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» Chocolate brownie pie recipe with cocoa. Chocolate brownie with nuts

Chocolate brownie pie recipe with cocoa. Chocolate brownie with nuts

  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 100 gr. walnuts;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 200 gr. dark chocolate;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 1 pack of chocolate M&M's.

Cooking step by step:

  • 1 We begin to prepare a fairy cake by melting chocolate and butter together until liquid. This can be done either in the microwave or simply in a small saucepan over very low heat. The main thing is to make sure that your ingredients do not boil.
  • 2 Next, take the eggs, break them into a fairly large bowl and add all the sugar to them (2 faceted glasses).

  • 3 And beat everything thoroughly with a mixer or mix in a blender until it forms a dense foam.

  • 4 Continuing to mix our future dough, carefully and slowly pour flour into it and pour in the liquid chocolate butter melted the day before.

  • 5 Finally, add chopped walnuts to the dough. By the way, you can use not only walnuts, but also peanuts or any nuts in general. This will not spoil the taste of the brownie.

  • 5 Preheat the oven to 170°. Grease the baking dish with butter and line the bottom with baking paper so that the cake can be easily removed later.
  • 6 Pour the dough into the mold and place in the oven for half an hour.
    By the way, you can check the readiness of the dessert in the same way as readiness: pierce it with a wooden toothpick in the last minutes of baking (the dough should stick to it). Don't overcook it in the oven!
  • 8 Remove the brownies from the oven and let them cool slightly in the pan, then carefully tip them onto a wire rack to cool completely.

  • 9 When our chocolate miracle has cooled, don’t forget to decorate it with your favorite children’s M&M’s candies - and you can serve.
  • Bon appetit!

    On a note

    Since brownie batter is very delicate, it is better to underbake it a little rather than overcook it in the oven. If the cake dries out, it won't taste as good.

    And one more tip: when making brownies, I usually take it out of the oven and immediately try to put the cake in a cool place. If it’s cool outside, you can cover it with foil or a towel and take the cake out onto the balcony. Or you can simply place the mold in a bowl, which is placed in cold water in the kitchen sink.

    What housewife doesn’t want to please her household with a delicious and unusual dish! Baking comes in handy! One of the classic recipes of Western cuisine will appeal to those who don’t have much time for culinary masterpieces, but have a great desire and a little skill.


    Brownie is a classic American dessert. It is served with ice cream, milk or coffee. In the USA and Canada, this delicacy is prepared in every home, confectionery shop, and is included in the menu of all restaurants, cafes and snack bars. In the West, this dish is as traditional as pancakes or pancakes in Russia.

    Brownies are distinguished by their characteristic brown color, thin crust and moist center. In shape and consistency it can be a cake, pie, cookie, muffin or rectangular shaped pastry. This is just a matter of taste and imagination. The classic version of the dessert has no additives. However, connoisseurs of sweets have long loved fillings made from cherries, cottage cheese, nuts, bananas, pieces of chocolate and many other products, especially juicy berries and fruits.

    Making brownies at home is very easy. Even a young housewife can handle it. Among the 10 different options for preparing this delicacy, described below, everyone can choose the one that suits them. In addition, the American dessert can be used not only as an independent dish, but also as a base for a cake. To do this, bake the dessert in the form of cakes of the required shape. They turn out soft, moist and delicious. Top with any fillings, creams, toppings or decorations.

    10 Best Homemade Brownie Recipes

    Classic brownie

    • flour – 200 grams;
    • eggs – 3 pieces;
    • cocoa – 100 grams;
    • sugar – 300 grams;
    • salt - half a teaspoon;

    Cooking method:

    • In a deep bowl, grind the butter and sugar until fluffy. Then the eggs are broken in there one at a time. Each is thoroughly mixed. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps.
    • Dry ingredients are mixed separately: cocoa, flour, vanillin, salt. Gently pour them into the egg-butter mixture. It’s even better to sift through a sieve. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The result is a thick, homogeneous dough.
    • While the oven is heating up to 180 degrees, put the dough in one large mold or several small ones, as desired.
    • Bake brownies for 25-30 minutes. You can check for doneness with a toothpick. The finished pie is slightly moist inside. After cooling, you can immediately serve it whole, cut it into small pieces, and decorate it with fruit or cream.

    This dessert option is also called cocoa brownie.

