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» Giant kidney cyst. Large cyst on the kidney

Giant kidney cyst. Large cyst on the kidney


This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the laparoscopic method in the surgical treatment of giant renal cysts. A 57-year-old patient was admitted to the clinic with complaints of constant dull, aching pain in the right lumbar region. CT scan: in the area of ​​the anterior, posterior segments and upper pole of the kidney, a solitary cyst measuring 16.5×12.5×10 cm is detected. In the left kidney, four cysts ranging in size from 1.5 to 5.0 cm are detected. Diagnosis: giant cyst of the right kidney , multiple cysts of the left kidney, coronary heart disease, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. The patient underwent laparoscopic transperitoneal removal of a giant cyst of the right kidney. The duration of the operation was 75 minutes, intraoperative blood loss was 20 ml, hospitalization time was 2 days. The result of pathohistological examination: the walls of the excised cyst consist of fibrous tissue. The patient was under observation; studies carried out a year after the operation revealed satisfactory function of the right kidney, the absence of pyelectasia, hydronephrosis and the presence of signs of cyst recurrence. Marsupilization of giant kidney cysts using laparoscopic technique is the optimal and least invasive method of surgical treatment.

giant kidney cyst


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A kidney cyst is a common benign kidney lesion and occurs in at least 24% of people over 40 years of age and in 50% of people over 50 years of age. Due to the development of diagnostic methods, the detection of kidney cysts throughout the world is increasing.

Renal cysts may obstruct the collecting system, compress the renal parenchyma, or cause spontaneous hemorrhage, inducing pain and hematuria. Additionally, they can become infected or can cause obstructive uropathy and hypertension. Not so long ago, before endoscopic surgical methods began to be widely used in medicine, a patient with a kidney cyst was mainly offered dynamic monitoring of the size of the cyst. According to indications, open surgery was performed, which was not always feasible due to concomitant pathology.

Bosniak (1997) developed a convenient classification that divides renal cysts into categories according to the degree of their possible malignancy:

Category II - benign, minimally complicated cysts, which are characterized by the appearance of septations, calcium deposition in their walls, infected cysts, and hyperdense cysts. This category of cysts almost never becomes malignant and requires dynamic ultrasound monitoring.

Category III - This group is more uncertain and tends to become malignant. Radiologic features include ill-defined contour, thickened septa, and patchy areas of calcium deposition for which surgical treatment is indicated.

Category IV - formations have a large liquid component, an uneven and even lumpy contour and, most importantly, in some places they accumulate a contrast agent due to the tissue component, which indirectly indicates malignancy.

Indications for surgery for a kidney cyst are: compression of the urinary tract by the cyst, compression of the kidney tissue by the cyst, infection of the cyst cavity and the formation of an abscess, rupture of the cyst, large size of the cyst, pain symptom and malignant hypertension. Most patients with cysts larger than 3 cm begin to experience pain sooner or later. Giant kidney cysts measuring more than 15 cm are a rather rare observation in practice.

Hulbert in 1992 was the first to perform and describe the technique of laparoscopic cystectomy. This technique allows the removal of solitary, multiple, peripelvical and bilateral renal cysts in a single operation. Today, cystectomy is performed using laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic methods. The laparoscopic approach is a minimally invasive method that allows decompression of cysts under direct visual control. Laparoscopy is an effective treatment for patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease who experience pain symptoms (Bosniak II and III).

In the literature available to us, we found only a few cases of laparoscopic removal of giant renal cysts. The case we presented is a rather rare observation in urological practice and, in our opinion, will arouse interest among colleagues.

Goal of the work - to clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the laparoscopic method in the surgical treatment of giant renal cysts.

Material and research methods

Patient X., 57 years old, was admitted to the urological clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University in November 2010 with complaints of constant dull, aching pain in the right lumbar region. According to the patient, the disease began approximately 4 months before hospitalization. Upon admission, the general condition was satisfactory. From the cardiovascular system, coronary heart disease and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis are noted. Indicators of general and biochemical blood tests are within normal limits. Ultrasound examination (US) and contrast computed tomography (CT) revealed no pathological changes in the abdominal organs. The size, thickness of the parenchyma and the functional state of the kidneys are satisfactory. In the area of ​​the anterior, posterior segments and upper pole of the kidney, a solitary cyst measuring 16.5×12.5×10 cm is determined (Fig. 1). The cyst has no adhesions to the right lobe of the liver. Four cysts measuring 1.5×1.5 are identified in the left kidney; 1.8×1.7; 3.1×2.4; 5.4×5.0 cm (Fig. 2). Abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes are unchanged. The patient was diagnosed with a giant cyst of the right kidney, multiple cysts of the left kidney, coronary heart disease, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis.

Rice. 1. Ultrasound of the patient before surgery. Giant cyst of the right kidney. The kidney is not visualized due to the large size of the cyst

The patient underwent laparoscopic transperitoneal removal of a giant cyst of the right kidney.

The patient is positioned in the lateral decubitus position at an angle of 45 degrees. Given the location of the cyst, the first port (11 mm) was placed 2 cm above and distal to the umbilicus and a pneumoperitoneum was created. Next, two more ports (13 and 5 mm) were installed under laparoscopic control. After separating the adhesions in the abdominal cavity, the peritoneum was dissected along the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity along the white line of Toldt to the hepatic flexure of the colon, then the colon was separated from the tissues of the retroperitoneal space and Gerota's fascia was exposed. The outer surface of the cyst was completely mobilized from the surrounding tissue (Fig. 3).

Rice. 2. Computed tomography of the patient before surgery. Giant cyst of the right kidney, kidney tissue is pushed under the liver and towards the spine

Rice. 3. Mobilized giant renal cyst

Next, it was opened in a small area and aspiration of the contents, which amounted to 1.6 liters. To excise the walls of the cyst, a device for dosed electrothermal tissue ligation “Liga sure” and endoscissors with coagulation were used. After complete excision of the cyst edges, a drainage tube was installed (Fig. 4). The duration of insufflation was 65 minutes, the duration of the operation was 75 minutes. Intraoperative bleeding - 20 ml. Hospitalization time 2 days. On the first day, discharge from the drainage tube amounted to 40 ml; on the second day, no discharge was observed. The drainage tube was removed, and the patient was discharged in satisfactory condition. The result of pathohistological examination: the walls of the excised cyst consist of fibrous tissue.

Research results and discussion

Laparoscopic surgery for kidney cysts is a modern and low-traumatic method for radical removal of cysts. This method allows any intervention on the cyst, including nephrectomy. In case of intraparenchymal renal cyst, when there is a high risk of damage to the renal cavity system, the patient must be warned before laparoscopic surgery about the possibility of expanding the scope of the intervention. This may be cyst enucleation, kidney resection, or nephrectomy.

Rice. 4. Patient after surgery

Naturally, a kidney cyst is not always an indication for surgical intervention or even active action. Most often, if the cyst does not bother the patient, and even more so if he did not even suspect its presence, dynamic observation is sufficient. This means that every six months to a year the patient must be examined by a doctor and undergo research (usually an ultrasound of the kidneys).

