspices of UEFA and FIFA. The facility is 98% complete and delivery is scheduled for the end of summer 2016.

In Kuban, police officers responsible for the fight against corruption were detained for bribery

22.08.2019 17:55

The head of the economic security and anti-corruption department of the Russian Department of Internal Affairs in Anapa and his subordinate employee were detained on the night of August 22 while receiving a bribe from a local businessman, reports citing a source.

According to him, the police were detained in Anapa on Lermontov Street in the official UAZ “Patriot” car of Fyodor Duritsky, head of the Department of Economic Security and Internal Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Anapa, at the moment when they were receiving a bribe of 1 million 80 thousand rubles from a local businessman.

“According to the investigation, police officers received money from a certain citizen Platonov for his diversion from criminal liability and general patronage in business activities related to the production and sale of alcohol in the resort city of Anapa,” said the source, quoted by the publication.

Based on this fact, the issue of initiating a criminal case is being considered; a preventive measure has not yet been chosen by the police. An inspection has been ordered.

It is also reported that the head of the Economic Security and PC department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Anapa, Police Major Duritsky, has held this position since May 2019. Senior detective of department No. 2 of the Economic Security Department and the PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, police major Dmitry Dushenko, who was detained with him, has been working in his position since 2017.

According to the Delovaya Gazeta.Yug website, in August 2018, a court in Krasnodar sentenced two former police officers who were accused of receiving a bribe of 100 thousand rubles. The court sentenced them to 2.5 and 3 years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

According to the department, in 2018, one of the accused was caught red-handed while receiving a bribe of 100 thousand rubles from a man who was a suspect in a criminal case of causing harm to health of moderate severity. For this money, the convict promised him a diversion from criminal liability.

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write in books authentically, separately in articles and bring those books
to Kazan and submit it to the steward and voivode in the order chamber
Mikhail Lvovich Pleshcheev.
And according to the sovereign Tsarev and Grand Duke Fyodor Alekseevich
... (t.) decree of Dmitry Koshelev in the Kazan district along Galetskaya
the road to the metropolitan and monastic estates, and to
Yasash Cheremis volosts and Chuvash villages and repairs,
where the Yasash people settled, I also traveled to the metropolitan’s,
and in the monastic estates of peasants and bobyls,
and in Yasashny Cheremis volosts and Chuvash villages
and repairs of yasashny Russian people and newly baptized, and
Chuvash and Cheremis courtyards, and in the courtyards of people and children,
and brothers, and nephews, and backbenchers, he copied them by name
all and all people are against the order on all [m] counts[y]
interrogated. And the Galician roads are the yasash people of Chuvash and Cheremis
the correspondence affected all that ancient roads, and from time immemorial
where they paid the great sovereign's cheremis to the treasury before the census
Kazan Mikhail Barakov yasash money from one kiss of yasak
fifteen altyns, half six denge, and a quarter of rye bread,
by the honor of a sheep, [by] a half-shaft of barley as a receiving measure. But as
de Mikhailo Barakov rewrote them, yasashny people and superimposed
on them, instead of escheats and fugitive yasash people, again
half nine denge for yasak and now they pay, cheremis,
yasash money per kiss of yasak, eighteen altyns each, two
money, and two ropes per yard. Yes they are
have been paid since ancient times for arrivals and for yard work in the fifth year
hryvnia per tselov and yasaka. And the Chuvasha said: before the correspondence
They paid Mikhail Barakov ash money and bread with cherry
Galetsky roads are smooth. And Mikhailo Barakov imposed on
them again for half a third of the money for yasak and now they, Chuvasha,
pay yasash money from one whole yasak to seventeen altyn
two money, and for ropes two money per yard, and for entry
and they don't pay for yard work. And Mikhailo Barakov is against
Cheremis Yasaku imposed less on them, so they didn’t
they know and have received letters of commendation that they, Chuvasha, do not
they said. And now they, Chuvasha and
Cheremis, not exactly, who is doomed by what in Kazan in the administrative chamber.
And who are the Yasash people of Chuvash and Cheremis by correspondence
living expenses appeared, and for those living people
in addition to their previous yasaku and again yasaku for reckless people
he, Dmitry, imposed, and amused the poor people with yasaki
and those extra tributes were imposed on those who were yasash and those who were not yasak
of people. And about the newly baptized and about the old people who
live behind service people of all ranks, and about

Created: Thu Feb 12 10:43:06 CET 2015

An ancient road, from ancient times leading to Tsarevokokshaisk (now Yoshkar-Ola), and further, right up to the ancient city of Galich. Traffic along the highway continued until relatively recently, when a modern highway was built from Volzhsk to Yoshkar-Ola. This is how the ancient highway ended up away from busy roads, retaining its appearance to this day.