    Tip: before cooking, it is advisable to remove the eggs and butter from the refrigerator in advance. The consistency of the dough, and then the dessert, is much better, softer and more fluffy if room temperature products are used.

    Chocolate brownie

    To prepare you will need:

    • flour – 100 grams;
    • eggs – 3 pieces;
    • chocolate – 400 grams;
    • cocoa – 3 tablespoons;
    • butter – 180-200 grams;
    • sugar – 300 grams;
    • salt - half a teaspoon;
    • vanillin (or vanilla sugar) – 1.5-2 teaspoons.

    Tip: it is best to take dark or bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content. However, if you don’t like this one, then milk milk is quite suitable.

    Cooking method:

    • Cut the butter into small cubes, place in a saucepan or ladle and place on low heat. Chocolate is also added there. Stirring constantly, bring this chocolate-cream mass to a homogeneous liquid state. Please note that there is no need to bring to a boil!
    • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dessert for 25-30 minutes. By piercing the center with a toothpick, you can determine readiness. If the dessert inside is a little wet, then it’s time to take it out. After cooling, you can immediately serve it whole, like a cake, sprinkling cocoa powder on top. Many people prefer to cut into rectangular pieces.

    Liquid brownie

    The delicacy is a cake with liquid chocolate inside.

    To prepare you will need:

    • flour – 100 grams;
    • eggs – 3 pieces;
    • milk or dark chocolate (to taste) – 400 grams;
    • cocoa – 3 tablespoons;
    • butter – 180-200 grams;
    • sugar – 300 grams;
    • salt - half a teaspoon;
    • vanillin (or vanilla sugar) – 1.5-2 teaspoons.

    Cooking method:

    • The butter is cut into small cubes, placed in a saucepan and heated over low heat. Chocolate is also added there. Stirring constantly, bring this chocolate-cream mass to a homogeneous liquid state. Please note that there is no need to bring to a boil!
    • Beat the eggs separately. In another bowl, combine all the remaining dry ingredients: flour, sugar, vanillin, salt, cocoa.
    • All parts of the dough are mixed together until smooth: dry mass, chocolate and eggs. You can also add whole cubes of your favorite chocolate, then the brownie will turn out incredibly chocolatey!
    • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dessert for 7-10 minutes. The main thing is that the crust sets on top. The chocolate should remain liquid inside. You can check for doneness with a toothpick.
    • The dessert is served hot immediately after baking, because as it cools, the chocolate inside thickens and is no longer as appetizing and tasty. Hot cupcakes are decorated with a scoop of ice cream. The contrast of hot chocolate and cold ice cream has long been loved by both adults and children.

    Tip: to make brownies with liquid filling, it is best to choose small tins; for example, those designed for muffins or cupcakes. This will make them convenient to serve and eat. After all, 20-30 minutes after cooking, when the chocolate hardens, they will already lose their exclusivity.

    Brownie with cottage cheese

    To prepare you will need:

    • dark chocolate – 200 grams;
    • flour – 200 grams;
    • eggs – 2 pieces;
    • sugar – 100 grams;
    • cottage cheese – 500-600 grams;
    • sugar – 100-150 grams;
    • eggs – 2 pieces;

    Cooking method:

    • The chocolate base (the dough itself) is poured into the first bottom layer, then the curd filling is poured. To do this, grind the cottage cheese with sugar, vanillin, eggs, beat a little with a whisk or fork until a light, homogeneous mass is obtained. The top is also covered with chocolate dough. You can make any number of layers. It all depends on the amount of products, the size of the baking dish and desire!

    Brownie with nuts

    To prepare this delicacy, you can use either a classic or chocolate brownie recipe as a basis. At the moment of combining all the ingredients together, nuts are also added. You can choose a specific type, for example, peanuts, walnuts, cashews, or a mixture of different varieties.

    To prepare you will need:

    • flour – 100 grams;
    • eggs – 3 pieces;
    • chocolate (to taste, preferably bitter) – 300 grams;
    • cocoa – 3 tablespoons;
    • butter – 180-200 grams;
    • sugar – 300 grams;
    • salt - half a teaspoon;
    • vanillin (or vanilla sugar) – 1.5-2 teaspoons.