The wall of the cyst consists of a connective tissue capsule lined with squamous and cuboidal epithelium, in the vast majority of cases with chronic inflammation. In addition, in some patients, histological examination reveals muscle fibers in the cyst wall. The fibrous capsule of the cyst is lined from the inside with epithelium resembling endothelium or mesothelium, and degenerated nephrons, smooth muscle fibers and chronic inflammatory cells are found in the collagen tissue of the cyst wall. The epithelium of the cyst may be discontinuous. In many patients, the epithelial lining of the cyst is absent. In some places of the capsule the epithelium disappears or atrophies, while in others, on the contrary, it has 2-3 layers of cells. In some cases, lime deposits, embryonic inclusions, remnants of kidney and even adrenal tissue are observed in the thickness of the cyst wall. The deposition of lime in the walls of the cyst indicates its “old” age.

How transparent and pure the consistency of the liquid contents of the cyst during aspiration is, the greater the likelihood of a benign process in the kidney. With giant cysts, the presence of a malignant process in the kidney has not been described in the literature. In the patient we presented, during aspiration, we observed clean and transparent liquid, the volume of which was more than 1600 ml, without the presence of hemorrhages and signs of inflammation. The size of the cyst, the structure of its wall, and the consistency of the contents did not cause us to suspect the presence of a malignant process during the operation, which was also confirmed by pathohistological examination data.

Laparoscopic resection of a kidney cyst is an effective intervention with a low number of complications and rapid rehabilitation of patients. Emerging intraoperative complications can be eliminated without conversion if the operating surgeon has sufficient skills and appropriate equipment in the operating room. With sufficient experience and skill, the retroperitoneoscopic approach is less invasive and minimizes (though does not eliminate) the risk of internal organ injury. But in this case, we performed surgical intervention using a transperitoneal approach. We made this decision based on the gigantic size and location of the cyst. The transperitoneal approach allowed us to completely mobilize the extrarenal areas of the cyst from the surrounding tissues; no intraoperative complications were observed.

The success of laparoscopic ablation of a renal cyst is the relief of symptoms, observed on average in 97% of patients and the absence of signs of recurrence of the cyst in 92% of patients, which is superior in effectiveness to other methods of surgical treatment.

Our patient's main complaints were constant dull and intermittent sharp pain in the right side, especially occurring when lying on the right side. After surgery, the patient completely disappeared from pain, his general condition was satisfactory a day later, and after a few days he returned to active life. The patient was under observation; studies carried out a year after the operation revealed satisfactory function of the right kidney, the absence of pyelectasia, hydronephrosis and the presence of signs of cyst recurrence. The patient was in perfect health and had no complaints.


An analysis of the world literature and our experience in treating patients with renal cysts have shown that laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic resection of renal cysts is currently considered a safe and effective treatment method.

Laparoscopy allows the surgeon to take a minimally invasive approach to evaluate and treat this category of renal pathology. The cyst as a whole can be completely examined under direct visual control and excised. In addition, decortication or marsupialization can be performed without subjecting the patient to open surgery. This minimally invasive approach not only has diagnostic and therapeutic benefits, but also shortens postoperative morbidity and patient recovery compared to traditional open surgery approaches.

The case we presented once again confirms the opinion that using laparoscopic access it is possible to remove a kidney cyst of any size and location. Marsupilization of giant kidney cysts using laparoscopic techniques is the optimal and least invasive method of surgical treatment.


    Jamalov F.G., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Pediatrics, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku;

    Abdullaev K.I., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Urological Center LLC, Baku.

The work was received by the editor on 04/05/2012.

Bibliographic link

Imamverdiev S.B., Nagiev R.N., Astanov Yu.M. LAPAROSCOPIC REMOVAL OF A GIANT KIDNEY CYST // Fundamental Research. – 2012. – No. 5-1. – P. 31-35;
URL: (access date: 07/10/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Renal sinus cysts are more often diagnosed in people over 50 years of age and in old age. Such cavities appear during intrauterine development or are formed after illnesses and from the influence of negative external factors.

Stages of cyst development

Cysts appear in the right or left kidney, but sometimes they appear in both at once. They are most often located at the sinus or renal hilum. The cavities of the neoplasms are gradually filled with fluid.

At the first stage of cyst formation, a small “pouch” appears. Its cavity does not communicate with blood vessels. Over time, the affected area of ​​the kidney separates from the tissues of the organ, forming a closed system.

Liquid penetrates into the resulting cavity. The filling of the cyst occurs both during its formation and later. Doctors are not always able to accurately determine the moment when the chamber is filled, but cysts in the kidneys are never left without liquid content.

Causes of cysts

The causes of renal sinus cysts have not been reliably established. Geneticists and doctors are engaged in heated debate to this day. Most of them are inclined to believe that disorders during intrauterine development are to blame for everything, and genetic predisposition cannot be discounted.

A sinus cyst of the left or right kidney is formed even before a person is born due to damage to chromosomes as a result of mutations. But for the final formation of the cavity and filling it with liquid, it will take a long time. It can “mature” for decades, which is why kidney sinus cysts are often detected in people after 50 years of age. At the same time, this pathology is diagnosed in children in isolated cases.

There are other reasons for the appearance of a pathological cavity with serous fluid inside. For example, the effect on the renal sinus of a calculus. The pressure that the stone exerts on the kidney tissue leads to the formation of a depression. After some time, it closes, becomes autonomous, and serous fluid sweats into it.

A capsule near the renal sinus can occur after injury or bruise, as well as as a result of helminthic infestation or an infectious process. Among other factors for the occurrence of sinus cysts, the following are also called:

  • grueling physical work associated with lifting heavy objects;
  • uncontrolled use of medications, especially hormones;
  • influence of chemicals;
  • neoplasms in the kidney of a malignant nature;
  • disturbance of urine outflow;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • age over 50 years.

Symptoms of a sinus cyst

A renal sinus cyst of the left or right kidney rarely causes symptoms that would warrant seeing a doctor. In most cases, the formation is detected during ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys, to which patients are referred due to other diseases or as part of a medical examination.

Painful manifestations occur when the cyst reaches 5 cm and continues to grow.

The fluid-filled capsule presses on the pelvis, affecting the ureter and renal vessels. Because of this, a person feels a dull aching pain in the lumbar region, under the ribs. Unpleasant sensations intensify during physical activity and heavy lifting.

Blood pressure often rises, attacks of dizziness are observed, and nausea and weakness may suddenly occur. The reasons for this are an excess of the hormone renin, which is synthesized by the kidneys.

A person may notice a change in the color of the urine. It is stained with blood. Red blood cells enter urine from injured walls and vessels of the kidneys. When there are not too many blood cells, hematuria is detected only by microscopic examination.


A kidney sinus cyst can be of intrauterine origin or be genetically mediated. Specialists prescribe to their patients an examination of both kidneys, because if a cavity with fluid is present on the right, there is a high probability of finding it on the left side.

The most accessible, informative and painless way to identify pathology is an ultrasound examination. It allows you to visualize the cyst and find out its exact location.

Excretory urography is also used - x-ray with preliminary injection of a contrast agent into the vein. In the resulting image, the doctor detects signs of impaired blood supply to the kidney and organ failure. If necessary, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed. Layer-by-layer scanning in different projections helps to distinguish a cyst from a cancerous neoplasm, urolithiasis, and other pathologies of the urinary system.

Patients are given a referral for a general urine test. Laboratory assistants often find red blood cells, white blood cells, and traces of protein in urine. A clinical blood test is necessary to determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate - one of the signs of the inflammatory process. If a biochemical test reveals an elevated creatinine level, this is a symptom of kidney failure.


