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» Iveco diesel engine for UAZ Patriot. UAZ Patriot diesel: owner reviews

Iveco diesel engine for UAZ Patriot. UAZ Patriot diesel: owner reviews

For the fuel supply system of the UAZ Patriot, model UAZ-31631, with an Iveco F1A diesel engine, the fuel to the fuel pump initially comes from the left tank. As fuel is consumed, the left tank is automatically replenished from the right. The plugs on the filler pipes of fuel tanks are blind and provide an airtight seal.

Design of the UAZ Patriot fuel supply system with an Iveco F1A diesel engine.

The fuel supply system of the UAZ Patriot with an Iveco F1A diesel engine includes: two fuel tanks, a coarse fuel filter, a fine fuel filter, an electric fuel pump, a jet pump, a high-pressure fuel pump, fuel and steam-air hoses and tubes.

The fuel supply system before the high-pressure fuel pump is under a pressure of 4.15-5.35 kgf/cm2, and after the pump is under a pressure of 5.5-7.0 kgf/cm2. Therefore, it is not allowed to loosen or tighten the connections of the fuel supply system fuel lines while the engine is running or immediately after stopping it.

Fuel tanks.

The capacity of each tank is 39 liters. Maintenance of fuel tanks consists of periodically washing the filter of the fuel level receiving tube and the tanks themselves, draining the sludge, checking the reliability of the tanks and, if necessary, tightening them. For washing, fuel tanks are removed from the vehicle.

Fuel electric pump of flow type.

Maintenance of the fuel pump consists of periodically checking and cleaning its contacts connected to the on-board network. Particular attention should be paid to the reliability of the ground connection.

Clogging of the intake pipe filter, fine and coarse fuel filters, the presence of dirt and mechanical impurities in the fuel tank are manifested primarily in deterioration of fuel pumpability from the right tank to the left, unstable engine operation under heavy loads and deterioration in vehicle dynamics. If these symptoms occur, appropriate measures should be taken immediately to avoid failure of the fuel pump.

The electric motor of the fuel pump is cooled by the passing flow of fuel, therefore, in order to avoid its failure, it is not allowed to turn on the electric fuel pump dry when there is no fuel in the left tank.

Jet pump.

The jet pump is mounted on the fuel hoses near the left frame side member. Its maintenance consists of checking the tightness of the pump and its connections. If there is no fuel pumping from the right tank to the left, the jet pump must be disassembled by unscrewing the nozzle, washed and blown with compressed air.

Fine fuel filter.

Installed under the hood of the car on the left mudguard. The fuel heating device turns on when the ignition is turned on if the fuel temperature is below 10 degrees. Heating is controlled automatically using a fuel temperature sensor.

Every 10,000 kilometers and if the indicator for the presence of water in the fuel filters is activated, sediment must be removed from the filter element. To do this, you need to unscrew the water presence sensor a few turns, drain the sediment until a stream of clean fuel appears and screw in the sensor.

Every 40,000 kilometers or once a year, whichever comes first, or if the filter warning light goes off, the filter element must be replaced. Before replacing, the outer surface of the filter must be cleaned of dirt. When replacing the filter element, do not allow dirt to enter the internal cavity of the filter.

Coarse fuel filter.

Installed on the left side of the frame, access to the filter from below the car. Every 10,000 kilometers and if the indicator for the presence of water in the fuel filters is activated, sediment must be removed from the filter element. To do this, unscrew the water presence sensor a few turns, drain the sediment until a stream of clean fuel appears and screw in the sensor.

Every 40,000 kilometers, a visual external inspection of the fuel pre-filter must be carried out. Every 120,000 kilometers or once every four years, whichever comes first, the filter element is replaced with a new one.

Bleeding air from the fuel supply system of a UAZ Patriot with an Iveco F1A diesel engine.

It is necessary to bleed air from the fuel supply system when dismantling pipelines, filters or pumps, after replacing the filter elements of fuel filters, after complete exhaustion of fuel from the system. To bleed air and fill the system with fuel, the following work must be done:

1. Loosen the air release plug on the fuel pre-filter. Turning on the ignition (electric fuel pump), fill the line until air bubbles disappear in the stream of fuel emerging from the air bleeder plug. Tighten the plug.

