Automobile site - Behind the wheel

Automobile site - Behind the wheel

Passing the exam at the race track involves first passing the theory. Only after successfully passing the theoretical part, the examinee is allowed to pass the standards at the race track, after which he proceeds to the final part of the exam - a trip to the city with an inspector

Important functionality is reserved in cars for lighting devices that are used at night. To improve their performance, car owners strive to easily tune the optics by installing progressive illuminators. However, not everyone knows the admission

The memories of Soviet military leaders about her were declassified. A special section “This is how the war began” has been launched on the department’s website, dedicated to the events of June 22, 1941. As the department explained, the section presents unique archival documents - evidence

Recently, the topic of maternity capital has become more popular than ever before. This was due to the rapidly approaching end of the program and the financial crisis, which has exacerbated the need for money among Russian families. Amid increased interest, people began The richest is Trutnev, but the palace belongs to the Kholmanskys. How much do the presidential envoys in the federal districts cost us? The possibility of abolishing the authorized representative offices

Every year the number of people wishing to obtain the coveted driving license is growing. In 2016, the training period and cost changed, and strict requirements were applied to training organizations. In this article we will look at all the intricacies of this process, as well as

ed. from 09/06/2017 Exercise No. 4 “Stopping and starting to move on an incline” 16. Driver candidate: Stops the vehicle in front of the “STOP-1” line, without crossing the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle, so that all

After a lot of training and hours spent, the time has finally come to think about how to pass the driving test at the traffic police. It's no wonder that you, like hundreds of drivers before you, are nervous before this important event. To reduce the degree of nervousness by

There are three degrees of priesthood in the Orthodox Church: deacons; presbyters (or priests, priests); bishops (or bishops). The clergy in the Orthodox Church is divided into white (married) and black (monastic). Sometimes as an exception to holy orders

All citizens of the Russian Federation are required to pay taxes. This is stated in Article 57 of the Constitution - the basic law of our state. The Tax Code and legislative acts establish the types of taxes, fees and duties. Obligation to pay taxes annually

I am posting a small collection of schematic diagrams of radio transmitters collected from various foreign sites. Starting from low-power, a few milliwatts, and up to powerful multi-watt UHF amplifiers. I haven’t checked the functionality, but the circuitry inspires d