To treat or not to treat a cyst - the answer to this question depends on the size of the tumor. If the renal sinus cyst does not exceed 5 cm, no treatment is required. Patients are recommended to undergo an ultrasound scan twice a year, do tests and consult with a specialist.

Symptomatic treatment for a sinus cyst is prescribed when it causes pain or causes surges in blood pressure. Specialists prescribe painkillers, antihypertensive and diuretics. Sometimes it is necessary to take anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory medications. A mandatory part of therapy is a salt-free diet.

Small formations are removed laparoscopically or by puncture.

During a minimally invasive procedure, all fluid is pumped out of the cavity and a sclerosing agent is injected. It glues the walls of the cyst. After laparoscopy, operated patients are prescribed antibacterial drugs and painkillers. To prevent complications, among which the most common are intestinal paresis and pneumonia, a special complex of physical therapy is recommended.

Large cysts, as well as those that have begun to degenerate into malignant or fester, are removed. Resection is performed using open surgery.

Removal of a large kidney cyst protects the patient from possible deterioration of the condition and relieves pain. And if the formation degenerates, it prevents the spread of the oncological process to the adjacent kidney tissues and nearby organs.

How successful the treatment will be and how quickly the postoperative period will pass depends on the scale of the intervention. After the resection, it will take several weeks for the patient to regain strength. Sclerotherapy and laparoscopy are the least traumatic procedures. Treatment in a hospital setting will take no more than a week.

People who have a cyst in the renal sinus are advised to give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol.

It is worth sticking to moderate physical activity. Dietary food is required. It is necessary to limit the consumption of canned, smoked, spicy foods, and almost completely avoid salt.

It is very important to monitor the amount of fluid that enters the body with drinks and first courses. With a kidney sinus cyst, its volume should not exceed one and a half liters per day. It is advisable to give up coffee and tea. It is allowed to drink freshly squeezed juices, unsweetened compotes, and clean water without gas.

There are practically no people who are not familiar with the unpleasant manifestations of certain diseases. But some disorders in the body may not make themselves felt for a long time, and the person is not even aware of the problem. These are cystic formations in the kidneys.

Renal sinus cyst (parapelvical) is a benign formation that forms in the sinus of the kidneys, next to the calyces and pelvis. According to statistics, such formations are found in 6% of patients with kidney cysts. Women over 45 years of age are more susceptible to the disease. Sinus cysts can be either single or multiple.

  • Education mechanism
  • Causes
  • Clinical manifestations
  • Possible complications
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment methods for kidney sinus cyst
  • Medications
  • Surgical intervention
  • Preventive recommendations

Education mechanism

The sinus cyst of the kidney is a simple cyst; it is found only in the sinus - a small depression that is the gate of the organ. The inside of the cyst is necessarily filled with fluid. Through the sinus, the kidneys communicate with other organs, vessels and nerve fibers enter them, and lymph nodes and venous blood exit.

All cysts are formed according to general principles. First, cavities are formed under the influence of favorable factors. This may be a vessel that is limited from the general blood flow system. The renal tubule is limited from others. It may also be a tissue cavity remaining from a solid substance or a cavity formed during the destruction of the kidney parenchyma.

The cavity is filled with connective tissue fluid. This can happen both during the process of its formation and after its completion. Connective tissue fibers form a cystic capsule due to the organization of collagen molecules around the perimeter of the cyst.


The immediate causes of the formation of parapelvic cysts are not fully known. Most experts are inclined to argue that this pathology develops at the chromosomal level and is a congenital kidney lesion that begins in the embryonic period. Therefore, sinus cysts are very rarely diagnosed in early childhood.

View a selection of treatments for irritable bladder syndrome in women.

Read about in what cases and how bougienage of the urethra is performed in women at this address.

The following factors predispose to the formation of noncongenital cysts:

  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • kidney injuries or bruises that were left without proper treatment;
  • infections or infection with helminths (alveococcus, echinococcus);
  • work associated with hazardous industries, regular exposure to chemicals;
  • constant lifting of weights;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • lack of adequate nutrition;
  • bad habits.

Clinical manifestations

Cysts in the sinus appear unnoticed by a person and do not cause any discomfort for a very long time. At some point, the tumor may begin to grow.

When a cyst reaches 5 mm or more, its presence is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • Attacks of pain in the lumbar region. As a rule, the pain is aching, pulling. Its appearance is associated with the pressure of the cyst on surrounding tissues. Severe pain occurs when the disease is severe and complications develop.
  • Arterial hypertension - appears due to compression of the renal arteries by the cyst. The increase in blood pressure may be influenced by increased synthesis of the hormone renin in the kidneys.
  • Blood in urine turns it red due to the high content of red blood cells. The closer to the outlet the bleeding is, the darker the color of the urine. This is explained by the fact that during movement through the urinary tract, red blood cells break down and release hemoglobin. It reacts with the elements of urine, affecting its color.
  • Cloudiness of urine is associated with the presence of a large accumulation of leukocytes and protein molecules with it, as indicators of inflammation of the urinary organs.
  • An increase in temperature is observed in case of infection. Pyrogenic molecules that are present in the membranes of bacteria, as well as those that are released during inflammatory reactions, are activated.

Possible complications

If tumors are not treated in time, the following may develop:

  • renal failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • suppuration of cysts.


Renal sinus cysts are often diagnosed accidentally during examination for other reasons.

The formation can be detected using the following diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys (detects cystic formations of at least 3 mm);
  • MRI (recognizes cysts from 1 mm);
  • intravenous urography.

Laboratory tests of urine and blood can reveal the presence of an inflammatory process in the urinary system.

Treatment methods for kidney sinus cyst

After detecting parapelvic cysts in the kidneys, the urologist determines the further treatment regimen. If the formations are small in size (up to 5 mm), they do not affect the functionality of the kidneys and do not cause discomfort, then the patient is recommended to regularly undergo ultrasound and monitor the dynamics of the pathological process.


Drug treatment may include taking several groups of drugs:

  • analgesics and antispasmodics;
  • NSAIDs;
  • hypotensive;
  • antibacterial.

With congenital sinus cysts, the hydrobalance is severely disrupted due to fluid loss and sudden surges in pressure. Their effective therapy involves the complex use of cephalosporin antibiotics, aminoglycosides and penicillin, diuretics and antihypertensive drugs, and electrolytes.

Diet is of great importance in the treatment of parapelvic cysts. You need to completely give up coffee, chocolate, spicy and fried foods, seafood, and foods high in fluoride. Significantly limit your salt intake.

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Find out how to properly provide emergency care for renal colic from this article.

Go to and read about how to collect urine for bacterial culture and what the test results show.

Surgical intervention

Sometimes cysts begin to grow rapidly and significantly impair the functionality of the urinary system. In such cases it is necessary to remove them. Operations are also recommended when medications are ineffective to relieve the manifestations of pathology, or when tumors undergo malignant degeneration.

There are several ways to remove sinus cysts. Percutaneous aspiration without sclerotherapy is considered one of the least traumatic. Laser laparoscopy is also widely used. In severe cases, when a suppurative process occurs, open surgery is performed to excise the cysts.

There are no specific measures to prevent sinus cysts. But you can reduce the likelihood of their formation and growth if you avoid exposure to predisposing factors.

  • eat properly and nutritiously;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • limit the consumption of salt, coffee, chocolate;
  • treat infectious and inflammatory diseases in the early stages;
  • avoid inflammation of the urinary system;
  • Be regularly examined by a urologist twice a year to monitor the condition of your kidneys.