2. Loosen the air release plug on the fine fuel filter. Turning on the ignition (electric fuel pump), fill the line until air bubbles disappear in the stream of fuel emerging from the air bleeder plug. Tighten the plug.

3. Start the engine. If the engine does not start due to the high pressure pipes not being filled, repeat the above operations.

Leaks in the connections of the fuel supply system are eliminated by tightening the connections or replacing defective elements. After any maintenance work on the fuel supply system associated with tightening connections, removing or replacing parts and assemblies, it is necessary to check the tightness of the system.

Features of operating the UAZ Patriot fuel supply system with an Iveco F1A diesel engine.

During operation, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of a strong smell of fuel in the passenger compartment, engine compartment, in places where fuel and steam hoses and tubes pass through, and if present, check the tightness of the connections. Periodically check the functionality of the fuel tank valve; a malfunction of this element leads to disruption of the fuel supply system and deformation of the tank.

The UAZ Patriot with an Iveco F1A diesel engine is equipped with an electronic accelerator pedal module that does not require adjustment. After 30,000 kilometers and when engine power decreases, the air filter must be replaced.

UAZ has an anniversary: ​​exactly 70 years ago, in the early autumn of 1941, the Stalin Automobile Plant was evacuated from Moscow to Ulyanovsk. Ulyanovsk residents offered to celebrate their anniversary on the western coast of Lake Baikal - with a trip to Patriots with Iveco diesel engines, which will also very soon become part of the plant's history.

I would like it to be the other way around - the end of the beginning.

Who among the residents of the Russian outback has not dreamed of a diesel UAZ? At different times, the “goat” was wooed by units of Russian, Italian, Austrian, German, Japanese, Polish and even Chinese origin. But imported heavy fuel engines were expensive, and domestic ones were unreliable. However, the villagers spoke well of the Polish turbodiesel Andoria (AR No. 10, 2005), which was serially installed on the Hunter: they loved the engine for its simplicity, maintainability and “omnivorousness”. Well, the most successful third-party conversion was the UAZ with the Toyota 1 KZ-TE diesel engine - the most powerful in the “herd”.

Since August 2008, UAZ workers decided to switch to Italian Iveco F1A diesel engines - the same ones that are installed on Fiat Ducato commercial vehicles assembled by Sollers. The UAZ Patriot SUVs equipped with them have already sold seven thousand copies (five times as many gasoline cars have been sold), but I was able to fully drive a diesel Patriot only now.

I could listen to Priolkhon shaman Valentin Khagdaev for hours: this man’s stories are like a local history lesson taught by a good and enthusiastic teacher. But as soon as my colleagues asked Valentin to predict something or read his hand, I tactfully stepped aside

The Ulyanovsk residents chose a noble place for the anniversary rides: to the east of Irkutsk there are roads of such quality that after just a couple of tens of kilometers the car develops not only “childhood” diseases, but also chronic diseases. Passengers, by the way, too!

Deciding to take a break from the unbearable shaking, I stop at the end of the dusty primer, open the door - and give a thumbs up: the door seals on the Patriots have finally learned to install as they should! The rubber bands now do not “get chewed” in the openings and effectively seal the joints (the leakage of the Patriot’s body, I remember, was a big annoyance during the Aral trip - AR No. 17, 2009). After giving the grader a good whack, I noticed that the trunk door stopped knocking, the cup holder no longer “shoots” on bumps, and the plastic “fangs” of the rear bumper do not fall off due to vibration. But the rattling of the steering shaft joints on a car with a mileage of 5000 km is an embarrassment. Especially after the plant’s announcement about tightening control over the quality of third-party components.

Look at the shoes the Irkutsk UAZ dealers wear on the Patriots! On Taiwanese Maxxis Buckshot Mudder tires, the UAZ looks like a real macho - and gallops briskly over sharp rocks (over 700 km of driving I only cut one sidewall - a good result), effectively tearing up dense sand and balancing well in high-speed dirt turns. However, in the mud, the car became like a village drunk, wandering home with an amplitude from fence to fence: a couple of times, at the exit from a harmless turn, I almost leaned sideways against a roadside birch tree.