    Cooking method:

    • Cut the butter into small cubes, place in a saucepan or ladle and place on low heat. Chocolate is also added there. Stirring constantly, bring this chocolate-cream mass to a homogeneous liquid state. Please note that there is no need to bring to a boil!
    • Beat the eggs separately. In another bowl, combine all the remaining dry ingredients: flour, sugar, vanillin, salt, cocoa, nuts.
    • All parts of the dough are mixed together until smooth: dry mass, chocolate and eggs.
    • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dessert for 25-30 minutes. You can check for doneness with a toothpick. The finished pie is slightly moist inside. Once cooled, you can serve it immediately whole, sprinkled with cocoa powder and the remaining chopped nuts.

    Tip: There are so many options for making brownies. You can choose one of the existing ones or diversify it with your own innovation. Only one secret must remain unchanged. To make the dessert truly colorful, chocolatey and American, the dough should not contain any baking powder or baking soda.

    Brownie with cherries

    The recipe differs little from all the previous ones. Its main difference is that the incredibly delicious chocolate base is diluted with islands of sour cherries.

    To prepare you will need:

    • flour – 100 grams;
    • eggs – 3 pieces;
    • cherry – 300 grams;
    • chocolate (to taste, preferably bitter or dark) – 300 grams;
    • cocoa – 3 tablespoons;
    • butter – 150-180 grams;
    • sugar – 150 grams.

    Cooking method:

    • Combine butter and chocolate in a deep bowl, after breaking them into pieces. Carefully heat the mixture in a water bath, stirring and not allowing it to boil. If the chocolate overheats, it will curl into lumps and you will no longer be able to make a dessert from it. As a result, you should get a homogeneous thick, viscous mass.
    • Add sugar and cocoa powder to the same bowl and mix thoroughly. If the sugar is not completely dissolved, it’s okay. He'll come later.
    • Break 1 egg into the chocolate mixture, stir until it is completely dissolved, only then add the second, then the third.
    • After kneading the mass until smooth, carefully add pitted cherries to it without squeezing the juice out of it. Frozen cherries will also work. You will first need to defrost it and drain the unnecessary liquid.
    • Add flour and mix again. There should be no lumps.
    • Choose a suitable form. You can have a tall one or a small one so you can cut the brownies into pieces later. Bake the dessert for 20-30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

    Brownie with cottage cheese and cherries

    To prepare you will need:

    • dark chocolate – 200 grams;
    • butter – 180-200 grams;
    • flour – 200 grams;
    • cocoa powder – 2-3 tablespoons;
    • eggs – 2 pieces;
    • sugar – 100 grams.

    For filling:

    • cherries – 300 grams (pitted, can be frozen);
    • cottage cheese – 500-600 grams;
    • sugar – 100-150 grams;
    • eggs – 2 pieces;
    • vanilla sugar (vanillin) – 1 sachet.

    For the glaze:

    • chocolate – 100 grams;
    • milk – 50 grams.

    Cooking method:

    • You can choose any of the above cooking methods. This cherry brownie recipe is perfect. The main difference is only how to pour the dough into the mold.
    • The chocolate base (the dough itself, which already contains cherries) is poured into the first bottom layer, then the curd filling is poured. To do this, grind the cottage cheese with sugar, vanillin, eggs, beat a little with a whisk or fork until a light, homogeneous mass is obtained. The top is also covered with chocolate dough. You can make any number of layers. It all depends on the amount of products, the size of the baking dish and desire!
    • You can complement the unusual taste of the dessert by pouring glaze on top. Preparing it is also not difficult: you just need to combine milk with grated chocolate and heat it in a water bath or low heat until it reaches the desired consistency - viscous and homogeneous. It is not advisable to bring it to a boil.

    Brownie with ice cream

    You can choose any of the above cooking methods. And before serving, decorate the cake with a scoop of ice cream, whipped cream, berries, cocoa powder or grated chocolate or its pieces. The taste of this amazing delicate dessert is difficult to spoil with any additive!

    Tip: It's best to use unsweetened cocoa powder to make brownies.

    Brownie from Andy Chef

    To prepare you will need:

    • dark chocolate – 350 grams;
    • brown sugar – 350 grams;
    • eggs – 4 pieces;
    • yolks – 2 pieces;
    • flour – 160 grams;

    Cooking method:

    • Melt chocolate and butter over medium heat until smooth and thick. It is important to stir constantly and not to bring the mixture to a boil. After removing from heat, add sugar to the resulting glaze. It is necessary to stir a little and leave it to dissolve there naturally.
    • After 5-7 minutes, add 2 yolks and 4 more eggs to the mixture, then flour, mixing everything well. It is better to use a regular spatula for this. A mixer or blender will cause unwanted air bubbles to appear.
    • Place the resulting dough in a mold lined with parchment paper.
    • Bake for no more than 30 minutes (if the pan is, for example, low, then 20 minutes will be enough) in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
    • The dessert has a thin crust on top and should be moist inside. Allow the brownies to cool after cooking. Only then is it cut into pieces and served to the table.