The following video contains traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of kidney sinus cysts:

"Canephron" - a drug for the treatment of kidney diseases

The drug "Canephron" can be taken in the treatment of various kidney diseases, including chronic ones. Can be used either alone or in combination with other medications. It is available in tablets and in the form of an aqueous-alcohol solution.

Packaging. Manufacturing. Components

"Canephron" is used in the treatment of kidney diseases, it perfectly relieves inflammation and has an antispasmodic effect. The drug "Canephron" was developed based on ancient recipes of traditional healers. Since ancient times, herbalists have used the properties of essential oils, herbal infusions and extracts.

Modern pharmacological technologies make it possible to streamline the use of plant components for the treatment of kidney diseases. For the production of Canephron, plants grown industrially and processed using modern technologies are used.

The tablets contain centaury, lovage root, and rosemary leaves. In addition to plant components, the drug "Canephron" contains many mineral additives; the sweet shell is made from sucrose. This makes taking pills more comfortable and convenient, especially for children.

There are liquid forms of the drug "Canephron", made using alcohol tinctures and extracts. They consist of the same components as the tablets. One package contains twenty tablets coated with a special coating. The water-alcohol solution is packaged in 100-milligram bottles with special dispensers that allow you to clearly determine the amount of medication required for a single dose.

Mode of application. pharmachologic effect

The description says that the drug "Canephron" is used for the treatment and prevention of any inflammatory processes in the kidneys and ureters. It can be used as a primary or an auxiliary drug in combination with other medications prescribed by the attending physician to combat kidney diseases. Canephron can be taken by patients with uninfected kidney diseases that are in the chronic stage. It is also used to prevent the formation of changes in the urinary canals.

It is widely used in the postoperative period by patients who have undergone removal of various types of stones from the kidneys, ureters or bladder. Thanks to herbal components, the use of Canephron for treatment and prevention almost completely eliminates side effects - there is no reason for concern.

The tablets are taken orally, and there is no need to crush them first. Their shell facilitates easy and painless ingestion. The outer sweet shell consists of fructose and quickly dissolves in the stomach, after which the active plant components begin to act on the affected areas. Take the tablets with plenty of liquid. You need to take the drug under the supervision of your attending physician, who regulates the dosage to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

In acute inflammatory diseases, the dosage and additional treatment are determined by the attending physician. About the timing of Canephron use, you should consult with a specialist who knows the dynamics and symptoms of a particular case. Typically, adult patients are prescribed two tablets three times a day, regardless of meals. The children's daily dose is one tablet three times a day.

It must be remembered that the use of the drug is individual and depends on the severity of the disease, individual tolerance and many other factors known to the attending physician.

Side effects when taking this drug are insignificant and occur only in case of individual intolerance to some components. The result of this is slight redness of the skin, itching, rashes, and diarrhea. Nausea and vomiting then occur. The slightest manifestation of the body’s failure to accept the components of the drug should alert the patient. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and seek advice from your doctor to change the dosage or completely stop taking Canephron.

If, after starting treatment with this drug, delays in urination begin, blood appears in the discharge, or pain occurs, you should immediately stop taking Canephron and consult a doctor.

Contraindications. Taking Canephron by pregnant women and women during lactation

Canephron is not prescribed to patients suffering from peptic ulcers during an exacerbation. It should not be used in case of renal or heart failure to relieve edema during an exacerbation of a chronic disease. It is forbidden to drink it in the form of one medicine for patients suffering from functional impairment of the kidneys. The drug is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, since its shell contains sugar.

Children under six years of age are prohibited from taking Canephron, and after six years of age, use should be under the supervision of a physician for the correct selection of dosage and concomitant therapy and prevention. It is forbidden to take the medicine with alcohol. There are no restrictions for taking the drug by drivers or people working in potentially dangerous places that require concentrated attention.

The drug is not contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy after consultation with the gynecologist observing the woman. It is necessary to accurately assess the feasibility of its use and the degree of risk in each individual case. Although there is no data on the effect of the drug on fetal development, you should be careful about taking any medications during this period. The doctor decides on the prescription of Canephron and its dosage during lactation.

The drug interacts well with any other medications and diuretics; there are no contraindications in this regard.

Overdose. Storing Canephron tablets

There were no signs of overdose during trials of the drug, even during the most intensive therapy carried out with its help. Patients tolerate the medication well without any signs of intoxication. If you suspect an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor and take a set of measures to prevent the consequences of intoxication.

The tablets should always be kept in a cardboard container out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry place. They can be consumed within four years from the date of issue. The expiration date must be indicated on each package in the form of a special code.

Kidney cyst- this is a common kidney pathology, which is a voluminous liquid formation, round or oval in shape, limited by a connective tissue capsule.

Kidney cysts are divided into:

Congenital- which are in the kidney from birth. The appearance of congenital cysts is associated with impaired intrauterine development of the kidneys, under the influence of any teratogenic factor.

Purchased- appear in the kidney throughout life and are associated with any kidney disease. I’ll talk about the reasons for the formation of kidney cysts below.

Based on their location in the kidney, cysts are divided into:
Subcapsular– located under the kidney capsule;
Intraparenchymal– such cysts are located in the parenchyma;
Parapelvical– located in the area of ​​the renal hilum, near the pelvis;

Cortical– located in the sinus of the kidney.

According to the structure of kidney cysts, they can be:

- Single-chamber having one cavity filled with liquid;
- Multilocular, such cysts have septa and seem to include several cysts; these cysts are called multilocular.
The contents of the cyst may be:
- Serous, it is a transparent greenish-yellowish liquid;
- Hemorrhagic contents, when the cyst contains blood, as a rule, such cysts are formed after a kidney injury or infarction;
- Purulent contents in the cyst are formed as a result of infection and suppuration of the cyst;
- If the cyst degenerates, a tumor may be found inside it;
- Cysts can also contain calcifications and stones.
Kidney cysts can also be:
- Single in one kidney with such pathology there is one cyst in one kidney;
- Single in both kidneys, that is, one cyst in each kidney;
- Multiple in one kidney, several cysts of different sizes that do not interfere with kidney function;
- Multiple in two kidneys; several cysts of various sizes in both kidneys that do not impair renal function;
- Multiple kidney cysts that replace the entire parenchyma as well as the cortex of both kidneys and lead to chronic renal failure, this pathology is called polycystic kidney disease.
The reasons for the formation of acquired kidney cysts are as follows::
- Pyelonephritis;
- Urolithiasis disease;
- Kidney tuberculosis;
- Kidney tumor;
- Kidney infarction;
- Kidney hematoma.
- Exposure of the kidney to harmful chemical factors (insecticides, food preservatives, diphenylamine, all antioxidants, lithium preparations, alloxan and streptozotocin, a number of antitumor drugs, including cisplatin, etc.)

Kidney cysts, especially small ones, are rarely accompanied by any symptoms, but can still sometimes bother the patient.

Symptoms that may occur in the presence of kidney cysts:

- Pain in the lumbar region or discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Pain is associated with stretching of the cyst capsule by fluid that contains nerve endings
- Heaviness in the hypochondrium, due to the fact that a large amount of fluid in the cyst pulls the kidney down
- Increased blood pressure (Hypertension), associated with compression of the renal parenchyma by the cyst, release of the hormone renin into the blood, which leads to hypertension
- A mass formation in the abdominal cavity, which the patient detects upon palpation.