In the steppes stretching along the western coast of Lake Baikal, there are a lot of sharp stones. Yawn a little - get the jack!

The generator on the new ZMZ-51432 engine is mounted 129 mm higher than on the Iveco diesel engine. God grant that this is not the only advantage of the Trans-Volga engine

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What's happening? I stop on a dry patch, turn the front wheels all the way and begin to examine the tread. By God, the ancient petroglyphs on the Baikal cliff of Sagan-Zaba were easier to decipher! It seems that the “checkers” are correct and the slats are wide. There are even side lugs. But there is no “holder”! On harmless gentle slopes, the car immediately fell downhill and completely refused to get out of the rut.

External speed characteristics of the Iveco F1A engine

The Iveco F1A engine was developed by the Powertrain Technologies division of the FIAT concern. This is exactly the engine that powers the editorial Fiat Ducato truck, which is currently undergoing a life test at the Dmitrov Automotive Test Site

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In general, fashionable “sneakers” on the Russian off-road will have to be replaced with something more practical. The diesel Patriot also needs a more intimate accessory. The fact is that, due to the layout features of the engine, the depth of fording on this machine is set not by the cooling system fan or the air intake pipe, but by the low-hanging generator: when our cars drove into the water, the instructors prepared for the worst. If the red charging lamp lights up in the instrument cluster, then you can prepare to spend the night in the forest - we won’t reach the base on one battery. The only thing that can be done before overcoming deep fords is to put a protective “muzzle” made of a plastic bottle on the generator.

Couldn't this problem have been solved in three years of production? After all, there is a development testing stage!

I didn’t expect any particular agility from the 116-horsepower Iveco diesel engine - there wasn’t any. Of course, compared to its competitors, the Italian engine looks quite quiet and does not bother with vibrations - there is no annoying itching on any of the controls. But when driving in off-road conditions... No, the diesel is not weak - it is just inconvenient. If on commercial vehicles like the Ducato the power unit operates mainly in static load mode, then when driving off-road, the traction must be dosed, and dosed accurately. The left edge of the torque curve of the Italian diesel engine is flat, and when moving at low speeds (even with the range multiplier on), it is difficult to understand whether the engine is in a turbo lag or is ready to produce the declared 270 Nm. It would be nice to increase the final drive ratio a little, but then the Patriot would become uncomfortable on the asphalt, because its engine already overtorques when overtaking.

You can get to the “Pearl of Baikal” recreation center on wheels, located near the village of Bolshoye Goloustnoye, only along the coastline. And only at low water

To see Baikal, it’s not enough to come to it: you also need to bring good weather with you. We brought it!

On the move, the diesel Patriot is able to overcome almost any muddy area. But where careful maneuvering is required, the unacceptably low grip properties of the Maxxis Buckshot Mudder tires immediately make themselves felt.

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The solution is to use the electronic gas pedal. That is, adjust the rheostat setting so that in the low speed zone the engine responds more cheerfully to an increase in fuel supply. And it’s better to do this not mathematically, but expertly: for example, with the help of Buryat shamans, because the cult ministers of Olkhon Island know how to penetrate someone else’s consciousness and even predict the future - at least that’s what my colleagues who communicated with one of the mediums claimed.

But, alas, the UAZ people will neither adjust the accelerator nor waterproof the generator. I can predict the future of Italian diesel engines even without shamans - and my Tuvan experience with ritual (AR No. 17, 2011) has nothing to do with it. Since Sollers has just “divorced” from FIAT, Iveco diesel engines will no longer be installed on UAZs - and in the very near future a Russian engine, the Volga ZMZ-51432, will appear under the Patriot’s hood. Hearing this name, the experienced “goat breeders” will shudder in fear, since the old “five hundred and fourteenth” diesel engine spoiled their blood so much that it was cursed even by the repairmen. The Patriots will be equipped with an updated version of it, equipped with a common rail power system and meeting the Euro 4 environmental class. According to the stated characteristics, the Euro-ZMZ is very close to the Iveco engine, however, remembering the spread of output parameters on old Trans-Volga diesel engines, it’s hard to believe in the stability of the output. In an acceptable resource too.