After passing through the villages north of Kazan, the road dives under the cover of the Mari forests, where, on the territory of the Mari Chodra National Park, it passes by protected lakes and mighty oak trees.

Not far from Konan-Era, in the wilderness, seven forest lakes are hidden, small in size and very quiet. On the isthmuses between them there are parking lots for a quiet and measured rest.

Lake Konan-Er is enchanting and blood-chilling with its appearance. The basin of the lake hides trees that have fallen under the water, the depth begins at the very shore, and the wooded slope of Maple Mountain hanging over the lake sometimes causes a feeling of anxiety in the evening. It is not for nothing, apparently, that the lake is identified with witches.

According to legend, the lake was formed on the site of a swamp in which a girl, a merchant’s daughter, drowned because of unhappy love and her parents’ ban on marrying her beloved.

Pugachev's oak - this particular tree is now known by this name - is one of the oldest and most beautiful oaks in the entire Maple Mountains. According to biologists, the tree has been growing since 1600. There is a legend that from Duba Pugachev watched the column of smoke from the burning Kazan, from where he was forced to flee after the defeat and unsuccessful siege of the city. Contrary to legend, Pugachev could not climb this tree - at the time of the Pugachev uprising, the oak was still young and ordinary.

Previously, not far from the treeless part of Klenovaya Gora, called Stalin's Fields, until the 1940s there was an oak tree that had been growing since about 1450, which could have served as an observation deck for Pugachev. But this tree died during severe frosts in the 1940s.

Upland, the southern remnant of the Vyatsky Uval, located south of the Ilet River valley. The height of the mountain is up to 200 meters above sea level - which for our flat regions allows it to be considered a significant elevation.

Klenovogorye is the pearl of the Mari Chodra National Park. It is no coincidence that the sanatorium of the same name is located here - under the mountain, in the Ilet floodplain, there are outlets of various mineral waters, the most famous of which is the Green Key.

Maple Mountain is also the most visited part of the national park by tourists. Marked routes lead from the sanatorium to Green Key, Lake Mushan-Er and Lake Konan-Er.

Posted Mon, 03/08/2010 - 19:29 by Cap

There comes a time in every boy’s life when he wants interesting adventures, when distant countries call him on the road, when he wants to find his treasured island or a mysterious treasure. It is with such adventures and searching for treasures was for us - Old Kazan road(tract), as the locals called it. During our lifetime, we no longer saw any lively movement along it. Of course, merchant convoys or postal troikas had not moved along it for a long time. But until the early 70s of the last century, this tract was still used in logging of the Mushmarinsky Forestry Enterprise, and Lushmore Bridge at Ustye Yushuta It was in operation for almost the entire year, and only before the spring flood was it dismantled so that the violent spring flood would not carry it away.

But, one way or another, on our boyish trips from Krasnogorsk to pick mushrooms and berries, as well as fishing - this tract was of paramount importance. In any case, we always crossed it, and often used the ford at the Mouth Yushuta to go to the Klenogorsk coast Ileti, exactly in the place where the old (Golden) bridge was. Why Lushmore Bridge called gold - this will be in another story, but you can still find the remains of piles in shallow water near the right bank - this is the mark of the Lushmore ford across Ilet.

However, it is difficult to judge now; perhaps this tract is even older than assault on Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, and existed during the heyday of the Kazan Khanate, and the Tsar’s regiment simply took advantage of it to attack Kazan??? Who knows?

One could also doubt the existence of the Royal detachment itself, which moved along such a difficult path. However, we recently received unexpected confirmation of this historical event when we rafted along Rutke in May 2009. During this trip we visited Mother of God Sergius Hermitage on Rutke. The abbot of the monastery told us (by the way, filmed) that indeed, one of the royal detachments was moving through the Mari forests towards Kazan. Indeed, in the Kilemar forests there was a real “ Tsar's (War) trail”, which remained after the army passed. Moreover, this path, according to the Archimandrite, was preserved right up to the 60s of the last century, at least in certain sections. Then, on a Soviet map from the 70s, I actually found a mention of “ The Tsar's (War) Path“- by the way, this map is posted on the popular website POEKHALI.ORG. It just shows the area in the interfluve Rutke And B.Kokshagi, where the Tsar's Path is indicated!