Complications of kidney cysts:
- Against the background of cysts, kidney stones can form when they pass, which causes renal colic;
- Kidney cysts can fester due to hypothermia, the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body, pyelonephritis and other factors;
- Cysts can rupture due to injury, especially if the blow occurs in the lumbar region,
- Cysts sometimes become malignant, that is, they degenerate into malignant tumors.
- If cysts completely replace the entire functional part of the kidney, this leads to chronic renal failure.
Diagnosis of kidney cysts:
  • General blood analysis, with an uncomplicated cyst it is usually normal, but if suppuration of the cyst or secondary pyelonephritis occurs in the blood test, the ESR and the number of leukocytes may increase, and a leukocyte shift of the formula to the left appears;
  • General urine analysis for small and medium-sized uncomplicated cysts it is normal. When a cyst is combined with kidney stones, red blood cells appear in the blood; if pyelonephritis occurs, the number of leukocytes in the urine and protein increase;
  • Urine analysis according to Zimnitsky, with polycystic disease, the specific gravity of urine decreases;
  • Kidney tests- increase in the last stages of polycystic disease and the presence of chronic renal failure;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys (ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys) one of the earliest and most important methods for detecting, examining and monitoring kidney cysts. It is during an ultrasound that kidney cysts are first discovered.
  • Doppler examination of the kidneys, identifies the cyst and shows the degree of compression of the renal vessels surrounding it.
  • X-ray diagnostic methods, are the next step in examining a kidney containing a cyst and show where the cysts are located, how they change the anatomy of the kidney, and how much they disrupt blood circulation in the kidney. X-ray methods include:
    • Survey and excretory urography;
    • Angiography- study of renal vessels;
    • Nephroscintigraphy- radionuclide scan of the kidneys.
    • CT scan- layered x-ray examination of the kidneys.
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys(NMR or MRI).

Treatment of kidney cysts in Nikolaev

If the cysts are uncomplicated, have small or medium sizes up to 40–50 mm, we monitor the patient dynamically and monitor the growth of the cyst using ultrasound every six months. Also, if there are minor symptoms that can be eliminated with medication, we carry out symptomatic treatment (in the presence of complications such as pyelonephritis, kidney stones, renal failure (CRF), arterial hypertension of renal origin, etc.).

- Percutaneous puncture of the cyst.

This operation is performed under local anesthesia using ultrasound guidance with a puncture needle, the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, fatty capsule of the kidney and the cyst wall are pierced, a drainage tube is inserted into the cyst cavity, fluid from the cyst flows out through the drainage, the cyst is emptied, a sclerosing agent is injected into the cyst cavity substance (alcohol) and left for a day, then the alcohol is removed and within a month the cyst becomes sclerotic.

- Operation "Laparoscopic removal of a kidney cyst" (Video of the operation)

This is the most modern and most effective treatment for kidney cysts today, which we use in our practice. The principle of such operations is that, using a special laparoscope apparatus, a urologist surgeon makes access to the kidney through 3 small holes in the skin and, under the sight of a video camera, completely excises the kidney cyst.

The advantage of such operations is:
  • Low trauma;
  • Good postoperative cosmetic effect (in comparison with open surgery during laparoscopy, 3-5 trocar punctures measuring 0.5-1 cm are performed, no rough scars remain on the skin.);
  • Minimal risk of developing postoperative adhesions;
  • Recovery time after laparoscopy is much shorter than with open surgery;
  • Several times shorter or no need to stay in the postoperative intensive care unit at all;
  • There is no need to follow strict bed rest after surgery;
  • The duration of semi-bed rest is limited to several hours;

- Open surgery to remove the cyst.
Today, we use this type of treatment extremely rarely, due to its high traumatic nature.

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease characterized by the formation of many cysts in both kidneys. Polycystic disease occurs with equal frequency in both men and women. From birth, multiple kidney cysts grow and by the age of 40 they almost completely replace all normal kidney tissue. It has been noted that, in parallel with polycystic disease, cysts can form in other organs: the pancreas, ovaries, thyroid gland, seminal vesicles. Also, polycystic disease can be combined with mitral valve prolapse, diverticulosis (small, multiple dilations of the wall) of the colon, and cerebral aneurysms. Polycystic kidney disease almost always leads to chronic renal failure.

Complaints of a patient with polycystic kidney disease:

  • Pain in both lumbar regions;
  • Heaviness in the right and left hypochondrium;
  • Weakness;
  • Increased fatigue, decreased performance;
  • Headache;
  • Increased blood pressure;
When examining such patients, pallor of the skin is determined. In the area of ​​the kidneys, large, voluminous formations with a bumpy surface are palpated.

The examination methods used are the same as those described above in this article.

Prognosis in the presence of polycystic disease:
Polycystic kidney disease is a slowly progressive disease. Even in cases of chronic renal failure, patients live for several years. The addition of chronic pyelonephritis and hypertension worsens the prognosis.

Treatment of polycystic disease:
Conservative treatment is limited to fighting infection and chronic renal failure. Treatment of hypertension is essential. In the terminal stages of renal failure, chronic hemodialysis is used. Surgical treatment is effective only in the compensated stage of the disease and is reduced to opening and emptying large cysts using laparoscopic operations. At the same time, the kidneys decrease in size, their blood circulation and function improve. According to indications, chronic renal failure and the availability of a donor for polycystic disease, kidney transplantation is performed.

The article was prepared by a urologist: Smernitsky Vladimir Sergeevich.
We wish you good health!

Attention! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them on our forum.

A kidney cyst is a neoplasm that forms on the side of the upper layer of the kidney; the type of neoplasm is cavitary, the nature is benign, however, under certain conditions, there is a risk of malignancy of the process. Kidney cysts, the symptoms of which mainly appear in men at an average age of 45-50 years, are much less common in women. Considering the noted tendency to transform into a malignant process, a kidney cyst requires constant monitoring of this neoplasm for timely action, which is not always possible due to the long absence of symptoms (hidden course).

general description

The cystic formation that forms in the phenomenon we are considering is cavitary, in the form of a capsule with serous contents in it. In general, a cyst can have a completely different shape; it can be either simple and have one cavity, or multi-chambered, that is, complex, with a large number of cavities. In general, such formations do not reach large sizes; therefore, it can be added based on the general trend and statistics that cystic formations extremely rarely reach sizes of 10 cm or more.

Despite the fact that kidney cysts are diagnosed quite often in urology, the etiological features of the development of this neoplasm are still not fully understood. There are some theories about this. Taking into account the fact that there are many types of cysts, as well as the fact that they often manifest themselves in an atypical form and the fact that, in addition to other associated factors, patients seek the help of a doctor quite late, the possibility of forming a general etiological basis for the disease is not yet available .

One of the most common reasons that provoke the formation of a cyst is the pathology of the renal tubule, through which urine outflow usually occurs in its normal state. When urine accumulates in the tubule, it begins to stagnate, which, in turn, leads to the formation of a characteristic protrusion of the wall, which gradually begins to transform into a cyst. As for determining the factors against which urinary stagnation may develop, here we can identify any type of kidney pathology or kidney dysfunction. For example, this could be tuberculosis, urolithiasis (kidney stones), an oncological process, an inflammatory process in the environment of the renal pelvis (meaning a disease such as pyelonephritis), as well as any injury in this area.

Basically, a kidney cyst contains serous fluid; in addition, it may contain an admixture of blood, kidney fluid, and pus. Certain cystic formations form in parallel with internal tumor formations localized directly on their walls.