But the Sollers group does not share these concerns: according to marketers, in the last year alone, consumer interest in the diesel program has grown by 35%, and they are confident that ZMZ-51432 will find demand. And the Ulyanovsk Patriot is also undergoing serious interior changes, so 2012 for this car will most likely mark a generational change.

Echoes of War


Already in the first months of the Great Patriotic War, strategically important factories began to be evacuated from the western regions of the country. In October, the threat of capture loomed over Moscow; a decision was made to urgently relocate capital enterprises, among which one of the largest was ZIS (named after Stalin). In addition to cars, they produced ammunition, equipment for the production of weapons, as well as forgings and castings for aircraft and tank factories.

Four sites were chosen for the evacuation of the ZIS - in Shadrinsk (future SHAAZ), Troitsk, Miass (future UralAZ) and Ulyanovsk. In total, 12,800 pieces of equipment were transported from the plant to the rear - shipping took place around the clock, and unloading on site was carried out mainly manually using wooden rollers, cables and ropes.

Ulyanovsk was then a small (population - 105 thousand people) regional center of the Kuibyshev region, so most of the workers were transported from Moscow - a total of 90 thousand people came to Ulyanovsk, including women and children. They built the plant in an open field, and at first, until the diesel power plant and boiler room were installed, electricity was provided by a diesel-electric train, and pipes carrying steam from decommissioned locomotives were used to heat the workshops.

The new plant was named UlZIS - ammunition production began here in February 1942, and a tool shop was launched in March. The assembly of ZIS-5 trucks from previously imported Moscow components was mastered in May 1942, and deliveries of power units from Miass were delayed, so the first vehicles rolled off wooden stocks without engines or gearboxes. The main assembly line was launched in October - up to 60 trucks could leave it per day. At the same time, the recruitment of other workshops was completed. Think about it - only a year passed from the moment the plant was founded to the start of the rhythmic production of cars! According to the laws of war.

Almost immediately, work began in Ulyanovsk to create a new generation diesel truck, several prototypes were even made, but subsequently all the developments on the vehicle were “left” for the ZIS. Another interesting fact: at the end of 1943, several hundred Studebaker trucks received from the USA under Lend-Lease were assembled at UlZIS. And in February 1944, the construction of the plant in Miass was completely completed, and it was decided to transfer the assembly of ZIS vehicles to the Urals.

The first products of the plant are the ZIS-5 truck and its simplified version ZIS-5V with a wooden cabin (pictured). From May 1942 to February 1944, more than 10 thousand three-ton tanks were made in Ulyanovsk

The transfer of production of GAZ-AA one-and-a-half trucks from Gorky to Ulyanovsk began in the fall of 1945, and two years later mass production of these vehicles began with a gradual increase in the share of components produced in-house

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After the war, it was decided to fill the idle capacities with the production of the much-needed GAZ-AA truck for the country - this decision forever predetermined the kinship of Ulyanovsk cars with GAZ products. The first gaziki rolled off the assembly line in October 1947. And seven years later, passenger cars also joined the trucks - at the end of 1954, the assembly of GAZ-69 SUVs began. At the same time, a chief designer department was finally created at the plant - the time had come to design our own models under the UAZ brand.

The first-born was the famous UAZ-450 family of carriage-type vehicles, the production of which began in 1958 and continues to this day in a modernized form. A new body stamping workshop was built especially for “loaves” and “tadpoles”, and in the summer of 1962, to reduce labor intensity, a unique multi-level assembly line was launched, which was not then available at any car plant in the USSR - and which is still in operation today.

nine thousand workers produced 55 thousand SUVs and trucks, and the net profit amounted to 1 billion 370 million rubles. The plan for this year is 57 thousand cars.

The production of GAZ-69 and 69A SUVs in Ulyanovsk began in 1954. With minor changes, the cars lasted on the assembly line for 19 years - a total of 597 thousand cars were produced with a lower engine from Pobeda (2.1 l, 52 hp) and a three-speed gearbox

The UAZ Patriot SUV, which comes off the assembly line of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, is produced in two versions with a ZMZ-409 gasoline engine and an Iveco F1A diesel engine. Today we will talk about the diesel engine for the UAZ Patriot SUV, or more precisely, about the injectors that are used to supply fuel to the cylinders. Let's consider the purpose of injectors on a diesel engine, their design and principle of operation.


