Automobile site - Behind the wheel

Automobile site - Behind the wheel

For those who want to purchase a car on credit without collecting a huge package of documents with a bunch of certificates and a long period for reviewing the application, the AutoLight car loan from VTB Bank is perfect. Advantages of the “AutoLight” program from VTBA Autocredit is a type of loan

In fact, every car owner can get into an unpleasant emergency situation on the road. At the same time, the process of restoring a vehicle and one’s own health often requires considerable money and time. And, nevertheless, now allow under

Without compulsory motor liability insurance for their vehicle, car owners do not have the right to drive it, but what to do when it is impossible to purchase compulsory motor liability insurance without life insurance? Currently, throughout the country, most insurance companies sell OCA insurance.

Voluntary CASCO insurance for a car is one of the popular measures taken by car owners for their own financial protection in the event of loss or damage to the car during its operation. Choosing the optimal insurance that excludes

A cigarette lighter is a device whose direct purpose is to light a cigarette while you drive a car. But the cigarette lighter socket, with the development of modern technologies, began to be used to connect a variety of electrical appliances to the on-board network in the car

The cruise control system (also known as “autodrive” or “autospeed”) is a set of hardware and software designed to constantly maintain vehicle speed on a certain section of the road. Although some car owners experience problems

Buying a used car is a lottery. You may find an honest and responsible seller. Or maybe he’s a fraudster who bought a car on credit and is trying to transfer his debts to the new owner. Therefore, in addition to the technical condition of the machine, pay attention

It is generally incorrect to compare two generations of one car. New, in theory, should be better in everything. But the Focus is not an ordinary car for our market, and hundreds of thousands of Russians will really evaluate who is better, sometimes nostalgically recalling:

Often, the desire to buy a new car right now outweighs the possibilities and budgets: it is for such cases that we have introduced credit programs that allow you to pay off the cost of the car in a certain number of payments. On our technological website you can

Now you can start preparing to bake carp in the oven. Take a piece of food foil (a few centimeters longer on each side than your fish). Bend the edges slightly, like a boat. Now pour a little vegetable oil onto the foil

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to walk through the forest and pick real forest mushrooms. But, fortunately, today fresh or frozen mushrooms - champignons, honey mushrooms, chanterelles - have begun to be sold almost everywhere. Therefore, if there is a desire