Depending on its origin, a kidney cyst can be congenital or acquired. In addition, in addition to this division, one can identify a condition such as polycystic kidney disease, in which such cysts appear on the parenchyma in multiple numbers.

Kidney cysts: classification

As we have already indicated, kidney cysts can be congenital or acquired according to the nature of their manifestation.

Congenital cystic formations may appear in the following forms:

  • Solitary renal cyst. Such a cyst is also benign; its shape is either round or oval. There are no constrictions, no connections with ducts. There is a serous fluid inside, in some cases there is an admixture in the form of pus or blood. Basically, such a cyst develops only when one kidney is affected, after a previous injury. In approximately half of the cases, this type of cyst is detected simultaneously in several places on the affected kidney. A characteristic feature of this form is that most often it manifests itself as a solitary cyst of the left kidney and is diagnosed in the vast majority of men.
  • Multicystic. In this case we are talking about congenital damage to one of the kidneys. This form of pathology is diagnosed very rarely. With the development of a severe form of this type of pathology, the kidney is externally transformed into one continuous cyst, which, due to the scale of the lesion, deprives it of its inherent functions (in other words, the kidney cyst becomes incapacitated). In addition, in some cases, even with this variant of the development of pathology, a small healthy area may remain in the affected kidney, which ensures the production of a small amount of urine that accumulates in the cavities of the cysts.
  • Polycystic. In this case, both kidneys are affected simultaneously. Due to the multiple formation of cysts, the appearance changes so much that they begin to resemble bunches of grapes. Predominantly genetic predisposition is the main factor provoking the development of polycystic kidney disease.
  • Spongy kidney (otherwise known as multicystic medulla). Congenital pathology, accompanied by dilation of the renal tubules with the concomitant formation of multiple small cysts.
  • Kidney dermoid cyst (or dermoid). A congenital form of pathology, accompanied by the formation of cysts, inside of which components of the ectoderm are found. Such components can be considered fat, epidermis, bone inclusions, hair, etc.
  • Cystic formations in the kidneys caused by concomitant hereditary syndromes (tuberculous sclerosis, Zellweger syndrome, Meckel syndrome, etc.).

With a general examination of cysts, the reader may notice that kidney damage can be either unilateral or bilateral, which also determines a separate position for them in the general classification.

Depending on the location, a kidney cyst may correspond to the following location options:

  • subcapsular kidney cyst - in this case the cyst is located under the fibrous layer of the affected organ;
  • intraparenchymal kidney cyst - the cyst is concentrated directly in the parenchyma (organ tissue);
  • cortical kidney cyst - the location of the cyst is in the sinus of the organ;
  • parapelvic kidney cyst - location of the cyst within the sinus area of ​​the organ.

Depending on the structure of the kidney cyst, the neoplasm can be single-cavitary (solid, single-chamber) or multi-chambered - in this case, the neoplasm has septa.

Depending on the contents of the cysts, there is also a separate distribution:

  • Serum serous content– has a transparent consistency, yellowish tint. Serous matter is a fluid that penetrates into cystic formations through the capillary walls.
  • Hemorrhagic contents– here we are talking about the admixture of blood in the contents of the cyst. Such content appears in neoplasms formed against the background of a heart attack or kidney injury.
  • Purulent contents– here, as is clear, there is an admixture of pus in the cystic formation, which may be the result of the patient suffering from an infectious disease.
  • Calcifications– Quite often the contents of cysts are found in the form of stones.

Cystic neoplasms may also fit into certain categories, which are defined according to their characteristics:

  • I category. This category includes the most common form of benign cystic formations; they can be detected without any difficulty during ultrasound examination.
  • II category. This category includes benign neoplasms that have certain changes and membranes. In this case, we are talking about infected, hyperdense or calcified forms; they reach 3 centimeters in diameter.
  • III category. This includes cysts that are prone to malignancy. Because of this, their membranes and membranes thicken. It is extremely difficult to detect such cysts during X-ray examination. In addition, treatment of the cyst in this case should be carried out immediately, through appropriate surgical intervention.

To summarize, we can simultaneously identify the main causes of kidney cysts, which in one way or another affect their characteristics:

  • tumor formations in the kidneys (in one or both);
  • pyelonephritis;
  • sand, kidney stones;
  • kidney injury;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • intoxication of the body (including medicinal);
  • ischemic or venous infarction of the kidney;
  • kidney hematoma, damage to the fibrous capsule of the organ.

Kidney cyst: symptoms

The determining factor in the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease in question can be identified by its inherent dimensions. The initial stage of cyst development is characterized by its small size, therefore the course of the disease as a whole is characterized by the absence of any specific symptoms.

Meanwhile, the gradual growth of the tumor causes pressure on the renal pelvis or ureter. It is from this time that the first symptoms of a kidney cyst appear. These include the appearance of a feeling of heaviness, concentrated in the lumbar region, and aching pain in this area may also be noted. Basically, the pain syndrome is clearly localized on the side on which the kidney is affected, that is, where the cyst is located.

When the cyst becomes large enough, the outflow of urine from the kidney may be disrupted, which, in turn, causes fluid stagnation. This phenomenon becomes a predisposing factor for secondary infection to join the pathological process. With this option, the clinical picture is accompanied by symptoms in the form of fever, weakness, chills, severe pain in the lumbar region (with their spread to the genitals). In this case, the urine changes, becoming cloudy.

What is noteworthy is that the infection discussed above begins to develop not only in the affected organ, that is, in the kidney, but also directly in the cyst. This course is accompanied by a picture characteristic of an abscess, which is also accompanied by acute pain in the lumbar region on the affected side and elevated temperature. Suppuration of an inflamed cyst or its rupture is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of an acute abdomen. This implies a pronounced tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, as well as the presence of pain, noted not only in the lumbar region, but also in the abdomen.

The long course of this disease can be characterized by the manifestation of a picture accompanying the chronic form of renal failure. In this case, an increase in the total amount of urine and its subsequent complete disappearance is characteristic. Also accompanying symptoms are the presence of blood in the urine and high blood pressure.

Kidney cyst: complications

The most common possible complication of a kidney cyst is its rupture. Even a minor impact can lead to it. This is accompanied by the outflow of the contents of the cyst directly into the abdominal cavity, which is why it, the cavity, becomes inflamed (peritonitis develops). Peritonitis is an extremely serious condition requiring surgical intervention.

In addition to rupture, suppuration of the cyst may also develop, which is accompanied by weakness, acute pain in the lower back and fever. This condition also requires surgical intervention followed by antibiotic therapy.

If the cyst becomes large enough in size, then the vascular structures of the kidney are subject to disruption due to compression. In this case, its functioning is disrupted, in addition to this, uremia develops - self-poisoning of the body as a result of actual renal failure (the blood becomes infected with kidney toxins). Basically, this variant of the development of the disease is characteristic of a bilateral pathological process, although it cannot be excluded if only one of the kidneys is affected.

And finally, as a complication, we can identify the possibility of malignancy of the pathological process, that is, its transformation from a benign process to a malignant process.


Traditional diagnostic methods are used in the diagnosis of kidney cysts. In particular, these are ultrasound, CT and MRI - based on the results of these diagnostic methods, you can get a detailed and clear picture of the structure of the cysts and the features of their location.

In addition, a radioisotope study of the functions of the kidney organs is used, on the basis of which the nature of the process can be confirmed (or, conversely, excluded), that is, it can be determined whether the process is malignant or benign. Such methods are Dopplerography, urography, angiography and scintigraphy.