In the design of the Iveco F1A diesel engine, an important role is given to such important system elements as injectors. Their main purpose is the ability to supply fuel to the combustion chamber in certain portions, as well as to spray the mixture into the combustion chamber.

Injectors on diesel and gasoline engines are a new era in the automotive industry, thanks to the installation of which the operating efficiency of engines has increased and the need for frequent maintenance of carburetor systems has decreased. Currently, injectors with electronically controlled injection have become widely popular.

Injection is carried out into the combustion chamber under pressure, which increases engine power and reduces fuel consumption. Thanks to the invention of such engines, it became possible to operate the motor more rationally, as well as increase its efficiency and environmental friendliness. Injection systems have a huge number of advantages over carburetor systems, but today we will pay attention specifically to the injectors of the Iveco F1A diesel engine.

UAZ Patriot SUVs with an Iveco F1A diesel engine are equipped with injectors with a piezoelectric operating principle. A piezo injector of this type is the most advanced device at the moment. The advantages of such nozzles are the following:

  1. Response speed. This is an important parameter that is responsible for the speed of fuel supply to the engine cylinders.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Reduced fuel consumption.

The operating principle of diesel injectors is based directly on creating high pressure of the mixture and injecting it into the cylinders. As a guide, the pressure created in the nozzles reaches up to 1200 bar. At this pressure, diesel fuel goes from incompressible to compressible. As a result, complete combustion of the fuel mixture supplied to the system occurs.

There are different types of injectors, so the power output of a diesel engine, as well as the emission of harmful gases, depend on their shape and hole length. The design of diesel injectors differs significantly from gasoline injectors, since despite the fact that pressure is created in the device itself, it also arises in the combustion chamber. After all, an important purpose of a diesel injector is its ability to separate compressed gases from the combustion chamber with direct fuel for supply to the cylinders. To prevent the entry of burnt gases into the nozzle, when it opens, the pressure in the device increases, which helps limit the entry of these gases.

The injector is controlled by an electronic unit installed on a UAZ Patriot car. This block collects information from various sensors, processes it and makes an appropriate decision. Electronic injection control systems control both piezoelectric and electromagnetic injectors.

Disadvantages and breakdowns of injectors

The considered elements on the Iveco F1A UAZ Patriot diesel engines also have some disadvantages, among which the following can be noted:

  • high cost;
  • impossibility of self-repair;
  • the need to refuel only with high-quality fuels.

In addition, even if a beginner could clean the carburetor, these procedures are impossible with injectors. These devices are cleaned at special stands, so each time you need to pay a considerable amount.

Often, owners of newly purchased diesel SUVs complain that, without traveling even a couple of thousand km, the car loses power and even stalls while driving. The reasons for this absurd phenomenon may be the following factors:

  • poor-quality diesel fuel that was poured the day before;
  • electronics failure, which requires a visit to the service to identify the cause of the failure using computer diagnostics;
  • Sometimes a defect from the factory is possible. As practice shows, there are periodically cases when injectors for Iveco diesel engines come with defects.

The fact that the product is malfunctioning can be judged by the following signs:

  1. The engine is difficult to start, even when the temperature is 60-80 degrees.
  2. The engine stalls at idle.
  3. Increased fuel consumption.
  4. The temperature rises quickly.
  5. The occurrence of jerks and dips during engine operation.
  6. The crankshaft frequency at idle periodically increases or decreases.

These signs indicate a malfunction of the injectors, but this does not mean that they are out of order. To determine this, you will need to conduct computer diagnostics. The above signs are only evidence that these elements are malfunctioning, but the reasons for this may be factors such as: lack of power, electronic system failure, clogged injectors.

To summarize, it can be noted that the proper operation of a diesel engine depends, first of all, on the quality of the fuel being refueled, so try to ensure that your iron friend is powered by, albeit expensive, but really high-quality diesel. Otherwise, further repair and diagnostic work on cleaning the injectors cannot be avoided.