But this is already a deviation from our story about the Old Kazan (Galitsky, Tsarevokoshaysky) tract.

It is also worth noting that the section of this highway, which runs through the Mari Chodra State National Park, is surrounded by many attractions that are worth including in tourist routes and visiting.

The story about these remarkable places and about the legends of the Old Kazan Highway will be continued, and below is the promised story!



A story that actually happened, told to us by Volodya Anisimov. This old story was told to him by his mother (who comes from villages of Ozerki), and her grandfather, in turn, told her.

The incident occurred even before the revolution, when the old Kazan road was busy, and carts with food, ore and textiles traveled along it to Tsarevokokshaisk. This road descended from Maple Mountain, crossed Ilet through Lushmar Bridge, then through Ozerki, and went to the village of Shigakovo.

It so happened that the aforementioned grandfather and his wife were returning along the Kazan tract from Petyal to Ozerki. It was winter, and they were traveling in a sleigh through precisely those dense forests, the remains of which now stretch from the Petyalka River (locally called Petka) to the Ustya Yushuta(for locals - Slitie). Suddenly, they see a man standing by the side of the road asking them for a ride. Although there were robbers in those places, the riders did not suspect anything bad in the stranger: since it was midday, and the man was missing one leg - a wooden prosthesis was sticking out from under the hem of his sheepskin coat. Yes, and to be honest, they didn’t have much to take from them - they were of the peasant class.

They put that little man in the sleigh and drove on. Meanwhile, we started talking to each other about business matters, and for a moment forgot about our travel companion. And when they remembered him and asked him something, they saw that his fellow traveler was not a cripple: he was sitting in a sleigh with two legs, and he unfastened his prosthesis and put it next to him. Grandfather immediately sensed something was wrong: the thickets here were wild, various rabble were wandering through the forests, and it often happened that entire merchant convoys went missing there. The stranger also realized that he had been figured out, but apparently the fake prosthesis rubbed his leg so much that he could not help but take it off. Word for word - a brawl began on the sleigh, the grandfather was young and strong then - he threw that peasant into the snow and drove the horse as fast as he could! The stranger quickly jumped to his feet and ran after the sleigh, swearing terribly and threatening the riders! A damask knife flashed in his hands, and wolf lights danced in his eyes! Fortunately, the horse sensed something was wrong - he rushed the sleigh so quickly that the people could barely hold on. They soon broke away from the dashing man, and even managed to reach Lushmar Bridge, where it was always crowded and already safe.

That would have been the end of the matter, but it turns out that the stranger’s prosthesis remained in the sleigh. Grandfather wanted to throw it away, but he felt that it was too heavy for a piece of wood. Perhaps the stranger was hiding something in it? And sure enough, when they sawed the prosthesis, they found in it gold chervonets of royal coinage. At that time it was a fortune for them! They reported that incident to everyone, and they handed over the chervonets - out of harm's way. With the money they raised, they repaired their hut and bought a lot of things for the household.



(Krasnogorsky settlement)

Tsarevokokshaysky tract

I'm not from here myself.

But I love this region!

He has natural beauty

He gave me a loaf of salt!

Showed me the depths of the forest,

All the ravines and meadows,

And the places where it flows,

Mother, Ilet River!

The land is full of beautiful legends,

Old places and corners,

Everything I know and everything I've heard

I'm ready to say it in verse!

We are talking about the Tsarevokokshay tract,

In these lines he will run,

Next to the Pugachev Oak.

To Kazan where the path lies!

Historical and old

There was a folk trail,

Age-old dust and stones

Remember these times...

There is a legend that along the highway,

Pugachev himself is Emelyan!

He left with the rest of the army,

Hiding in the forest weeds.

From a century-old oak tree in the thicket,

Pugachev, looking into the distance,

Did you see if there was a chase?

The one that the king sent after them.

Pugachev is a defender of the people,

He was fair in those circles

This is why he was loved by the people,

Everyone who is in his troops.

There was an incident near an oak tree,

People walked with bread and salt,

And they asked Pugachev,

Save the people from trouble?!

In a village near the highway,

Under the name, Nulmari!

Pyukyl's fist is rich,

He tore off rubles from the residents!

For high interest rates

It was like falling into a vat,

And forcing me to work

The debtors were being squeezed into a trap!

But for my evil and greed,

He was Pugachev, we judge him!

Near the oak tree on the aspen,

He was hanged and sent to hell!

The path is long

Tsarevokokshaysky tract,

And having passed, you can’t imagine

What was going on here, and how?

In shackles, clinking chains,

And from moans, blood, sweat

Everything around was soaked!