In addition to these diagnostic methods, blood tests (biochemistry and general) and urine tests are also indicated.


The most common method of treating a cyst is a wait-and-see approach, in which dynamic control over the condition of the cyst becomes the basis. This kind of control allows you to timely determine when the cyst begins to grow, which already requires appropriate surgical intervention. In turn, the last measure of influence on the cyst, surgery, is carried out when the cyst has become an obstacle to the normal functioning of the affected organ.

In addition to surgical intervention, treatment of kidney cysts also requires the implementation of conservative methods, which in particular consists of the need to use painkillers and antibiotics during the postoperative period.

I would like to describe the treatment of kidney cysts with folk remedies separately. It is important to understand that such treatment is not only ineffective in the fight against the disease we are considering, but can also be dangerous (depending on the degree of damage, the type of cyst and the stage of the actual pathological process and other features accompanying the pathological process). In addition to the lack of positive results, any such treatment can not only cause the patient to waste time in unnecessary treatment, but, on the contrary, due to overly active influence of the methods of treatment used, cyst rupture can be provoked. As has already been indicated, in this case its contents will spill into the abdominal cavity, which will provoke peritonitis, in which urgent surgical intervention and even more serious consequences cannot be avoided. The maximum that can be used among such measures is some herbal decoctions.

Regardless of the options you take, it is also important to make certain adjustments to your lifestyle. In particular, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt consumption in diet products and salty foods. The volume of fluid consumed should also be monitored, especially if there is a tendency for progressive swelling. Restrictions also apply to the consumption of protein foods; coffee and products containing cocoa, seafood, and sea fish are excluded. A special place is occupied by the need to give up alcohol and smoking.

The prognosis for a kidney cyst may correspond to the following options:

  • The detection of a congenital form of multiformations (multiple cysts of one type or another) in a patient with damage to both kidneys determines an unfavorable prognosis for him; moreover, in this case, kidney cysts are incompatible with life.
  • When congenital forms of autosomal recessive formations are identified, the prognosis is also unfavorable. In this case, infants extremely rarely survive beyond the age of two months.

An almost 100% positive prognosis is determined for a simple kidney cyst, and this option is relevant regardless of the treatment tactics implemented (surgery or conservative therapy).

If symptoms appear that may indicate the presence of a kidney cyst, you should contact a nephrologist or urologist.

The content of the article:

A kidney cyst is a benign formation of a round shape, filled inside with a serous fluid.

Urologists more often encounter single kidney cysts of small diameter, which are located under the kidney capsule (subcapsular).

Cysts are detected in the right and left kidneys with the same frequency. A single large cyst, multiple kidney cysts, polycystic disease, and multicystic disease are much less common.

Where does a child's kidney cyst or congenital cysts come from?

Cystic neoplasms occur in 1 in 250 newborns. There is a certain division of these developmental defects:


Hereditary pathology, which is characterized by 2-sided kidney damage.

Cause: intrauterine breakdown in the connection of the filtration-reabsorption and urinary link (tubule of the structural units of the kidneys and collecting ducts), as a result of stagnation of urine in the final (proximal) parts of the nephron, they expand with cyst formation.

In children it is often asymptomatic.

The disease is complicated by chronic renal failure.


In multicystic disease, the kidney damage is always one-sided, which occurs due to the absence of the ureteric bud while maintaining the filtration-reabsorption apparatus of the metanephros.

By the time such a child is born, almost all of the renal parenchyma is replaced by fibrous tissue and cysts. According to ultrasound, the kidney resembles a bunch of grapes.

Nephrectomy is indicated, although there are data in the literature on cases of self-resorption of kidney cysts.

Solitary cyst (single)

The neoplasm originates from germinal tubules that have lost connection with the urinary tract. This is the reason that the solitary cyst is isolated from the pelvis.
The accumulation of urine causes its growth and provokes atrophic processes in the perifocal renal tissues and a gradual increase in pain. If the cyst is small, there will be no symptoms.

TO unfavorable factors the existence of a solitary cyst in the kidney is attributed to
the likelihood of infection and malignancy.

A solitary cyst can be single-chamber (contains a single cavity) and multi-chamber, or multiocular (with septa in the cavity).

In childhood, the cyst is rare; it is diagnosed more often in men in the left kidney.

Dermoid cyst- a neoplasm filled with tissue: fat, hair, dental tissue.

Treatment is surgical.

Factors contributing to the appearance of cysts in men and women

Classifications of cysts in the kidneys

Cysts in the kidney are classified by location:

Parenchymal cyst- localized in kidney tissue.

Sinus cyst (cyst in the sinus)– located closer to the pelvis, but has no communication with it.

Subcapsular cyst- directly under the capsule shell, favorable, does not require treatment.

Cortical cyst- cortical layer.

Parapelvic cyst- localization in the area of ​​the renal sinus, most often affecting the left kidney. Most often, it provokes symptoms. They are less common than solitary ones. Most likely, it is congenital.

Multilocular cysts can be located in all parts of the kidney.

First- they do not pose a danger; they are an accidental finding during an ultrasound examination.

Second- cysts with septa that tend to develop.

Third- high risk of malignancy, multilocular, or with aggressive growth in a short period of time.

The contents of kidney cysts can be different: more often - serous, but can be hemorrhagic, purulent or tissue.

Bosniac classification of renal cysts

There is another classification of kidney tumors. It is especially often used by diagnosticians, urologists, surgeons, and oncologists.

Symptoms of a cyst in the kidney

The manifestation of symptoms will depend on the size of the tumor and location.

A simple cyst of a small size from 3 to 30 mm, as a rule, does not give any clinical manifestations, therefore, most often, it is discovered during an ultrasound examination prescribed for a completely different reason.

With large cysts in the right and left kidneys, the following clinical picture is noted: dull, aching pain that occurs sporadically in the lumbar region with irradiation in the hypochondrium, arterial hypertension, difficult to correct with medications, palpable space-occupying formation and the presence of blood in the urine are found in men and women with large kidney cysts. If a kidney cyst in a man or woman begins to grow inward, then due to increasing compression of the parenchyma or blood vessels, complaints appear.

Diagnostic measures for kidney cysts in men and women

Differential diagnosis of kidney cysts is carried out with a kidney tumor, hydatid cyst, polycystic disease, multicystic disease and angiomyolipoma, kidney tuberculoma.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of complaints, objective data and clinical and urological examination data.

Laboratory diagnostics

General clinical blood test,
Nechiporenko's sample
general clinical urine test,
biochemical tests: urea, creatinine.

Instrumental diagnostics

Ultrasound of the kidneys,
Survey + excretory urography,
Radioisotope renal scintigraphy,
MRI of the kidneys with a contrast agent to exclude a neoplastic process in the kidney (malignant nature of the cystic formation (III-IV class).

Ultrasound of the kidneys with Doppler: compression of blood vessels by the cyst

Additional diagnostics include undergoing examination by a phthisiourologist to exclude a specific kidney tumor, performing a percutaneous puncture of the cyst for diagnostic purposes to obtain a biopsy sample. Sometimes this is the only way to determine the scope of the operation.

Treatment of kidney cyst

A patient diagnosed with a cystic neoplasm in the kidney is concerned with the questions: “Why is a kidney cyst dangerous?”, “What needs to be done for the cyst to resolve?” and “Are there traditional methods for treating kidney cysts?”