You can check your BMR and if you need to reduce it!

- A large family car with the ability to drive along an unplowed road to the village at any time of the year.

Pros: Large compact car, awesome appearance.

Disadvantages: the heater valve does not close completely, the turn signal reset on the steering column switch does not work. The malfunctions are more serious: at 300 km it refused to start - the factory did not tighten the wire nut to the starter. Two bolts securing the body to the frame are not fully tightened.

Initially, the UAZ Patriot was produced as a car that absorbed all the greatness of the Hunter. A durable heavyweight with a professional approach. The ability to accommodate 9 passengers at once, folding seats and a huge trunk - this is the car that UAZ engineers conceived and created, fulfilling the dreams of those who like to travel in a full-fledged SUV.

Friends, who wants to buy a car and is wondering which one he wants? I bought a Diesel Patriot on the auto website.

RU. for 450,000 rubles. A little expensive but it will do. Moreover, I have dreamed about it for many years. I fell in love with the appearance and appearance of such a formidable fighting machine, it even reminded me of military equipment, which would be useful for our people. Our roads cannot be passed or passed.

I agreed to pick her up in Moscow. I got there by train from Taganrog. Arrived quite quickly, especially for a purchase that made me happy. I picked up the car in a hurry... because I was in a hurry to get back home and the result was a non-working air conditioner and an incomplete interior heater. I discovered all this already at home. I was shocked how they handed me such a breakdown and didn’t even lower the price for it. I agreed on warranty repairs, a week later they found out that the heater had been done, but even though the drive cable had to be shortened, the air conditioning could not be done - there were no gaskets for the freon tubes, which, as it turned out, were tightened at the factory and all the freon flew out. I’m thinking, how can I go to the dacha in the summer heat now and take my son? In the future, they still made Conder. On the way, the clutch pedal began to fail, the clutch tube rubbed against the frame, so I think it needs to be repaired again. And if I’m not an experienced driver, then how will I drive with such a pedal? All this is still dangerous. Damn, I read that I should have crawled under the bottom myself, removed and laid all the tubes adjacent to the frame and body with cambric, but the free time and my experience in these matters is so small., in general, as always.. I was in a fog condition. I fixed all these breakdowns with my husband, since I myself did not know all the intricacies of the repair. And my husband still managed to fix everything and make sure that I could drive without breakdowns, at least for the first time. He’s not happy that we took this car, because it breaks down often. Well, he still supported my dream and I defended it to the end. When I was driving in the dark, it turned out that when I turned on the headlights, the instrument lighting went out - it turned out that the lighting control panel was covered. Khan, well, I think so, oh well, all this can be repaired. My dad already made this for me at home. He certainly understands more about electrics than I do. He spent the whole day climbing there and doing something, and everything worked out for him. I was happy.

But there are also advantages: - diesel is generally pleasing - not noisy. The consumption suited me quite well. - The interior is comfortable, high, good visibility and everything can be seen far away and everything is fine., folding seats, you can take a nap whenever you want. - modern front view, this is my favorite place in the car, pleasing to the eyes. looks menacing in my opinion; - for a dependent suspension it goes quite smoothly (I didn’t think I’d get this.) - with the right approach, everything - operating costs can be reduced to realistic limits.) Now, instead of 15 liters per 100 km, you can use only 9.

The insulation is installed between the plastic upholstery and the iron wall from the inside of the door. In this case, the drainage holes at the bottom are left open. For better sealing, check all seals.

In cold weather, the good thing is that it starts quickly and well. There are situations when I urgently need to go and take my child to kindergarten in the morning, and she did not let me down in this regard.