There is Shigakovo, along the highway,

Through the Kozhlanger field,

Between centuries of construction,

Old Pugachev Korem!

And now they are driving along the highway,

Kazankova tractors,

And once here, on it,

The man beat the reins of the horse!

Beyond the threshold of centuries

Hundreds of miles, the road is here!

And from Klenova to Yushut,

A tourist route!

I'm not strong in history!

But I'm glad I live here

In principle, Russians are not capable of writing impartially about Ukraine. Suffice it to say that no country in the world is mentioned so often in conversations among themselves in Russia, not even the USA and China. Our peoples are connected by too many things - Ancient Rus', and Kyiv, familiar from childhood through fairy tales and epics, and resort and military Crimea, and Odessa with its humor and dialect, and the reality show "Verkhovna Rada" 2004-2010, and much more other...
That’s why Russian travelers always write biasedly about Ukraine. Or as an unlucky breakaway province that, without Russian tutelage, is falling apart before our eyes, or as a democratic and civilized state that managed to do what we failed to do. One of these positions slips through even completely apolitical people if they even slightly touch everyday details. What can we do if we don’t know how to perceive Ukraine as just one of two hundred states in the world?
I don't know if I can keep the balance. Especially speaking about Western Ukraine. But I'll try anyway.

I’m too lazy to write the traditional “return post” this time. After all, I was going to write a post about Galicia in general, so I don't see the point of an introduction. Here I will just express a few of my observations.

Having visited both the East and West of Ukraine, I can state that this is still a single nation. There are no more differences between Little Russians and Galicians than between Southern Russians and Northerners in Russia. But a serious conflict between the Right and Left banks of the Dnieper still exists, and it is impossible to deny the split of Ukraine along territorial lines. In the East they are afraid of the West because “they are all Banderaites there and they beat you up for the Russian language,” and in the West they are afraid of the East because “they are all gopniks there and will immediately take away your mobile phone.” Both of these cliches are equally far from the truth, but they still exist. However, this is still a single people, and it is possible to find a compromise, an idea understandable to both the West and the East.

I really didn’t notice any aggression towards the Russians there. Although in all conversations, even in a museum, even with a peasant on a rural road, he demonstrated ignorance of Ukrainian language and honestly said that he was from Russia. Mostly the people are very friendly, and they treated me with genuine interest. At the same time, I would not say that Westerners are much friendlier than Russians. Everything “necessary” was encountered: the question “What are we photographing?” and rude men. In one of the villages, a peasant very angrily asked why I was walking on their land. Gopniks (here they are called “roguli”) are also found - their population is approximately at the level of the Russian North-West. But in general, as already mentioned, 99% of contacts were purely positive. Actually, as in Russia - that is, troubles are possible, and after at least one such adventure you begin to perceive any people with caution, be it “your own” or “strangers”.
By the way, Westerners are very worried that in Russia they are slandered and considered fascists. It seems to me that we should understand them in this!

There are a LOT of attractions in Western Ukraine. Probably less than in Central Russia, but comparable to the North-West. Moreover, due to the high population density, they are located more closely. It’s probably very pleasant to travel around Zapadenschina on foot - on average, it’s a day’s leisurely walk from town to town. But the main thing is that everything is DIFFERENT there. A completely different world - but at the same time completely understandable and accessible to our perception.
In Lviv, the Old Town around Rynok Square made a special impression on me. But the Austrian center differs from some Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan or Samara in its crooked streets and cobblestones, but the architecture is no more impressive than Russian modernism of the same time. A separate impression was the modern flavor - be it the original cafes, embroidered shirts as ordinary holiday clothing, or the Indians who settled on Freedom Avenue.
Among other places, the most vivid impressions were Olesko, Drohobych and Galich. I also visited Zholkva, Podgortsy, Boryslav, Truskavets and Ivano-Frankivsk. Didn’t make it to Svirzh and Unev, couldn’t get to Tustan.
But no less than the settlements, I was impressed simply by the everyday life of a Western Ukrainian village.

Apparently there will be the following posts:
1. Galicia. History and modernity.
2. Lviv (7-10 parts).
3. Galicia in detail (separate posts about the village, about religion, etc. - 3-4 in total).
4. Zhovkva (1-2 parts).
5. Olesko
6. Podgortsy
7. Drohobych (1-2 parts).
8. Borislav and Skhidnytsia.
9. Truskavets.
10. Galich (2-3 parts).
11. Ivano-Frankivsk (1-2 parts).
In general, there will be a lot!