Let's try to figure out together in which cases it is worth agreeing to an operation, and in which, without harm to health, you can be treated with the help of folk recipes, with the goal “so that the cyst will resolve.”

First, a little history. Even 30 years ago, when a cyst was discovered in the kidney in a man or woman, the main management tactic was dynamic observation. In cases where any complications arose, open surgical treatment was performed, and if the cyst was of significant size, puncture of the cyst was performed under the control of an ultrasound machine, followed by sclerosis, but there were fewer such operations than open ones.

In what cases is it necessary to operate on a cyst on the kidney?

Men and women whose kidney cyst size does not exceed 3-5 cm in diameter, localized in the periphery, provided that the cyst itself does not manifest itself in any way and does not have a pathological effect, do not need surgery. Dynamic ultrasound of the kidneys is sufficient.

Indications for surgery when a kidney cyst is detected are the following situations:

In addition to the cyst, a man or woman has a circulatory or urodynamic disorder (the cyst has created obstacles to the outflow of urine or is compressing blood vessels).
The cyst is combined with a calculus, which puts pressure on the cyst itself and on the ureter, with planned lithotripsy.
The cyst was complicated by an abscess, paranephritis, etc.
Cyst with a volume of more than 50 ml for young patients.
Cyst rupture.
Bleeding from a kidney with a cyst.
When a biopsy is performed, the punctate contains blood.
Large cysts, increasing the risk of rupture.
Severe clinical symptoms.
Cancer in a cyst.

In older patients and those with severe concomitant pathology, dynamic observation with ultrasound control once every 6-12 months is preferable.

Surgeries for kidney cysts: when which is preferable: percutaneous puncture sclerosis of the cyst or endovideosurgical resection?

The method of choice for a simple kidney cyst (up to 350 ml or up to 3-5 cm) is percutaneous puncture sclerotherapy.

Performing a kidney puncture in modern urology is the initial stage in the treatment of uncomplicated single cysts, the size of which does not exceed 3-5 cm in diameter and are located subcapsularly in the tissues.

After the puncture of the kidney cyst is completed, a sclerosant is mandatory - a special substance that causes the walls of the formation to stick together. This measure prevents the possibility of relapse and repeated surgery.

If we pay attention to the existing statistical data, then after the intraoperative administration of sclerosant, re-formation of the cyst occurs in only 2% of men or women; in the next 3 years, a relapse is recorded in 10-16% of patients.


A cyst with a volume of more than 350 ml,
Cysts located parapelvically
There is a suspicion of a malignant neoplasm,
Multilocular cyst.

If the cyst is located in the area of ​​the upper pole of the kidney and parapelvically in front, then the operation is performed using a transperitoneal approach; if it is located posteriorly or in the area of ​​the lower pole of the kidney, it is performed using a retroperitoneal approach.

A urologist who knows the endoscopic technique for removing kidney cysts in men and women is necessarily able, if necessary, to proceed to open surgery. Sometimes this happens when kidney cancer is diagnosed intraoperatively.

The most modern way to remove a kidney cyst is laparoscopy(endovideosurgical operation).

The benefits include:

the ability to remove cysts of any size and any location,
good visualization of the surgical field on a video monitor,
quick rehabilitation period,
good healing effect,
absence of rough scars,
the possibility of treating patients with certain concomitant pathologies,

Bloodlessness is achieved by using special ultrasonic scissors and a device that, due to electrothermal effects, seals bleeding vessels with maximum delicacy.

If an endovideosurgical operation is performed on a large cyst with an intraparenchymal location, then the upper part is excised, followed by the introduction of argon-enhanced plasma into the cavity.

When is open surgery preferable?

All complicated cases are a reason for open surgery for a kidney cyst.

Open surgery for a kidney cyst can be performed in different volumes:

Enucleation (husking),
Excision (resection),
Resection of the cyst along with the parenchyma of the renal tissue,

In addition to all the complicated situations with a cyst, there may be a need to correct any concomitant urological pathology, for example, narrowing (stricture of the lumbar spine), staghorn stone.

What are the dangers of kidney cysts?

Even a small cyst can have an effect on increasing blood pressure, and a large kidney cyst can lead to tissue atrophy and chronic renal failure.

Let's say a few words about polycystic disease and its treatment. Polycystic disease is a congenital pathology in which the entire parenchyma of the kidneys from birth is filled with multiple cysts, due to which the kidneys acquire gigantic sizes. Polycystic disease, as a rule, becomes known already in childhood, and gradually progresses with the loss of functional ability of the kidneys and an increase in blood pressure to high numbers.

There is no need to deal with cysts in polycystic disease, the exception is the condition of cyst suppuration, rupture, bleeding, etc. The doctor’s task in this case is to prescribe therapy that will maximize the pre-dialysis period (dialysis - hardware cleansing of the blood from toxins, metabolic products, etc.)

Treatment of kidney cysts with folk remedies

Note that traditional medicine recipes cannot be used to treat cysts that are large, multi-chambered, or have a tendency to constantly develop. Lost time can lead to malignancy of the cyst or its rupture.

Popular plants that prevent the growth of cysts in the kidney:

rosehip root,
golden mustache, etc.


It has a diuretic and bactericidal effect, slows down the growth of tumors, and prevents infection.

Can be added to salads, as the plant is rich in vitamins and microelements.

To prepare the decoction, take 2 tablespoons of dry parsley (you can buy it at the pharmacy), add 350 ml of water, simmer over low heat for 15–20 minutes, let it brew, add water to 300 ml and take 100 ml 3 times a day for 10 days. months – 6 months.

Golden mustache

Pour 100 grams of crushed golden mustache (preferably “joints”) into 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted medical alcohol. Store the tincture in a cool place in a glass container; shake the bottle periodically.

After 10 days, strain the folk medicine for cysts in the kidney and take 10 drops per 30 ml of water, in the second 11 drops and so on up to 35 drops. Then, gradually reducing 1 drop at a time, again reach 10 drops.

After a ten-day break, repeat the course.

From the third course, increase the frequency of taking the tincture to 3 times a day.

Note that the golden mustache with vodka is taken on an empty stomach, 35 minutes before meals.

After six months of treatment, you can do an ultrasound of the kidneys - the cyst should disappear or significantly decrease.

Herbal medicine for kidney cysts (herbal treatment)

Take 20 grams of each raw material:

St. John's wort,
Thuja shoots,
Rose hip,

Grind in a blender, after adding 100 ml of water. Next, add another 200 ml of water to the pulp and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain, top up to the original volume and take ½ cup 3 times a day for 10 days of each month - 3 months.

What to look for if you have a kidney cyst

Conservative therapy for getting rid of a cyst is ineffective, but if you set goals to prevent the development of infection and maintain the functional ability of the kidneys, this is quite achievable.

Note that when a kidney cyst is detected for the first time, if it is already of sufficient size, the patient is registered at the dispensary with a frequency of examinations 2 times a year. In spring and autumn, a preventive course of uroseptics and herbal diuretics is prescribed.

You can take Canephron in courses of 1 month, 2-3 times a year.

It is necessary to exclude everything spicy, sour, salty, and smoked from your diet.

You should not visit the sauna and solarium, and you should not expose yourself to direct sunlight - all this can provoke the growth of a cyst in the kidney.

You should forget about physiotherapeutic procedures for the lumbar region.

You cannot apply therapeutic mud, apply warming creams, or do massage.

A cyst in the kidney is not such a rare disease, but with the correct behavior of the patient, many troubles can be avoided.