    Tip: Despite the large number of different options for making brownies, almost all of them require combining chocolate and butter. Heating the mixture in a water bath or directly on a fire is dangerous because the chocolate can boil very quickly. Then it will no longer be suitable for the recipe. There is an exit. You can heat the butter-chocolate mixture in the microwave. To do this, the ingredients are placed there for 5-10 seconds in the “Defrost” mode, then everything is thoroughly kneaded with a fork and mixed, and then again in the microwave for 5-10 seconds. And so on until the mixture has the desired consistency.

    Brownie with banana

    To prepare you will need:

    • dark chocolate – 350 grams;
    • banana – 2-3 pieces;
    • butter – 200-250 grams;
    • brown sugar – 350 grams;
    • eggs – 4 pieces;
    • yolks – 2 pieces;
    • flour – 160 grams;
    • cocoa (unsweetened) – 6 tablespoons.

    Cooking method:

    • You can choose any of the above cooking methods. And at the moment of combining all the ingredients (before pouring into the mold), carefully add the banana cut into rings. A very unusual taste is obtained if you also add whole pieces (squares) of white chocolate.
    • Treating yourself and your loved ones with an incredibly delicious chocolate treat is easy and pleasant. You can bake brownies in a slow cooker. If there is no special “Baking” mode, then “Stewing” is quite suitable. You can use any of the recipes described above. The main thing is to periodically check the dessert for readiness. Simply pierce the cake with a wooden stick or toothpick. If it's a little moist and there's already a thin crust on top, the brownie is ready. Bon appetit!

    The chocolate brownie recipe, passed down from generation to generation in American and English families, has gained popularity throughout Ukraine, Russia, and all of Europe. This is a divinely delicious, tender, juicy and very chocolate dessert that children and adults will love. The main secret to successful cooking is the right texture. Some chefs claim that this is a banal chocolate pie, but this opinion is erroneous.

    Chocolate brownie is the most beloved, popular dessert, with incredible taste and easy preparation. The American version of brownie suggests using almonds and pecans.

    The perfect brownie should be flat, dense, and moist. The crust will be sugary and rich, and the middle will be chewy and moist. Cracks appear on the crust, the top is filled with a delicious and aromatic glaze. The rich and bright taste opens after complete cooling. It is important to note that on the second day, the dessert will become much tastier, porosity will disappear, and it will become denser.

    It is important that the texture is slightly porous, but in no case lush! In simple terms, should a chocolate brownie taste like a slightly melted spongy chocolate bar? How can this be done? How is a culinary masterpiece prepared? To do this, you need to use a detailed recipe with photos, which can be found below, and good video recipes will also help you.

    Popular will help you cope with cooking without problems. In her opinion, brownies are a unique cake of all time. Despite the simple ingredients such as cocoa and flour, the end result is something magical.

    The original cooking method involves covering the top of the cake or pie with apricot jam. Leading pastry chefs prefer not to do this because the baked goods are so perfect that there will be too much jam. It's best if you cover it with chocolate glaze.

    On the Internet you can find many variations of the dish, offering step-by-step instructions for preparing American pie. Despite the abundance, it is difficult to find an original and unique brownie recipe. It is best to choose proven, reliable recipes from Jamie Oliver, recipes from Yulia Vysotskaya, and Gordon Ramsay.

    There are a lot of cooking variations

    • brownie with dark chocolate;
    • with raspberries;
    • cherries;
    • banana;
    • cottage cheese;
    • with creamy filling;
    • dietary;
    • with nuts;
    • with coffee;
    • you can add citrus fruits;
    • with ginger oil.

    This chocolate brownie recipe is very simple and can be easily prepared at home. Each one includes a final photo as well as steps in the cooking process, so there shouldn't be any problems.

    The secret of Yulia Vysotskaya's delicious dessert

    Important! Pay special attention to the baking tray and its diameter. If it is very small, the cake will be tall and unbaked, but if it is large, the cake will turn out dry and thin.

    The recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya is designed for six servings, so you can bake two desserts for a very large company.