Locking axle differentials ensures the best off-road performance of the vehicle. The disadvantage of this tuning is the deterioration of the car's handling when cornering. Having installed the differential locking mechanism, it is important not to abuse it, but to use it only on small difficult sections of the road.

    a diesel engine weighs significantly more than a gasoline engine;

    front springs have become more powerful; it is perfectly.

    operating at minimum idle speed can lead to oil getting into the system, and this is a big nuisance on the road.

oh and oh: - external door handles,clearly under a man's strong hand -not for me for sure.There is still one more minus. -there is a rubber-metal squeak somewhere in the back, and it is not clear whether it is the spring silent blocks or the rubber gaskets between the body and the frame.The car is suitable for people with average income. But it’s also suitable for those who know how to repair a car, this has its own problems, not for girls who don’t get along well with cars. It doesn’t rot that much, the body is good, you can drive it and drive through mud and puddles. Both the interior and the machine itself are easy to clean. I even drive through wet grass where any other...The car loads, but mine doesn’t. The trunk is very good because it fits everything you need, including a stroller for a baby, umbrellas for relaxation, and a folding table. Everything fits. Going to the base to buy groceries is also an irreplaceable friend. They carried water to my grandmother on it. Dad carried construction materials. I recommend it as a cargoThe cart driver is so mini. E it’s possible and even pleasant to drive.” We even dressed her up for the wedding, wow, she looked super dressed up. There is a lot of space in it, and as a bride I am very pleased. Friends also attended a wedding and ask to take it for rent. The seats in it don’t stick to your butt, they don’t even slide. although this is not a problem, you can sew any covers for it. I ordered velor covers for it. I think it will be cool.In general, I'm as happy with the purchase as an elephant. And now I take my family fishing, on vacation and to work. WITHthat was my dream, so what, cars are more for guys fits.

Video review


Diesel model

The diesel UAZ Patriot pleased everyone with its appearance in 2008. The IVECO F1A engine was taken from the Fiat Ducato model and installed on VAZ cars until 2012. Then the UAZ Patriot began to roll off the assembly line with a diesel engine of the EURO-4 eco-class. The new engine, unlike the UAZ Patriot diesel IVECO engine, was more powerful and, of course, environmentally friendly, for which it received recognition even from Western buyers.

UAZ Patriot diesel is not much different from its gasoline counterpart. It is not as powerful, but has increased torque, and the car behaves better on the road. Fuel consumption has decreased significantly, which cannot but please thrifty motorists. Now, instead of 15 liters per 100 km, you can use only 9.

  • a diesel engine weighs significantly more than a gasoline engine;
  • front springs have become more powerful;
  • Operating at minimum idle speed may result in oil entering the system.

A powerful and safe car designed for both city travel and off-road use. And it can accommodate a large family and a decent load. The spacious interior and large trunk do not leave indifferent even ardent opponents of the domestic automobile industry. In addition, constant modernizations make the Patriot only better every year.

Initially, the UAZ Patriot was produced as a car that absorbed all the greatness of the Hunter. A durable heavyweight with a professional approach. The ability to accommodate 9 passengers at once, folding seats and a huge trunk - this is the car that UAZ engineers conceived and created, fulfilling the dreams of those who like to travel in a full-fledged SUV.

For off-road travel, the car has all-wheel drive, dependent suspensions, heavy-duty mechanical steering and anti-roll bar.

Differences between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine

When the designers were faced with the question of creating a diesel UAZ, their opinions regarding the choice of engine differed. Some experts thought about installing a 3-liter F1C diesel engine, but in the end reasonable savings won out - it was decided to choose the F1A as less expensive, which is more profitable for both the plant and the buyer.

Having replaced the gasoline engine with a diesel one, the car's developers added a new Korean gearbox. Such a pair increased the price of the car, but the savings on gasoline will cover the difference in the cost of the Patriot in 1-3 years. And the ideal work of these 2 components will not allow you to doubt your choice.

The technical characteristics of the UAZ Patriot diesel are not much different from those of a gasoline car. The maximum power has decreased slightly, but this does not affect the operation of the machine in any way, and the maximum torque has increased.

Diesel engine characteristics

The working characteristics are as follows. Both UAZs have only the same volume of the fuel tank. The maximum permissible speed has decreased from 150 to 135 km, but this is quite enough, especially when driving off-road you have to completely forget about 135 kph.

Characteristics of UAZ Patriot pickup 2013

The changes primarily affected the interior of the car. It has become more spacious, the number of illuminated elements has increased. The dashboard and steering wheel, which came from German manufacturers, were changed, and a new modern radio with a hands-free function and a USB port was installed.