    • eggs – 4 pcs.;
    • flour – 160 grams;
    • chocolate drops (white, black) – 400 grams;
    • sea ​​salt – a small pinch;
    • butter – 300 grams;
    • brown sugar – 100 grams;
    • baking powder – 1 sachet;
    • milk chocolate - one bar.

    Step-by-step preparation

    1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
    2. Combine milk and dark chocolate with soft butter. Send to the bathhouse and melt, then cool slightly.
    3. Using a mixer or blender, beat the eggs with sugar until you get a fluffy consistency.
    4. In the next step, mix salt with flour and baking powder. Pour melted chocolate and egg mixture into the dry part.
    5. Next you need to add a handful of white chocolate drops, leave a little.
    6. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and grease with butter.
    7. Pour the dough into the mold, cover with chocolate drops. Bake in the oven for twenty minutes.
    8. Cool the finished dessert and cut into squares. If desired, you can decorate with a sprig of mint and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Jamie Oliver's culinary creation

    Few people don't know who Jamie Oliver is. He is a world-famous restaurateur and culinary specialist, television presenter, and author of many cookbooks. Jamie Oliver's cooking style and technology is that everything can be done quickly, simply and incredibly tasty.

    Making scolds according to Jamie's idea is extremely interesting and surprisingly simple. If you are not a chocolate lover or are on a diet, you will not be able to resist a fragrant, juicy, tender and melt-in-your-mouth piece of dessert.

    The following ingredients will be required

    • sour cream – 250 milliliters;
    • orange zest - from 1 pc.;
    • dark chocolate 70% – 200 grams;
    • cocoa – 90 grams;
    • powdered sugar – 350 g;
    • butter – 1 pack;
    • dry cherries (sour) – 85 grams;
    • nuts – 60 grams;
    • chicken eggs - 4 pieces.

    The proposed products will produce an incredible and divine miracle, covered with a thin and appetizing crust. As for the middle, it is tender, pleasant and light, there is a slight sourness that gives the dessert a piquant flavor.

    Master class from Jamie Oliver:

    1. Preparatory stage. First you need to sift the flour and cocoa. Cut the nuts into large pieces and remove the zest from the orange. Then break or chop the chocolate. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. It is advisable to choose a baking tray of the ideal size, the side of which is 24 centimeters. Cover with special paper.
    2. Melt the butter and chocolate in a bathhouse, stir thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous structure. Then add cherries, nuts, mix again.
    3. As for the dry ingredients, you need to mix cocoa, sugar, flour, and don’t forget about baking powder. Gently fold into chocolate.
    4. Beat the eggs thoroughly until a slight foam forms. Pour into the dough and stir until smooth.
    5. Pour the dough into a baking tray and bake for twenty-five minutes.

    How to bake brownies correctly:

    How can you tell when dessert is ready? In such a situation, a skewer that can be used to pierce the middle will not work. If it comes out clean, you have dried out the cake and it will end up looking like stone. The finished cake should be viscous on the inside and slightly springy around the edges. Don't be afraid to remove the baked goods from the oven if they are chewy, as the chocolate will harden at room temperature.

    Leave the cake on a wire rack until it cools completely, then cut into squares or different shapes. You can serve the finished dessert with an original and tasty sauce. For this purpose, you can combine sour cream with orange zest. For one piece of pie you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream sauce.

    A short video recipe will help you prepare one of the variations of this dessert from Jamie Oliver. Even a novice “cook” will be able to cope with the task, since the cooking process is simple, fast, understandable and concise.

    Jamie has many ways to make this chocolate miracle. One of the most interesting recipes is the one that uses fresh raspberries. Thanks to the rich taste of the berries, the pie turns out harmonious and unusual. As for the ingredients and technology of the process, it is similar to the method described above. The only difference is that you don’t need nuts and dried cherries, as well as sour cream sauce.

    Thus, brownies are a combination of simple and affordable ingredients. When properly prepared, they open up and enrich each other, so the taste is rich, bright and original. Step-by-step recipes will help you surprise your family and friends with a chocolate masterpiece. Bon appetit!

    A delicious English chocolate brownie cake can be prepared with or without nuts, garnished with chocolate sauce and fresh mint leaves. You can also make it with American chocolate chips.

    Ingredients (For 6 people)

    Bitter chocolate 70-80% cocoa 200 g

    Butter 150 g

    Cocoa powder 1 tbsp

    Granulated sugar 200 g

    Vanillin 2 tbsp

    Chicken egg 4 pcs.

    Wheat flour 100 g

    A pinch of salt

    Chocolate sauce to taste

    Fresh mint to taste

    Nut mixture to taste

    Step-by-step recipe for Classic English Chocolate Brownie Cake with photo

    1. Preheat the oven to 180° and place a rectangular baking dish in there. The mold must be greased with butter in advance.

    2. Melt the chocolate together with the butter over low heat. Then boil the mixture in a water bath until it has a liquid, viscous consistency. Remove from heat, cool slightly.

    3. Add sugar and cocoa powder to the chocolate mass. Add vanilla. Beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing the mixture thoroughly after each. Add flour, salt and chopped nuts.

    4. Fill the preheated pan with the resulting dough and bake the brownies for 25-30 minutes. Cool the finished dessert thoroughly and pour over chocolate sauce or melted chocolate. When serving, decorate with a mint leaf.

    A classic brownie is made only from dark (bitter) chocolate, with the addition of chopped nuts and topped with chocolate glaze. Next, the finished baked goods are cut into small square-shaped cakes. The result is a delicate dessert with excellent chocolate flavor, with a crispy top crust and a viscous, slightly moist filling inside. This is where it differs from the dry cake we are used to.

    The American dessert can be flavored by adding cherries or cranberries, walnuts or any other nuts. But you shouldn’t take a lot of supplements at once. One thing is acceptable: nuts, mint, berries or citrus zest. Then the chocolate brownie will turn out more expressive and “laconic”.

    How to make brownies at home

    To make a chocolate dessert excellent, you need to follow certain rules:

    • To make the brownie look like an airy sponge cake, you need to use more sugar and butter. For a viscous inner and dense top consistency, use a lot of dark chocolate.
    • Usually dark chocolate is used, but if you are a fan of variety, then experiment: combine bitter, white and milk.
    • The ingredients should be at room temperature, so they need to be removed from the refrigerator in advance. Don't have time to wait for food to heat up from the air? Immerse them in warm water for 10 minutes.
    • The classic baking time for brownies is 20-30 minutes at 180°C. If you leave the product too long, it will turn out to be overdried; if you take it out earlier, it will turn out liquid.
    • Slice the finished baked goods after cooling for 1-2 hours. Cold brownies are similar to chocolate truffles, warm brownies are reminiscent of.

    Classic chocolate brownie, recipe with photos step by step


    Dark chocolate – 100 g
    Butter – 100 g
    Eggs – 4 pieces
    Sugar – 100 g or to taste
    Flour – 100 g
    Walnuts – 100 g

    How to make chocolate brownie

    1. To make a delicious brownie at home, it is important to properly melt the main ingredient - dark or dark chocolate. To do this, break the tile into slices and cut the butter into pieces. Put them in a bowl and put them in the microwave to heat. If such a device is not available, then heat the food in a water bath. In both cases, make sure that the chocolate does not boil, otherwise it will taste bitter.

    2. Whisk the butter and chocolate until smooth.

    3. Pour flour into the chocolate mixture. If possible, it is better to sift it through a sieve to enrich it with oxygen.

    4. Using a mixer, knead the chocolate dough.

    5. Peel the walnuts and lightly fry them in a dry frying pan. You don’t have to fry the nuts; you can just lightly dry them in a frying pan. Using a sharp knife, cut into medium pieces and add to the dough. Let's mix them in well.

    6. Beat eggs into another bowl and add granulated sugar.

    7. Using a mixer, beat the ingredients until an air mass with bubbles on the surface forms.

    8. Pour the egg mixture into the bowl with the chocolate dough.

    9. Using a wooden spoon, knead the dough until smooth. Its consistency should be pouring, like sour cream.

    10. Line the baking pan crosswise with baking paper. This will make it easier to remove the finished brownie from it, while maintaining its shape. Pour the dough and spread it over the entire surface in an even layer with a spatula.

    11. Send the sweetness to bake in a heated oven to 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Afterwards, cool so that the dessert acquires a rich chocolate taste, and remove from the mold. Cut into 4 cm squares and sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can pour melted chocolate on top of the brownie, as you prefer. Small pies can also be decorated with fresh raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.

    Bon appetit!

    Brownie video recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

    I suggest watching a video from Yulia Vysotskaya making triple chocolate brownies.