In the interior of the UAZ Patriot pickup, the risk of injury has decreased: the designers finally decided to remove the crossbar on the passenger side. The luggage compartment has record volumes, but the seats, according to reviews of most owners, were changed in vain.

Changes in the technical characteristics of the UAZ Patriot pickup affected the brakes: a new vacuum booster and brake cylinder were installed. The steering wheel is equipped with a new hydraulic booster.

Test drive a car in harsh conditions

The test drive of the new UAZ Patriot 2013 diesel was excellent. Handling is quite easy. The machine is stable, which should be the main quality when passing bumpy surfaces in the field. The car does not promise high speeds; it is not intended for racing on highways. But the characteristics of acceleration, start and quick gear changes cannot but rejoice. The suspension easily copes with its functions, overcoming all the holes and bumps. The Patriot pickup diesel gearbox becomes the main assistant in this matter and accurately doses the power, and the selected gear does not lose traction.

As evidenced by the review of the diesel engine, which also underwent changes in 2013, the creators of the ZMZ-514 decided to release it again only when responsible Germans from the BOSCH company got involved. They saved the engine by modifying and improving its characteristics.

Solving car problems

What changes pleased users of the new Patriot?

    1. It was: frequent timing chain break. Reason: lack of basic quality standards for timing components. Solution: Changing suppliers and increasing quality control helped resolve the drive chain problem. Changes also affected the chain itself - the diameter of the bushing increased.
    2. It happened: the lubrication system pump often failed. Reason: defects in the production of parts and failure to comply with maintenance requirements could lead to an overload of the system, which would disable the unit. Solution: reduced the load on the pump drive gears by changing its location.

The Patriot engine has become more reliable and powerful

  1. It happened: the valve plate often gets into the cylinder. Reason: as a result of a broken circuit, overheating and jamming of the pistons with their further destruction. And this, as a rule, can happen due to a foreign object getting into the valve. Solution: Install stronger valves.
  2. There was: rapid wear and jumping of the fuel pump drive belt. Reason: poor quality belt, poor bearing lubrication. Solution: use better quality belts, including poly-V belts, and use effective lubrication of bearing balls.
  3. There was a break in the high pressure pipeline. Reasons: unoptimized shapes and sizes of stress compensators; incorrect placement of locks and shock absorbers. Solution: optimizing dimensions, changing the location of locks and shock absorbers, changing assembly processes and installation of fuel lines.

Possible tuning of the diesel Patriot

For car owners of the new Patriot with a diesel engine, they offer engine chip tuning. The engine control program is being modified to increase its performance. In this way, you can improve idle modes, cold starts, and identify and eliminate factory errors.

If the engine power increased due to chip tuning is not enough for the owner, you can find a way out by installing a turbine and then flashing a program for it.

Soundproofing a car is another important aspect of tuning. The fact is that many Patriot owners, despite their delight in the car, often complain about noise in the cabin. To fix this problem, many people have to tune their SUV. Together with sound insulation of doors, vibration and heat insulation is carried out.

Additional door sound insulation

Due to the design features of the inner wall of the UAZ Patriot door, vibration isolation of the outer wall is carried out. It is covered with self-adhesive foil material that dampens vibration. Finishing the UAZ Patriot doors means tightening all the bolts and nuts, lubricating the locks and fasteners.

The insulation is installed between the plastic upholstery and the iron wall from the inside of the door. In this case, the drainage holes at the bottom are left open. For better sealing, check all seals.

Locking axle differentials ensures the best off-road performance of the vehicle. The disadvantage of this tuning is the deterioration of the car's handling when cornering. Having installed the differential locking mechanism, it is important not to abuse it, but to use it only on small difficult sections of the road.

The lock is mounted on the front and rear axles, after which the pneumatic drive is removed and an additional button is installed next to the driver. When driving on wet ground, snow or sand, just press the button and turn on the lock. When installing it, you should remember that incorrect use of this function can lead to damage to transmission parts.

Types of differential lock:

  • drive: pneumatic or electric - controlled by a button from the remote control, hydraulic - from a special lever in the cabin;
  • self-locking: soft - blocking occurs after the car has been moving for some time in appropriate conditions, hard - blocking is triggered as soon as the car hits a difficult section of the road.